Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?
What did he mean by this?

>It's OK when Obama weighs in on a case being tried in the courts
>Fucking Trump! Stop being a bigot and spreading fear and hatred!

Because all of those people were killed by people who were born here. They are criminals.


No Jorge Ramos has stirred up hate of immigrants.

People being murdered is bad


Bernie truly is a commie slut.

Did you see how he did not clap when Trump celebrated the victory over Communism?

Wait, since when was Shmernie Shmanders still alive? I thought he died back in june 2016. Is this the mandela effect in action?

Why do (((((((((((liberals))))))))) always bring up "muh race"? Are they the real racists? Sometimes I wonder if Jews want to build their own Reich, with all the goyim as the subservient Untermenschen.
I mean, the amount of racebaiting is unbelievable these days.

I don't disagree with him and I think bring it up mired and sullied anot otherwise great speach

If he invited every family with a murdered family member the congress would look like a ghetto desu

the ramblings of an old socialist goon who didn't get his way ?

why didnt people say this when Saint TrayTray died for our sins?

>native born americans

By his logic then, how can he say such things when he said nothing about Obama exploiting the SAME shooting he referenced to push gun control?

im convinced hes a paid shill agent of the antitrump globalists

That's all right, Uncle Bernie. We know Trump just wants to go against brown people, not those that already had a criminal record and active streak prior to committing a felony, it's alright.

Now come on over here, and take your underwears off. That's right. Ohh, yeah. Take em off. Now sit on my apple. Sit on my apple. Ohh. Ohh! That's right! Keep contributing to my campaign! UH! Sit on my apple!

UNH! Ohh.. yeah.. that's it. Now clean yourself up, and don't tell anybody I told you to take your underwears off or to sit on my apple. And remember, vote for Hillary Clinton. Vote for the establishment I was going against! That's right! And no refunds either! I need my fifth summer home! Yeah, it's Uncle Bernie!

Obama is the roof one, king nigger didn't care so why should Trump

I could've sworn trump met with the families of the victims of the dylan roof massacre. What does meeting with them prove anyway? Devoting valuable time to them somehow heals their wounds?

God I wish this guy slinked back into obscurity. Holy fuck, he and his legion are the most obnoxious cunts to exist.

The clear difference that the illegals had no business to be there. All murder is a tragedy, but those people died through the actions of an incompetent liberal government.

He wanted to restate the fact that he'll never be president.

>It doesn't matter if these death were totally preventable if only we had enforced laws already on the books to stop this exact thing from happening. Those people are already dead so its not like their lives matter. They were acceptable collateral on the road to revolution. Don't forget to donate.

>Are they the real racists?

That word means nothing anymore. By the modern definition, anyone and everyone is racist simply because they show preference to people that look like them. The difference is that conservatives tend to be race realists, while liberals are race apologists.

t. (((Principled Conservative)))

Exacting point. Bernie is nothing but a loser socialist.

Wgat bothers me is his use of a question mark in the last statement.

Per Capita, immigrants commit more crimes than natives here in Switzerland.

There's even a list that shows this.

Why can't we tell the facts?

Is this not the starving kids in China/Africa argument?

So what about all the whores the Democrats brought?

Do they get a pass?

>see opposition honoring victims
>other victims exist in the world outside of those mentioned
>"So you don't care about all the other victims?"

Because any non-inclusion or failure to explicitly mention any particular group of victims/types of victims means that you actively don't care about them.
The intellectual dishonesty is so fucking gross. It's like...right after the election the CA state government said they were going to oppose trump immediately and in any way possible. How is that helping? Making an active declaration of non-compliance before even knowing what the guy is actually going to do. The preemptive dismissal of anything Trump says or does creates a feedback loop that ultimately ends in those who associate their actions and mentality with Ghandi, MLK, and others who engaged in non-violent civil disobedience, punching reporters in the back of the head because le orang racist. It's beyond a parody of itself at this point. People on my feed are seriously saying that any passive mention that violence isn't the solution means you're just enjoying temporary privilege. Whatever the fuck that means.
And somehow Jews are both the richest and well organized "ethnic" group in the country, yet remain self labeled as the biggest victims of all.