Hello Sup Forums my friends over on Sup Forums thought you should see this

Hello Sup Forums my friends over on Sup Forums thought you should see this

Captain America is HYDRA!

Sam Wilson is a brooding wimp!

Jack Flagg is dead!

The USAvengers are led by some guy from Puerto Rico.

It's time for a Real American Hero to step and save the nation.

How American is she?!

It's in the name!










hate to interrupt storytime but bumping so it doesn't fall off page 10


Thanks i will wait until more people see to publish the rest

i'd say just finish it while you have time but whatever. Or at least link the Sup Forums thread

fuck off

already archived

God damn


sorry wrong post


who the fuck is this puerto rican hoochie?



She is not puertorican, her writer is. She is get this:
A lesbian super hero latina alien from another dimension where her planet is filled with only women where america doesnt even exist.

>The Department of Radical Women and Intergalactic Indigenous Peoples

Every fucking time goddamn


The quality is sad. I would not be surprised if this comic doesn't sell much, just like those videogames aimed to feminists made by feminists.


and then of course when it fails it'll be blamed on racists/sexists/bigots and not on the writer being incompetent



You hav me got to be kidding me. Virtue signaling propaganda aside, the writing is fucking atrocious, like they're trying to appeal to the youths. Disgraceful.

That is terrible.

The USAvengers are fucking based you retard.

Wait till you see the last page


Last page

Comics in general don't sell much
These sell so little that Marvel has to ship them free of charge to retailers just for them to even make the shelves.

I'm such a weeb faggot, I keep on reading these comics right to left. Darn.

Wtf... latinos in the US are this niggerwashed?
No surprise that Sup Forums hates us.

I grew up and stopped reading comics a long time ago. What the fuck happened to the in-house art style at marvel. This badly draw and very badly colored.

When my kid gets older they are gonna get MAGA instead of this shit.


It's sad that they still believe he was a hero despite the current state of Venezuela

Not even surprised at this point. Those faggots just keep digging deeper into the identity politics sinkhole and they will continue to do so until their movie profits start to dry up.

I can't wait for this to happen because the sooner they realize this progressive bullshit doesn't sell the sooner they can get back to doing good work

>the group of people who buys and reads superhero magazines are nerdy straight males
>make comics aimed towards an audience of women, homosexuals and lesbians who show no interest in reading comics

umm great business strategy

They have realized but they already have 12 month of this shit already done. Supposedly in 2018 they will stop doing this crap. Don't put any faith in it though.

Is this a joke? This is literally fanfiction-tier writing with a bona fide Mary Sue.

>scores of background characters of every color and persuasion
>the only white males are LITERALLY HITLER and Captain America getting shown up

Thanks for the enlightenment.

Why would they name her "America." It makes absolutely no sense. It has nothing to do with her powers or back story. It would be like renaming the hulk "Nigeria."

Oh my god someone photoshop this with Trump's face.

"The change is here. It's right now. It's going to wreck everything. And you will be so much better for it."

It's so beautifully vague it could be applied to anything. You could toss this onto a picture of Hitler or Satan and it would still make sense.

Holy Menstruation, Batman!


Funny, they did not ask any Americans.
So, Sup Forums , how does it feel when the Roman Legacy (Latin America) are still conquering white people's lands but through new means now?

How are you going to feel when your 12 years old daughter start twerking half naked in American favelas?

That second panel tells me this is a parody or satire

OP here

I guarantee you it is meant to be played completely straight (no pun intended)

Only time will tell but I will remain cautiously optimistic. DC learned that lesson pretty fucking quick if I remember right and Sony still hasn't figured it out.

I'll eat a nigger's shit if this garbage makes it to issue #10.

Start heating it. 12 issued comfirmed

>my moms

>What the holy menstruation

I'm still new to photoshop, so it still sucks.

>that nose in the second panel

It's really unfortunate because you're moving here and your kids decide to act like niggers. They would not all look like "fucc bois" if they stayed home.

OMG that is magical


>inb4 but the kids will get brainwashed!

Look, unlike us the reality is kids dont read comics any more this has been true for more than 10 years. The only people who still read comics are the people who grew up with them and are old now (even they don't read anymore because of the leftist shit) and the sjw people who only read it to virtue signal and post screens of it on their tumblr.

Kids watch youtube and social media stuff so if you're worried about them being indoctrinated then look there. The only real loss here is a bunch of kikes stomping on you childhood memories that you should have probably grown out of already.

Was this shit written by Rebecca Sugar? Fuck me that's terrible.


We the comic readers suffer from those fucking retards asking for this shit.

Never cede an inch of ground to liberal faggot. The line is here.

You need pic related.

Can't believe nobody has said anything about this page

What the fuck is this? Lesbian mothers? Then how did she come to life? Artificial insemination is a relatively recent thing, so I'm guessing she was bron to whores.

refer to this

What is this and why should we care?

>white means the absence of color
She is dumb. Why am i not surprised?

reminds me of comics from the back of cereal boxes in the 80's, only shittier.

>latin america
>roman legacy

We can see your ID. We already know it's you OP.

>go to western comic shop
>tons of comics featuring musclebound men in tight clothes, bulging muscles, and huge dongs
>comics are literally like $10+ each and only have at most 20 pages
>everyone behind the counter is an obese, smelly degenerate picking his nose and trying to hide the cumstains on his jean shorts
>sexy figurines are banned by the shop to try and protect the 3 females who show up to buy that comic about the fat bitch while their boyfriends circle jerk about superman or whatever

>go to eastern comic shop
>store is clean and well organized, manga lines the walls and figures are displayed in well-lit display cases
>people behind the counter are young, skinny, and well dressed. They look you in the eye and smile at you
>tons of sexy and cute figures for sale
>manga maxes out at $10 per book, and each book has well over 200 pages of content
>store also has Japanese snacks and other products that are fun
>easily half the people shopping are women, they love the cute and scantily clad figures are being faithful to the works they enjoy

>caring about Marvel shilling another SJW comic for buzz

>Well, pure white just means the absence of color
>So let me give her a little of this brown fist

This is some complex, nuanced subtext going on here. what exactly did she mean by this?

Is this is a joke? This seems like a parody of the state of comics, though I admit all I've seen of them is what people have posted on here recently. Terrible writing, poor jokes, desperately virtue signalling and trying to be hip, and the way that they virtue signal is so over the top it's absurd. We have a heroine who not only has lesbian parents, is Mexican or something, but she defeated the enemy in one punch which also restored everything to normal.

This makes Chris Chan look sublime.

Its a statement, a proud strink brown women represents america.

>tfw I've never liked Ameriturd comic books

This leftist poz only makes me appreciate mango more.

Thanks, saved for future amerifat insults

That was just plain shit.

So when are we getting porn of her?
I want to see her get it on with her two mothers.

What's to be upset about? Marvel has been absolute garbage for years and their sales prove it.

Kids don't even buy this shit man, nobody does anymore.

I truly can't understand why they keep pushing this shit. Maybe they just hate money.

Hahaha. Keep it up faggots.

The comic side of Marvel is on it's deathbed since they started this shit.

Funny thing is, the only people pleased by the racial restructuring are the lefty whites that write this shit.

You really think minorities are exited that you were too lazy to create new and interesting characters for them?

This shit, along with gay spiderman, black teen girl iron man, and asian hulk are just hemorrhages on the corpsebof Marvel Comics.

And watch, the cinematic side will NEVER make these changes. Not gonna risk their multi-billion dollar a year racket.

>people still unironically reading superhero shit in current year

Okay be honest

How many Sup Forumssters here were in the Sup Forums thread too? I'm curious if Sup Forums is just paranoid or if there is a high percentage of Sup Forums goers that read comics

Do you know why the right keeps winning?
Because this place is jokes as fuck.

No really, Sup Forums is hilarious. You think it must be satire, but the longer you spend here the more sure you are that these people actually believe what they say. You might even envy their freedom to say it. The left can't joke, they can't meme. They're clever, they come up with little quips and things that Tumblr and the like love, but they're never gut-bustingly funny, and they can't be because they have to spend their energy tiptoing about the elephant in the room, where the right displays themselves jerking off the elephant to make it trumpet proudly. Spend a little more time and you suddenly find yourself chuckling at some happy merchant pic, or some poignant post. A little more time, and you start to wonder where shit like that comes from. So you read up on the jews. You read up on racism and statistics. You start to follow the money rather than the CNN article, and that's when it really starts to hit you. These people are right. They're right, there are horrible terrible things going on in the world- "there are no happy redpills."

But they deflect it with humor. They hooked you by making you laugh. The left tries so hard, so FUCKING hard, to be hip and relevant with shit like this, but they're to a tee full of hamfisted cherrypicked "values" and only the most socially acceptable and progressive talking points that everyone has done to death and at this point, even the normies see it for what it is- virtue signaling propaganda meant to pander to a tiny little loud demographic that never had anything to do with or any support to give to the medium before. And they're sick of it.

I don't even care about the brown rainbow they've got going on, and quite honestly never did, but this is just embarrassing.
They can't even do patriotism right.


I used to read comics when I worked in a printing house. I found with books I just ended up reading the same paragraph over and over. It was easier to keep my place when I could go by panels.

>going to Sup Forums

Capped. Well said user

What the fuck. So Hitler is just standing there in an open battlefield? Never mind that he shot himself, but apparently he was knocked senseless by some interdimensional wetback. Comics suck.


> raised by two mothers
Fuck off

Just what the fuck was all of that.

They will introduce more Asian (notably Chinese) characters and/or locations though, because of the growing market over there. I'm cool with that because it means I can soon watch NS Yoon-G sweat and jiggle in a spandex bodysuit.

Puerto Ricans are pretty superstitious so they would make good superheroes. They are also Americans too.

For example, did you know that most Puerto Ricans, especially girls, think that if you alert people which direction you're going to go in life, evil spirits will try to derail you from your course? That's why they avoid using turn signals while driving.