This. So. Much

This. So. Much.

As much as I support Trump.
He needs to lay off the SM a little.

As much as I support Trump.
He needs to lay off the SM a little.

He surely can't press the nuclear codes like this.

Drumpfy is a child who needs to be disciplined

Fuck frungtft

But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Made me think

As much as I support Trump. He needs to lay off the SM a little.

>This opinion was bought and paid for by the Soros Foundation

Sup Forums btfo!

Former racist misogynist xenophobe here, it's hilarious watching Sup Forums crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't let this man get the atomic passwords.


Nice watermark faggot

omg yes. so much this.

trump's unfiltered rhetoric should not be allowed to reach the public. doesn't he know what a fucking press conference is?

i think adding the tongue was a poor choice.

Incoherent writing prompt one-posts are an attempt to disrupt the board.

Good job shareblue, you managed to correctly rename your files this time!

Tfw you guys used numeric ouija to get this racist orange monkey into the whitehouse. Fucking drumpftards

As much as I'm a former Trump voter here, we can't lay off the nuclear codes or it'll be hilarious how fast we craah and burn


Kek OP the grammar was top bait but the picture is old

why do you hate democracy?


Thats right goy dont let frump directly speak to the people, he has do it through the (((media)))
