Trump is basically the bad guy in the new Wolverine movie: Logan

Set 12 years into the future, the movie literally has scenes of "evil white Americans" chanting USA USA at the Mexican-American Border wall.

I don't have a time stamp, because I'm about t leave, but it's within the first five minutes of the discussion.

To quote the cucks in the video:

>"Something bad happened"

>"Yeah, Trump!"

>"Pretty much"

Joss Whedon was involved, what the hell did you expect?

Thanks for pointing this out. It's important to shine light on every instance of (((their))) influence in media.

Isn't the bad guy a clone of wolverine? That's what said yesterday

Jesus Christ what do I need to do to look like that?

>worship at the feet of another man
>call someone else a cuck

takes one to know one kiddo. do your parents know you enjoy sex with men?



You're australian mate fuck off with this jew propaganda

Isn't he the guy from Hell on Wheels? Pretty decent show desu

What the fuck am I looking at?
Why is there a child at this event?
Why does an event like this exist?

welp, another movie I won't bother to see.

Honestly I don't even watch movies, TV, or cable anymore, it's all garbage.

Just spend time learning more about work related and other interests via youtube or (gasp!) books.

Only exceptions are game of thrones, walking dead (which is getting a bit boring) and sporting events.

Somebody pleace post that ms paint about millenial retards having to use comic and tv series to describe politics.



Hello me.

Because Hollywood is run by Satanic Jews and Crowelyites.

>be born with top 0.00001% of genetics
>exercise and eat healthy your whole life
>take steroids
>have a professional hair and makeup team make you looks as good as possible

Only the weakest, most pathetic men are drawn to "write" comics

>>be born with top 0.00001% of genetics

Jackman is far from this.

no, the little kid is a clone of him.

>looking like this at 50
>not in the highest percentile of geneitcs
shut up you fucking gypsy

>implying he's not full growth hormone and top tier diet

the gypsy is smarter than you, seems like

eating a certain type of food won't make you look like Hugh Jackman you subhuman eastern european garbage

No, but having a very good diet for years as well as lack of stress are important factors.But mainly its the high amouth of growth hormone actors take.This people are paid to look good.

>top tier diet
What like blood, semen, and breast milk, sprinkled on nightmare dreams?

>calling someone subhuman

All the keks

There's a reason yall were our first slaves.

>Why is there a child at this event?
Gotta have snacks to feed your guests.

Only tv shows I've watched in the last few years have been Game of thrones, hell on wheels, boardwalk empire and a couple of seasons of walking dead.
Last movie I made the mistake of watching was suicide squad. Hell it's even getting hard to find vidya that isn't pushing a narrative, or unoriginal to the point that it feels like a reskin of an old title. The new Ghost recon beta was fun though. Despite feeling like The Division .

Heavy weather