Redpill me on Gnosticism


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Idk. I have the gnostic bible. I should probably read it.

Ultimate truth.

Most of the texts were destroyed in the royal Alexandria library fire or whatever so we don't even really know what it is.

They're deeply misled.

Gnosticism is right above satanism as far as lame belief systems go.

Buddhism > Christianity > agnosticism > atheism > gnosticism > satanism/wicca/paganism/weird larper shit.

The only way.

Also, source on the picture?

I think they believe in a female God named Sophia or some shit

The Abrahamic God is a being trying to keep us imprisoned in a jail of its creation, and wants to keep from us the reality that existed before.

the one true faith

What do you guys think of this supposed expose?

If you don't have the gnosis your spirit's not gonna get past the archons back into the Pleroma, user.

Best esoteric tradition.


>6,000 years later
Top shelf bants

>shilling for the literal demiurge

The shills have evolved lads.

If werewolves and other shapeshifters use, it is obvious that it is redpill.

looks like dark souls 2


Sorry guys, I posted the wrong expose at first. I deleted that one. The one I posted now is explicitly about Gnosticism. Give it a watch. It's only about 10 minutes long.


Its Satanism, you are bowing to Lucifer.

you burn in hell for this
Jesus is the way to Heaven.

The church of pedophiles, dindu feet kissers, and trying to place subhuman races on par with whites is the "right way" then right?

Catholicism is a saturnic death cult.


But Gnostics believe in Jesus, too.

>Catholicism is a saturnic death cult.

who said I was a catholic?

Godspeed godly user!

Watch the expose user

Jesus taught Gnosticism—most people just don't know this because the records were destroyed in the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and the Council of Nicea decided on what to put in the Bible.


denies the sinfull state of man

>sinfull state of man
Where did Jesus teach this?

>But Gnostics believe in Jesus, too.

So do muslims. So does satan.

Heresy and all gnostics deserve death

What is Gnosis?

Ideally, Gnosis is enlightened knowledge, that which is given through inspiration and revelation from within and above. It deals with the ultimate truth of who we are, why we are here, where we are going, and what “this” is all about. It deals with the biggest questions and mysteries of our existence. That is what this section is about.

Gnosticism has always been around, but the Christian form of it blossomed in the early part of the first millennium. The latter is what we conventionally think of as “Gnosticism”, which is the set of beliefs of the early Christian Gnostics according to the scriptures and artifacts they and their critics left behind. But these are just the dried husks left behind.

It’s paradoxical to call oneself a Gnostic nowadays solely by being able to regurgitate these writings, because Gnosis is about direct “inside” information on the Truth through inspiration and revelation. I would add dreams and synchronistic guidance to that as well. It’s about direct access to the higher reality outside this Matrix Control System, to catch glimpses of what’s really going on here.

The early Gnostics would today be called mystics, contactees, and channelers. They had the same faults. Some were deluded, others tapped into disinformation, and many grossly misinterpreted what they saw. Their logic often failed when attempting to draw conclusions from incomplete information. For instance, in seeing that our reality was generated by a tyrannical intelligence who ruled through law, ritual, and regulation, some ignorant Gnostics concluded that rebelling against all law, including morality, was the key to freedom, so they became deviant libertines. It’s from this kind of erroneous rebellious thinking that Satanic / Luciferian streams diverged off the main Gnostic river.


Like any higher knowledge, Gnosticism leads to a higher form of dualism between those who wield it responsibly and those who abuse it. Some use enlightened knowledge to better serve spirit, other to better serve ego.

Only a small fraction of Gnostics tuned into the right “radio station” and correctly interpreted it, but their views were lost among the noise of the rest. Thus all Gnostics were criticized and persecuted for seemingly making up whatever they wanted, that there was no internal consistency among them. In contrast, the dogma of the Church was set in stone and provided utter dependability for the uncertain of faith, thus making it the word of God on the grounds that God speaks consistently. But this defense of Church dogma over its immutability is a logical fallacy. A fixed Lie is worse than an evolving view of Truth. This same fallacy persists today among secular skeptics and religious fundamentalists who react like antibodies against foreign ideas emanating from the spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric fields. To them it’s all New Age bunk. They fall for the oldest trick in the book, which is to play one lie off another, to expose the faults of one thing to justify swallowing the faults of another. True intelligence is transcending such binary thinking and discerning what false dichotomies attempt to conceal.

Modern Gnosis ideally taps into the same well of Truth familiar to the wise of old. The general idea stays the same; it’s the details and interpretations that differ. The Truth is too fantastic, grand, complex, and hyper-dimensional to be perfectly explained in our cultural context and language. Therefore, whoever gets access to it will necessarily interpret it through his or her own filters, and scoop only as much from that well as can fit in his bucket. I brought a big bucket.

lol no... Read:

> GNOSTICISM IS THE TEACHING based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means. Although Gnosticism thus rests on personal religious experience, it is a mistake to assume all such experience results in Gnostic recognitions. It is nearer the truth to say that Gnosticism expresses a specific religious experience, an experience that does not lend itself to the language of theology or philosophy, but which is instead closely affinitized to, and expresses itself through, the medium of myth. Indeed, one finds that most Gnostic scriptures take the forms of myths. The term “myth” should not here be taken to mean “stories that are not true”, but rather, that the truths embodied in these myths are of a different order from the dogmas of theology or the statements of philosophy.

> Gnostics do not look to salvation from sin (original or other), but rather from the ignorance of which sin is a consequence. Ignorance -- whereby is meant ignorance of spiritual realities -- is dispelled only by Gnosis, and the decisive revelation of Gnosis is brought by the Messengers of Light, especially by Christ, the Logos of the True God. It is not by His suffering and death but by His life of teaching and His establishing of mysteries that Christ has performed His work of salvation.

Where did Jesus teach that men were sinners?

I'm just beginning to get into it, Hermeticism specifically. It's pretty cool, I think I'm going to continue down this path as long as I can.

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

>Where did Jesus teach this?

the whole idea of the Gospel and the Bible is overcoming sin by Jesus.

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?

>Watch the expose
This is not really accurate. Gnostics are not 'an inverted hermetic of the old testament'. The Gnostic tradition pre-exists the New Testament, but Jesus confirmed it with his teachings. What you know is corrupted.

Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

Gnostics are new age heretics from the first century

This is a book about Gnosticism, haven't read it but talks about "Sophia" and Gnosticism.

What is 'sin' in the context of the New Testament? It is a turning away from God.

>flat earth is real
>Judas dindu nuffin
>jews are superior
>catholic church is the source of all evil

they are literally retarded

No, it was started by men who followed Jesus but then left the faith, proving they were never believers:

1 John 2
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19They went out from us, but they did not belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. But their departure made it clear that none of them belonged to us.

Gnosticism runs on the power of antichrist, denying that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh.

>> Gnostics do not look to salvation from sin (original or other), but rather from the ignorance of which sin is a consequence. Ignorance -- whereby is meant ignorance of spiritual realities -- is dispelled only by Gnosis, and the decisive revelation of Gnosis is brought by the Messengers of Light, especially by Christ, the Logos of the True God. It is not by His suffering and death but by His life of teaching and His establishing of mysteries that Christ has performed His work of salvation.

>It is not by His suffering and death but by His life of teaching and His establishing of mysteries that Christ has performed His work of salvation.


I want to puke know, this does not fit in the WHOLE story of the Bible as does the story of Jesus the Messiah


How do we travel to the higher planes?

Astral projection?

I always wanted to speak to an "angel" or the closest thing in reality to one.

It's the state of not being like God.

Matthew 5:48
Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

You probably have, without knowing it. They can take the form of men.

Hebrews 13:2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.

It's antithetical to the gospel, completely demonic in nature and origin and destiny. They think finding secret occult (hidden) knowledge will save them from hell, and in their search, the demons laugh at them.

>Finnegan's Wake

Finnegans Wake.

We're all Finnegans and he is crying for us to wake up.


>It's antithetical to the gospel, completely demonic in nature and origin and destiny. They think finding secret occult (hidden) knowledge will save them from hell, and in their search, the demons laugh at them.

its pretty easy to see the quasi-hinduism behind it, these are not the 1960s Beatles, why is Gnosticism a thing now? its absolutly rediculous theologically.

You're literally retarded.

It's not about knowledge for knowledge's sake, but rather the application of knowledge in accordance with natural objective moral law.

Gnosticism in so far as I understand it is the marriage of scientific and occult understanding with morality.

Demon worship is shunned and hated. Hell comes to those who deserve it, those who break natural law.

Gnosis is Black Pill.

>it was started by men who followed Jesus but then left the faith
I believe the opposite, that Paul is the opportunistic one.

>denying that Jesus came down from heaven in the flesh
He only appeared as flesh but was wholly divine. Jesus cannot be killed, that makes no sense.

There's nothing new under the sun. "New Age" bullshit is the same as Old Age bullshit.

Wow, thatnks for sharing your insight user

So you don't care about his teachings or decode the hidden metaphores of the scriptures. , but only delegate your "suffering" to some mythical figure and deny your own responsibility do it right.

Couldn't expect more from a faggot proddie scum.

Gnostics = satan worshipers, leaf. Deal with it.

You already know.

meditate every day for a start

Why are Christians so fucking stupid?

No wonder jews have cucked our societies when low IQ plebs like you are poisoning our civilization with superstition.

Makes Jesus puke too. You're the vomit.


Perhaps now you should research the idea of 'original sin' that was invented and not not reflect this.

Cucktianity = jew worship.

You fucking jew loving filthy retards.
Go kiss dindu feet. Pleb.

It's real.

>I want this world to love me!

Silly leaf, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?

>I want my shack built on the sand!

Gnostics LITERALLY believe in Lucifer as a good guy, but the demiurge hates him cause the demiurge is bad or whatever.

The Gospel of Thomas is almost universally agreed upon by scholars to be as legitimate as Mark or Luke, and it contains many gnostic sayings of Jesus.

>Jesus said, "Damn the flesh that depends on the soul. Damn the soul that depends on the flesh."

>Jesus said, "I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, what has not arisen in the human heart."

>When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.

Unless a man receives the knowledge (gnosis) Jesus is offering he cannot be saved.

>with superstition.


how can anyone that the gnostic new age meme seriously?

"Original sin" as a papist tool is nonsense.

When Adam sinned, he died and condemned the human race to hell.

You don't "overcome" that.

You regain the Holy Spirit within you that Adam lost, and become a born again new creation in Christ Jesus.

Or you just go about your way and end up in hell. Your choice.

>muh God is a judgmental slave master who demands we love him or he burns us for eternity

Cucktians actually believe this.

Yes, Jesus is a Jew.

Call me a papist to my face, leaf, and I might forget your country gave us Rush and Molson's.

Where the Buddha of the east discovered the nature of this eternal meat cycle, the gnostic's goal is to escape the meat cycle and return to the true reality that Christ taught and has been suppressed by the archeons

Yup. satan worshipers.


No, it's not. It's garbage, says stuff like women have to be turned into men before they can be saved.

All of the gnostic gospels are garbage. Frauds. Hoaxes. Infancy gospels too.

It's nothing close to what we believe, but then again, you're a leaf.

Gnosticism is not about superstition, and I am actually not a gnostic per se, I just know a little about it.

>new age

A system of advancement older than cucktianity is "new age"? You do realize it's not about "if you think x for long enough you'll have it" right?

Why are you plebeian jew loving christians so cucked and ignorant? Personal army of the deceiver, complete with low IQ's, zealotry, and thinking niggers are the equals of whites.

Gnostic's believe that the old testament God is Satan, and is incompatible with the revealed Christ. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the orthodox narrative

Goddamn those games sucked. Hunter the Reckoning was about the only playable one.

>Gnostics LITERALLY believe in Lucifer as a good guy, but the demiurge hates him cause the demiurge is bad or whatever.

You LITERALLY believe the Demiurge is the actual real God and manifestation of YHWH and not some scratch on Sophia's eternal mind.

Christianity is a cuck religion and there is a reason the Demiurge never wanted you to eat from the Tree of Knowledge because he wants to keep you ignorant because if you take the red pill you'll realize what he truly is.

>says stuff like women have to be turned into men before they can be saved.

many have said the same, otto weininger for instance

>bad or whatever
You really don't have a handle on this, do you.

I think we agree on this. I think we only disagree on the nature of Jesus. I think he was wholly divine.

The red flag every Christian should see is the human sacrifice request of Abraham. And the animal sacrifices.

Christ is completely different though, and denounces murder, sacrifice, demon worship etc.

Gnosticism celebrates Christ, but shuns the God of the OT.

I like the weird esoteric images. Let's just post those

my dad was the North American director for the biggest Rosicrucian sect in the world

hes a big time libtard
I'm not a Christian
I was explaining it in simple terms to someone who knows nothing about it.

Gnosticism is esoteric wankery, might as well read Manly P. Hall and start doing spells

A Judaized conception of Neo Platonism that denied the family unit and promoted crypto Communism.
The original "Gnostic's" conceived of the material world as simply of a lower domain than the spiritual, not an absolutely evil prison as the cultish Cathars taught.


>Gnosticism is esoteric wankery
This is really hard to respond to.

Can you say something specific so that we can talk about it?
>start doing spells
Not sure what this characterisation is referring to either.

>Gnostic's believe that the old testament God is Satan, and is incompatible with the revealed Christ. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the orthodox narrative

this makes 0 logical sense considering how much the "NT God" reffered to the "OT God"

>The red flag every Christian should see is the human sacrifice request of Abraham. And the animal sacrifices.
>Christ is completely different though, and denounces murder, sacrifice, demon worship etc.