Why are you against racemixing if its a great way to end all racial conflict?

Why are you against racemixing if its a great way to end all racial conflict?

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too complicated, sorry - just want to jizz on her face

Because it only ends the blacks conflict of self hatred.
It does not hold any advantages for the other races, it's actually more dangerous to have a baby with a person of a different race. Or with a nigger.

>blacks dont kill blacks

yay we turned all the racial conflict into internal conflict :))))

Because humans hate each other despite race. Just look at all the niggers that kill each other.
We'd have to redistribute the wealth among everyone equally.

Massive IQ drop.
Look at Brazil.

It won't end all racial conflict. Did you know that there's probably more racial conflict in Latin America than in the US despite more race mixing? They've also got a massive class-based hierarchical system to to enforce the racial boundaries even. Castizos (whites) on top, Mestizos (mixed) in the middle, Amerindians/Natives on the bottom. The elite, the tallest, and the most attractive of almost every Latin American country is overwhelmingly European. Race mixing caused all of that division and inequality.

If you've ever seen the way light-skin and dark-skin blacks interact you wouldn't ask.

this tbqh

there are better ways to end all racial conflict
also i like having different races all round the world

>he thinks people wont discriminate on what shade of brown someone is or even by dialect

Because it isn't. First of all, people will find different ways of dividing themselves up based on superficial characteristics. Second, the process of forcing peoples around the world to mix with each other will be anything but peaceful.

That's because there's still racial distinctions. They need to mix it up completely to remove the racial hierarchy.

mixed will be always looked upon by the pures

That will literally never happen. There is still natural phenotypical variation among humans or any species, there's too much genotypic diversity.

Only ethnic cleansing ends racial conflict.

>Second, the process of forcing peoples around the world to mix with each other will be anything but peaceful.
That's because they're carrying all those bricks on their shoulders in an effort to preserve their race. They need to just let it happen, man. Fuck it.

Filthy mudbloods

Pastebin of information on why race mixing is bad


Yes but it can be minimized by thorough race-mixing.

This, in Haiti and Dominican Republic they don't even hide how racist they are.

Humans are not going to mix into a uniform race that would rid all racism.

Society filters people out based on their intelligence and social status, therefore what makes you think that an elitist, racial-based class system won't exist? Hispanic nations have an elite class filled with whites, or very close to pure white. The exact same situation would exist in the West - a stupid, low IQ mongrel mass ruled by a Jewish, White and Asian elite.

Who is this ugly cunt? Anyway,

>if its a great way to end all racial conflict?
It isn't. Aside from the fact that subhumans are more prone to violence and degeneracy, and racial conflict would now expand to what racial-mix is the master race, the conflict would continue, if not be worse than ever.

It's not up to me, I'm just stating a fact. Humans are tribalistic beasts, always have been, always will be.

Sorry halfbreed but You are not the future.


Not only considering that race mixing would result in people fighting over which race mix is superior, we would also experience a massive IQ drop.

Race-mixing isn't even very healthy. Most alleles in human populations have evolved together over time and by breeding with relatively genetically similar populations we reduce our risk for many random genetic diseases. Check out outbreeding depression, genetic distance, and stuff about gene complexes. Also check out some of the psychology on the subject, humans are naturally racist in aggregate and generally resist attempts at miscegination outside of relatively unique circumstances.



>ugly offsprings
>lack of cultural identity, thus relying on the current jewish machine brainwashing culture
>lower IQs, health problems and picking feelings over reason
>lack of resemblance with parents, thus generating degenerate behavior in the future

> Who is this ugly cunt?
It's Jordan Spencer, she's a mixed model (which in America means she's actually probably more white than black) and she's actually not very bad looking and looks much more white than black. That's a terrible photo of her in which the photographer purposefully tried to make her look more black/ethnic to make an agenda/point but she actually looks fairly good and white normal and unshopped.

>posts an image

B....b but if we all mix there won't be any more DIVERSITY!!



But a small minority of blacks commit the majority of crime, and the majority of crime they commit is black on black crime. If America were entirely black or mixed race, crime would be at least times worse than it already is.

god what an ugly picture gross

Maybe not worldwide, but surely its the future in western countries.

>if its a great way to end all racial conflict?
It isn't

It's not.
See Brazil, stop trying to turn us into Brazil

Race-mixing just creates new races for older races to hate and cause conflict. Race-mixing isn't the solution, its the problem; race-eliminating is the answer.

See, in that picture she's alright, but compared to OP's picture, she looks like a proper semen-demon. Why the fuck would a photographer try to emphasize her blackness? That sounds like a terrible idea when you're working with a model.

Why are their portrayals of a mixed race so god awful, if race mixing does happen in large numbers it will be between whites and hispanics, they won't look like some ape mongrel nigger baby like these virtue signalers are suggesting, no one wants to fuck niggers. I'll be getting browned but I sure as hell won't be burning oil.

>racial conflict
older niggers knew their place in White, Western societies
kikes fucked that shit to hell and back

>Why are you for Jewish Genocide and Islamic suppression
its a great way to end all racial conflict

Because it's from an agenda-ridden issue of a cancer magazing (National Geographic) which was pushing how great the idea was that America was becoming more diverse and mongrelized. If they basically showed it as all non-whites becoming more and more white that probably wouldn't have looked good from what they were trying to push.

>Falling for the racejew
user, you should know better by now that race doesn't exist
There are, however, different species of human
Pureblood, blue-eyed whites are homo sapiens while the others are... not homo sapiens

Remember that time a bunch of black people killed a bunch of niggers essentially because they had wider noses

Until It hits critical mass and the system caves. Unless they manage to take away our guns, white America will prevail, you will be slaughtered or deported.

>Massive IQ drop.
>Look at Brazil.

Yeah, im gonna stay a pure Norman, i don't want my country to be filled with half retarded pardos and mestizos cannibalizing each other.


Not gonna happen. Whites will be compliant as they have been and racemix themselves out of the picture. White nationalists are only distinct minority. The rest of white people don't give a shit about racial preservation. They will go along with the program & become part of the homogeneous mixed race that our elites want.

How has assimilation and integration worked out for Europeans so far? Look at Britain, for example. Muhammed is now the most popular boy's name and Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country. In May last year we elected a muslim as mayor of our capital city, London. Church attendance has rapidly declined since the 1950s and many perceive the Christian Church (which has been the state religion since 597 AD) as obsolete because it refuses to stand up for any of the old traditional values. A culture without religion creates a spiritual vacuum that can and will be easily filled by foreign and hostile cultures. It's becoming ever-increasingly obvious that Islam is incompatible with western culture.

What will happen to democracy when whites become a minority in Europe? The assumption is that, over time, we'll all 'blend together' into one "Eurasian-Negroid" race which was the intention of the founders of the EU - but this ignores one simple problem: Human tribalism. Will whites really want to give up their political, social, and economic power by destroying their ethnic homogeneity?

At school we're taught that race is just a social construct and that diversity is "our greatest strength". But is this really true? In Robert Putnam's study on Diversity and Community Trust his conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, "other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups. Distrust between the ethnic groups will rise with diversity, but not within a group.

Putnam describes people of all races, sex, socioeconomic statuses, and ages as "hunkering down," avoiding engagement with their local community—both among different ethnic groups and within their own ethnic group. Even when controlling for income inequality and crime rates, two factors which conflict theory states should be the prime causal factors in declining inter-ethnic group trust, more diversity is still associated with less communal trust". What this shows is that the mantra "diversity is our strength" which has been peddled by the mainstream left for the last 50 years is a myth.

If we cut everyone's dick off there'd be no more rape!

To further illustrate my point allow me to sum up Ed West's main argument in the book "The Diversity Illusion": When a majority group sink into minority status and cease to hold in-group preferences, they lose the ability to set the standard and tone of society. Imagine there are 2 teams playing a football match (Red and Brown). If the Red team passes the ball to their own team AND the other players, but the Brown team only passes to their OWN players, who is more likely to win? Obviously the Brown team. This is called the Iterative Prisoner's Dilemma. When taken to its logical conclusion, this means that ceasing to hold in-group preferences eventually leads to the domination of the minority over the majority. So far this hasn't happened because whites have had a relatively strong majority (more players on their team), so they could afford to let a few goals in. However, this is rapidly changing because immigrant and foreign born populations tend to have more children, and tend to vote for hard socialism.

Unfortunately, these kinds of conflicts usually don't end peacefully. The lessons of the Second World War were not taken seriously. What we should have learned is that different groups and ethnicities are in a constant state of competition and rivalry, and therefore need their own space to live peacefully. Unfortunately, we went in the complete opposite direction and embraced multiculturalism, which is nothing short of ethnic and cultural suicide cult for white people.

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live" - Adolf Hitler

If that were true South Africa and Brazil would be racemixed utopias. You're talking shit and you're probably black which explains your inherent biases against white people.

We don't like your ugly flat noses, we don't like your frizzy afros, and we don't like that pungent smell of cocoa butter you always seem to carry. Multiculturalism is just a "blip" in the history of our mighty civilisation. In 100 years whites are going to look back and think to ourselves "how could we ever have been so stupid to let that happen? and chuckle to themselves as they tuck their beautiful aryan children into bed.

And you'll be 6 foot underground in a mass grave somewhere

There is still going to be conflict between the quadroons and octodroons mixed with negro, asian or hispanic. Its not like everybody is going to be exactly half. All you would be doing is creating a soulless low iq grouping of races which would be easier to control and manipulate by the elite.

bye felicia

Your race is over. The elites have made it clear that they want whites out of the picture and there's nothing you or your redneck friends can do about it - especially after they disarm you. You can fantasize about your future all you want, but in the end it's just fantasy. Your white women prefer black men anyways. Just give up.

Because Sup Forums values their nation more than their planet.

wow we're getting raided hard.

don't forget to sage guys. sage, hide threads, and find the real thread these faggot shills are sliding, stop bumping the thread and wasting time on these asshats

Your day will come once the economy collapses and the reset button gets pressed. The only thing preventing racial conflict on an unimaginable scale is relative comfort and a high standard of living.

That all goes out the window once the economy collapses..

Decrease white countries IQ levels by 20 points, be good goyim!
Get dumb, be easily controlled, so that we can loot your countries even more, than we are already doing with Wall Street.