Anyone else miss this guy? Just wanted to drop this here. Press F for freedom

Anyone else miss this guy? Just wanted to drop this here. Press F for freedom.

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A friendly libertarian and an altogether good man.

friedman was the greatest of all times

>tfw I'll never be a Chicago boy

F desu

Watching his videos are pretty comfy. I didn't agree with him 100% but I definitely miss the guy. Him and people like Thomas Sowell aren't shown around enough.

>muh freedom buzzword for muh freeeeedumb utopia
yea nah glad this rabbi is dead




Would be a leaf. He's especially good for beginners. Guess you can't even be considered that though. Peanut butter connoisseur I assume?

F. Based Friedman.

F for the basedesd jew

fuck neoliberals and fuck jewish people

you have no idea what you're talking about

libertarians are natural open border globalists

Friedman pushed outsourcing and was fine with open borders (without welfare)

Open borders, no welfare and you forgot private armies. Eye for an eye type of justice system fine with me

Porky Jew capitalist.

Valid points. Those are some of the things I didn't agree with him on. Just because you don't agree with someone on a few things it doesn't invalidate the other stuff they say. I tried to out "what is aleppo" Johnson to my normie libertarian friends for those very reasons. He was even worse though because he didn't even talk about getting rid of welfare programs, just flooding us with immigrants.

>private armies


no way that could go wrong


and he actively shilled for Hillary DURING the campaign

Libertarians shouldn't be forgiven for this

>Private armies

So basically a return to feudalism?

Ancaps aren't feudalists because something something property rights.

Oy vey gevalt! Thank you for paying your respects to this prominent member of the Jewish community! Do not forget to feel guilt fo- uh, I mean pay homage to the six trillion lampshades!

Yeah that was pathetic. Also Weld said Merkel was his favorite foreign leader after Johnson couldn't name any leaders.

Also his fucking freakout about the term illegal immigrants.

>throwing away free enterprise because you're no good at it

Not all Jewish people are bad stormcuck

Friedman had nothing to do with that. He was a libertarian economist.

he was a cool Jew


A noble man, that's for sure.

Miss him badly. I wish we had free marketeers as inspirational as he was nowadays.

Rest in peace Mr. Friedman, thank you for your contributions.

It's in his DNA. I bet you're part of the "blacks aren't niggers" group


kill yourself faggot

I've always felt that Sowell articulated Friedman's ideas better than he did.


That's what we need nowadays, a new Thomas Sowell that can actually articulate free market ideas and can actually relate to ordinary folks.

I feel that the most famous free marketeers aren't appealing anymore, they just appeal to people who are already free marketeers.

>yea goy, mix togetha and create new opportunities.

F for failure

>Libertarians shouldn't be forgiven for this
don't blame actual libertarians for the actions of the """""liberatrian"""""" party

I watch his videos every day, multiple times. Has great points and a lot of knowledge on how to back his claims.

Nazis hated jews mostly because a large chunk were communists sympathizers and leaders in the rebel movements in Germany. When Germans were defeated in WW2 most said they went after jews because they could not take chances with Soviet supporters.

So its annoying when tards attack based Friedman and Ayn Rand, the antithesis of communism.

HKbro, we can relate. Our countries benefited greatly from Mr. Friedman's contributions.

Are the current generations of HK appreciating his effort or they've fallen for the egalitarian speech trap?



libertarian-ism does not require open borders you retard

Every economics student knows about Friedman, but not everybody takes the time to read a little bit more about the guy. I found him on YouTube at random, and since then I've been hooked.

>libertarians are natural open border globalists
A country without borders isn't a country. It's a landfill.
Every country has borders and in a libertarian concept, the border patrol, customs and others could be private entities, not government run.

Wow, gay.

Sure smells like Crew in here.

Friedman was OK for explaining baby's first sip of liberty but the likes of Mises Hayek and rothbard are much better and the Austrian school as a whole is better than the Chicago school
Especially rothbard

Friedman was the one of the best speakers for libertarianism that we've had, the only problem I have with him is that he's in the Chicago school instead of the Austrian school of economics.


Neither is corportism or market fundamentalism. :^)

u fkin retard Anglos and Jews respect individualism, you autistic germans don't. GTFO.

I like libertarianism but I also like Hugo Boss.

Can we start to combine the two?