Which bathroom should xer use?

Which bathroom should xer use?

the litterbox

The one in hell.

If he/she can't figure out what bathroom to use on her own, without the Government telling him/her, then he/she can use the backyard like a good dog.

The disabled

the one with the gas chamber

The one in Auschwitz

I imagine any bathroom in Berkeley she wants.

And then I never played final fantasy xiii again

The street

the shower, this way xir

only you faggots can actually make me smile, sometimes even laugh, like right now.

The bathroom with a noose in it.

Disabled toilet

Non-binary, what are you then, fucking Hexadecimal !?

He should just follow India's exmaple
No need for bathroom nonsense at all then

The one in the nearest mental asylum.
These mentally ill freaks need to be locked away.

The one with a fucking gas chamber in it.


In a casket 6 feet under.

I know they're designated for it and all but would you really put up with this

The colored restrooms. Let's set this shit right once and for all.

they have fucking public bathrooms. just because you have a mental illness doesnt mean the fucking mens room doesnt work anymore.

>wearing a griever necklace


Was it born with a penis? Men's. If it was born with a vagina. Women's.

Real fucking simple.

>forcing xir into a men's room with all of that punchable fleshmeat on xir body

The gas chamber

>gender boxes

that made me laugh

the porta potty

she should use one of the DESIGNATED SHITTING STREETS like the loos



don't care. but if one of my children is in and it goes in after, I'll put a fucking .40 slug in it's brain. goddamned pigly monstrosity.

Bathrooms at aushvitz


One that has a chamber full of gas

The one in the concentration camp showers.

You beat me to it cunt

The one in the showers at Aushwitz.

The one on the train.

We are being raided because Congress found out how Obama funneled billions in taxpayer money to political activists through the DOJ.

i was gonna say that

>but would you really put up with this

India INVENTED trans nonsense, they have a special brand of untouchable mystic prostitute shemale the name of which I can't remember and don't feel like sifting through the googl eresults for 'magical indian shemale witch prostitute'

the gas chamber

fuck you beat me to it. now I can't delete it

IT should poop in a cat litter box