Quebec goys


>how shitty is Cegep/Uni life in lefty PC Québec


Anyone here from the last thread?


Meh I was ranting and rambling about the normies that hate Trump for no good reason

dunno why the last thread got deleted i guess they dont like french

I was the one ranting about TVA and their shilling

Gotcha! Yeah it's pretty fucked, even Radio Canada is biased... and it should be the go to news source

Been here since thread one.

Dayummm same! Meeting ULaval when?

Hey we meet again, friend

Also, yes, so many news outlets are becoming biased or pushing an agenda, and it's hard to just receive news as they are

C'est fif rencontrer des hommes.

anyway real news or not what can we do ...

The liberals got elected with a majority while being investigated for corruption...

Even when we have true information quebecers refuse to do anything about it like it will all solve itself after some times ...

Je vais pour Radio-Can et LeDevoir. Tant qu'à avoir des gauchistes de merdes, mieux vaut avoir de l'info de qualité.

go to Sup Forums

I know, and I'm guilty of not doing anything to change it, but I don't know what I can do to help make the news neutral again

But the thing is that I can understand the normies, how can they leave the cavern if all they see is biased news or news that show Trump like literally Hitler

Que penses-tu de La Presse? C'est une source fiable ou non?

Qui d'autre est devenu membre du parti conservateur juste pour voter Bernier?

Bof, mieux que le Journal

Alberta here, fuck off ya frog bastards.

Yeah I also try to put myself in their place, but after a while you'd think they'd realize all the shilling that's taking place in the news outlets?

>Not voting for the "Albertan from Quebec"

If more of you were like Bernier, we wouldn't hate you.

Well the thing is that this narrative is a narrative that makes them look virtuous.. "Fuck Trump, he's evil, we're the good ones" Trying to look onto the other side and see some good will cause them cognitive dissonance.

So awful. Everyone is a SJW, people are stupid af. I was born in the States but have lived in QC my whole life. I have a lot of interest in politics both here and back in the States but no one has an informed point of view, they simply side with whatever is trendy.

Everyone just wants to look cool.

A lot of us are really pissed at the current state of both the province and the country. If politics in your province were as toxic as they are in Quebec, would you want to be part of it?

En plus que c'est des gauchistes qui ne sont pas vrm compatibles avec les idées plus de droite.

I must admit I had a very brief identity crisis when I started browsing Sup Forums because I had to question the validity of the information circulating in the media, and eventually I ended up becoming more of a centrist

Virtue signalling for dayz, until it all goes down to shit

Ça nous prend Maxime Bernier pour réduire Ottawa au minimum.

I was telling some absolute dummy here the other day about Milo and his brain couldn't even comprehend the idea of someone who is both gay and a Trump supporter.

Same I couldn't believe all the new verifiable informations that people gave here... The redpill challanged my beliefs

Isnt he a libertarian? Its nice that hes willing to fight pc culture but libertarian unfettered free market economics bother me.

A lot of us are, mostly separatists though.
Bernier hates big governments and the way ours is trying to get as many power as possible from the provinces. Meanwhile, we hate how big Ottawa has became at the expense of provinces.
Even if it is for different motives, we get behind Bernier because we know he won't fuck over his province on purpose while still destroying Ottawa.


They are so ignorant they classify everyone by their identities, and that's the worst thing...

Was it you who was saying that you became a right-leaning centrist?

Yup, my parents always were conservatives, I "rebelled" and voted for Trudeau and now I regret it

Yep and at that point their understanding is so black in white it's impossible to teach them anything.

Close minded and the younger they are the more they think that they know everything...

He's against the Bombardier bailout. He wants to reduce corporate income tax. He wants to make income tax for individuals earning over 100,001 CAD a flat 25%. He wants to raise the basic personal income tax exemption to 15k (from 11k). Taxes for everything from 15,001 to 100,000 CAD at 15%. Wants to eliminate federal carbon taxation. Wants to increase trade between provinces.

The economy would BOOM.

I feel you, I voted NPD because that's what people in my hometown always vote for, but my parents never really talked about politics, had to figure it out for myself

made me chuckle

I discovered Sup Forums and even Sup Forums (never really watched anime) like 3-4 months before Brexit, and it's good cause you can have some infos form a right perspective to compare with what the medias show us

I'm the guy wanting to defend free speech.
Antifa shared this on their page, basically a guy flagging the fact that antifa is planning to block the subway exit to prevent the peaceful protest.

>prevent a platform

Been lurking on Sup Forums's /wp/ and /y/ for about 5 years, but I started browsing Sup Forums about 2 years ago

there goes free speech

We shall make some other threads like these tonight on Sup Forums or Sup Forums, Quebec themed. Anyways it was a good night!

Yeah, I'm glad I got to talk to some locals

Any anons from ulaval? :^)

Not if we step in.
This isn't just Montreal, as he pointed out it is across thirty cities in the country, all on Saturday.

These shits go on about arguments they can mount, all the while stating that they'll prevent the opposing side from having a voice.

ULaval cuckboi here

>trusting powerjew

Yeah good talk user!

Unlikely cause it's so small. Bishop's U anyone?

Never said I trusted them, that's why I asked if it was reliable

I'm gonna stick around just in case, but I presume you're off to bed?


When this thread dies, yeah got exams in the next days....

I'm still a cégepfag, I can't imagine what uni exams must be like

>state-run what do you expect

My uni just got feminist studies as a program and it felt like a stab through the heart. The worst part is seeing/hearing about islam related shit since the attack near QC city. I'm center left and I will never understand the left's defense of the religion of FGM

Live de l'Hopital de chicoutimi. Esti de shift interminable. Divertissez-moi les boys

Not that bad... What do you study?

The normie knows that things are wrong in the world he just can't connect any dots and form an ideology


What Uni are you at?

But yeah since Bissonette the fucking genius... It's gone to shit

Graduating in sciences humaines profil monde et société (fucking HATED the mandatory sociology classes, it was a leftist clusterfuck and overall a worthless subject) and I applied to Udem in économie et politique

UDEM. So far all of my science teachers are top tier but I have 1 class with a sociology teacher and she has made my opinion of social sciences go lower than I thought possible

Exactly, I got ((friends)) like this, they know the media is corrupt but they don't look further into it

was expecting t to be anti-quebec pleasantly surprised


If only the PQ took down the fucking stupid cross from the parlement we would be living in a better Québec

The best flag in the world according to Black Pigeon Speaks

Yeah been there, and get ready for some more at your politics courses :/ Let's hope for a paradigm shift lel

Who here is a Gagnon?

lurkmore how hard is it to understand

How so?
Green text storytime?

So was I. Here's what the jannies cucked me from posting.

>J'ai 32 pi j'avoue de ma part sa pris de temps de me sortir du cucking mentale du système éducatif.

J'ai 33 et je suis fier de dire que je n'ai jamais été un cocu de gauche. Un de mes moments les plus célèbre est quand, dans un cours de Français de 5em, notre prof, un Haïtien, nous demande de faire une présentation orale sur le racisme.

Mon argument était que les Africains et autres groupes plus proche de l'équateur n'ont jamais progressé autant que les peuples nordiques car ils n'avaient pas les pressions pour. Dans mes mots "Ils n'avait que lever le bras et cueillir pour se nourrir" alors que nos ancêtres devais se battre contre l’environnent et prévoir pour l'hiver.

J'avais 15 ans et j'avais juste pensé à çà en me disant que c'était logique, et merde que le professeur m'es tombé dessus. Retenue, punitions, il a même demandé une expulsion temporaire.

Mes amis se servent toujours de cette anecdote pour me dire que je suis raciste, malgré que je sais maintenant que j'avais 100% raison dans le temps.

I can live with leftists teachers if the subject is interesting, but I couldn't survive any more sociology classes

I'm a citizen living in the US, I really want to vote for this guy and I plan on spending some time in Montreal but I'm having a hard time understanding the voter/residency laws.

A Trembley here.

>even Radio Canada is biased

Radio Canada has been the definition of biased for decades. Even lefties who work there say it's biased as fuck. So much so that it makes their entire message meaningless.

One of my friends dad worked there for a long time and he said it was cuck central.

People on here are organizing and meeting up.
As slow as it is, it warms my heart that we are forming an irl presence, a parallel society, especially in as Orwellian a place as Montreal.

As they say, " it happened very slowly, then all at once".

You need to develop your narrative spotting skills after that you can read any news outlet in peace

or rage hard when you see how not in touch with reality they are.

Ouin c'est assez bad comme situation... et d'un point de vue Darwinien t'as même pas tort, c'est sur qu'on peut pas tous les mettre dans le même bateau mais je te comprends

I was lucky, never had sociology :)

Indeed, this is on my ''to do'' list for the future, so I can distance myself even further from bias and fake news

combien de négresses qui on pas vraiment besoin de traitement a chicoutimi?

Calisse, en plus j'ai eu le même prof dans mes deux cours, tser le genre de gars qui répond pas à ses courriels et qui prend toujours un mois pour corriger les examens? Horrible. Juste horrible.

How the hell did you become a CENTRIST of all things after taking the red pills?
That can only happen when you stop midway through your course.

Trouve une solution simple et rapide pour amélioré l'efficacité du système de santé que nos gros bonnets élus ne considérerons jamais pcq ils sont complètement déconnecté de la réalité.

ahahahahhahahaha lâche pas, j'ai eu 2 fois le même prof de politique, un fucking cuck gauchiste cringe, j'ai eu ma fair share de profs horribles

tes amis te traite de raciste?

There isn't much of a story.
>She has a phd in African community radio
>Keeps on pretending it's important
>Learn that our gov. sent macbooks to Africa to help them with setting up radio stations
>Keeps on shilling radio Canada, because she used to work there, as a superior radio station even though it's just a shitshow that tries to shoehorn feminisn everywhere
>Keeps on saying that social sciences are actual sciences and have to be based in facts
>Proceeds to compare the mass immigration happening in Europe, and especially in France, to the one after WWII, saying that since France survived the immigration then it means that the one happening now is going to be ok also.
>Can't mention the fact that the ideology of islam of incompatible with western values because I have a few girls wearing hidjabs and I don't want to compromise my future for something trivial.
>Has mentioned rape culture a few times

Sorry its just a mess of thoughts that's all I can think about right now

Eliminer les cadres. Laisser la gestion au personel et voila cest réglé