What would be happening right now if he had won Sup Forums?

What would be happening right now if he had won Sup Forums?

>What would be happening right now if he had won Sup Forums?

Cannibal tribes would be battling for supremacy in the wastelands.

His burial

Trump would have won the popular vote in the general election. No one supports communism in America, not even Democrats.


our souls would all be rotting out of our bodies

Niggers would be beating the last remains of white liberals to death, stealing their reparations, because anyone who ever worked a day of honest work in his life (unlike Sanders) would start working off the grid.


Nothing, he'd impeach himself and let Hillary become president.

Currently being pegged by black feminists

everything would be more or less the same but the memes would be different

Not sure which one is the better post.

The Jewish Globalist Anti-White Machine would have already risen to power and all cis gendered white males would be thrown into the gas camps.

Starving and a cultural revolution.

BLM would have long ago stormed the White House, renaming it the Black House, and he'd be outside the front gate begging people for forgiveness due to his spinelessness.

The second one

We'd be standing outside some municipal auditorium waiting for our rice ration.

i lold

The right would having stupid marches and calling themselves "the resistance" instead of the left.

He would be super impeached, unlike Trump, who has support either because Republicans can pretty much win everything as long as the keep the showing of divisions to McCain and Graham, Bernie doesn't have any type of long lasting support in the democrats, who have (as shown with the DNC leaks) and will oppose him.


The right has to work. To protest in America, you have to be spoiled, rich cocksucker from suburban.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for him.

He lost all the high IQ coastal states.

I wouldn't be working at the tax rates he'd be hitting me with. I would just quit and live off government gibs.

Are you black, by any chance?

live off gibs? That's exactly what globalists want: complete dependence on the state.

I would be moving my business to Mexico.

>What would be happening right now if he had won Sup Forums?
niggers would have free college and whites would have to pay twice as much

So what? Presuming Bernie got in, everyone would become dependent on the state anyways.

this. based Urban intellectuals voted for Hillary over Bernie.

Pretty much what Trump is doing now, but even more nationalism as he fights to take care of America first with universal healthcare and college.

I live in jew york and always hated that, dense Jew faggots and midgets that love Brazilian cock always start talking shit and I just go wtf?
Have you lived by the coasts? I've lived here my whole life and I'm retarded! But even worse all these idiots like me or dumber are all densely confined... crosseyed muslims and dink niggers... The coastal cities could never compare to the small towns or wide open compassionate and self sufficient country it's fucking heaven

I wouldn't, would rather go homeless than take a check from the government and becoming a slave. Either that or go innawoods and learn to live off the land.

Good for you. I would embrace nihilism.


There's that ableist hate speech again.

He is too weak-willed to change anything within DNC.
It would be literally obama 2.0

every now and then I wonder if I should start collecting merchants.