Can you redpill me on subconscious mind?

can you redpill me on subconscious mind?

Is it useful? for diagnosing past trauma's, finding answers, and having feedback about yourself or is it a meme?

It is a gift given to few. A burden and a blessing at the same time, it means you are always light years ahead, if you like it or not.
We are part of an army being built right in the midst of the enemy, a spearhead to it's final destruction.

It will not tell you anything about yourself you did not know before, it will only lift the veil of confusion from your eyes, nor will it provide any answers because you will not need answers anymore. You are getting shown the way all by itself.

And you can kiss Society and Social Life goodbye, it becomes a nuisance.

W8 r u telling me the average person cant hear his subconscious ???

It's degenerate and satanic.

Metaphysics are fucking retarded and people who buy into it are just as stupid as religious folks.

Your 'subconscious' mind will tell you anything you want it to fucking tell you.

Self-reflection, however, is a normal thing and if you think this is some sort of 'redpill' technique then, I'm sorry roach, you're probably too fucking stupid to get it.

I don't know anything about that. I never read a book on the subject nor heard anyone else talk about it. I can only speak from own experience. And it screams humanity is pathologically retarded for being blind like a mole.

A myth, an illusion, we are all zombies.

The Subconscious is the doorway to the world of Archetypes, or, Memes


Maybe you should throw away the digital jew first and quit consuming their cancer for a few years first to clean out the most glaring satanist garbage. Couldn't harm in any case. Ther devil is a notorious liar, and the jews are his children.

>Sup Forums doesnt know about lucid dreaming

just watch jordan b peterson vids. all his shit deals with this, and much more.

mind you, spending time on researching these topics and its ilk, while interesting, will not hold you to any practical applications.

in otherwords, your time may be better used studying coding, or any other practical skill.

Lucid dreaming is demonic and will damn your soul to hell.

>he says as he posts on Sup Forums

lucid dreaming is hilarious and will damn your soul to memes

Said Satan.

You idiots don't know anything about lucid memeing?

Mainly related to the spiritual, the subconscious mind is called in many works the "spirit realm". Useful concept to grasp if you're into the occult or Archetypes and all kind of weird shit.

So are there any ways of finding the leaks, errors, haywires of your childhood or traumatized event?

I don't want to spend 250$ for psychs, who will constantly tell me to accept myself whosoever I am.

I've been looking to learn academically about egregore for a while but /x/ is literally no help at all, i.e. history of thought about egregore, jewish magic etc, it's hard to even know where to begin, I've bought like 5 books billing themselves as primers on amazon and every time in their preface they have a different and seemingly incongruous list of 'seminal', 'essential' works, none of which are penetrable in the least

I'm not looking for cliffs notes but there has to be SOME rational place to start

Record your dreams and take them to be analyzed by a talk therapist, preferably one who knows a lot about Freud and Jung.

Sup Forums is unusable cancer with their Google shit. Not going to waste any more time clicking on their kike garbage. Enjoy the summer.

Do psilocibin mushrooms grow in turkey?

If they do try that

Pretty fun, like virtual reality. Though you usually get shunted out and wake if you start controlling the place too much.

No. No. This is where it falls apart. I always found shit like meditation and 'clearing your mind' useful UNTIL I ran into this sort of 'spiritual' bullshit.

I don't need to open up my asshole chakra to find a meaning. Quit spewing this autism.

You are having the standard fear of going to a shrink. My shrink did not patronize me. In fact, she antagonized the fuck out of me to where I had to stop going because I didn't like constantly being challenged.

It's not about 'accepting yourself' and peace love tie-dye bullshit.

Therapy, in my experience, was the equivalent of someone calling me a fucking faggot and trying to make me accept that I was a fucking faggot. I'd rather stay blue-pilled.

Hard to break the conditioning of the ego and get truly woke, most people who claim to have no ego are stupid fucking hippies. Any Psyches here?

Sounds like someones mind is pretty closed

And by your mind I mean your anus :DD

Also, idk why therapy would cost you that much. Was like 25 bucks once a week for me.

I am the beast I worship, :^)

yeah half ass your mental health.

amount of shit I see in my dreams, better to be concealed. They are just either way too random, or way too haywire.

The subconscious mind is simply parts of yourself that remain dormant in your current state. Perhaps you're in the mood for certain music one day - and other music the next. That is just one part floating up, and replacing the other.

Some of these parts can be almost complete personas. Lets say you were kind of a billy badass a decade ago, but are kind of subdued and content these days - just farting around through life. That person still exists, and can come to the surface, complete with different ways of interacting with other people.

It can be quite useful in working through trauma, as you - with a bit of training, can actually communicate with these "parts". With enough discussion, you can turn an unhelpful side of yourself into a more interesting one. For instance, if you had a part of you that lashes out in a given situation - after a bit of work, you might get that part to choose a new path. Could be as an artist, or a side that makes you more assertive (but not combative).

The key is to understand these parts and be compassionate. All your parts came about to serve you.

How do you know if you are looking at these parts through the correct perspective, without the ego clouding your judgement of these aspects of yourself, whether it be in a good or bad light.

Part of this process is centering around the "self", which is devoid of ego. It's your parts that are the ego.

how do you break through to the self then

If dreams were logical, you would never infer that they need to be interpreted metaphorically. Write it down and get a therapist to interpret them. Do you have money or insurgence? maybe you could google for people who are good with that otherwise.

This is the difficulty, as your parts will interfere. They will cloud and distract. However, through meditation, you can slowly separate your parts from your self. You can ask these parts to step aside for a time. If they will not, then you work on dealing with those parts first.

Nope god came and told me to do it faggot

If you wish to know exact processes, I'd suggest looking up for "parts therapy" books on Amazon.

learn to mediate and you'll notice a lot of things about yourself and thus other people, makes you so redpilled you can tell what someones thinking just from the way they're tilting their head after seeing a certain thing because you've noticed yourself doing the same thing in that context

A-Are you the depression guy?

By definition, if you could hear it and were fully aware of it being your mind, it wouldn't be a subconscious impulse, it would be the auditory hallucination of a conscious thought.

I've been to hypnosis once, shit actually works. However doc only instructed me to relax, now It doesn't work for any other thing than "relaxing"

faggot nigger tukey is a trash nigger country. You ugly turkey nigger go hang yourself

chill, have some memes.

>Redpill on subconscious mind
Controls your every action like heart beat or breathing. Also it's where your instinct comes from.

>subconscious mind?
Metaphysics detected.

>Is it useful for: diagnosing past trauma's
No. Conventional cognitive therapy, is normally employed, in conjunction with this technique, and can be assigned to this. Any method of accessing the subconscious normally employs cognitive therapy beforehand to ascertain this.

>finding answers

>and having feedback about yourself
Err. OK.
Your subconscious mind is what informs your decisions. The distinction between the conscious and subconscious is only in as so far as you are aware of one, and are not aware of the other.

Through things like meditation, and or hypnosis the level of influence which you can consciously influence your subconscious thinking can be really really impactful.
The subconscious, is less important in terms of feedback, and moreso important as far as you are able to rationalize the primal elements of how you have ending up believing something, or having the instinct to act a particular way.

Depression is the perfect example. Depression is a natural instinct, developed to dis-encourage us from going out into the rain, rather than stay in shelter. Those who didn't have this reflex, went out looking for food in the rain and died of hypothermia.
However in our modern society of bounty and plenty depression has a side effect which is turning into an epidemic. If you don't do something, your build up the pattern in your mind that you can just do nothing, and will be perfectly fine. While unhappy, that doesn't matter, you have food, shelter, "sex" and so you keep not doing much, and this behavior becomes ingrained. This is otherwise referred to as depression.

If able to influence your subconscious, through various methods of self reinforcement, you are able to change the way you think at a primal level to a certain extent.

Simple things, would be writing objectives to do that day, and then before going to bed thinking about the good things you did that day and enjoyed, as a means to influence your subconscious when you are asleep.
You can also look into hypnosis. I can go into a hypnotized state without someone else, to do it, but was only able to do this after being hand held through being hypnotized the first time.

Any metaphysical claims made about it simply aren't necessary.

I am disappointed to see that not a single useful redpill on the subconscious, unconscious, or implicit mind has been dropped in this very unhelpful thread.

Do not come here to seek your answers, but, since you are here, and seeking advice, I may as well be pointing out a few simple basics of your subconscious mind.

>consciousness states are the same as physical states in your body
>the common cold unit after 50 years of research could not discover what causes the common cold. A bacterium isn't enough to infect you because your immunological responses are usually very strong. However, a sudden drastic event in your consciousness can metabolically react to change your blood metabolism, therefore people who catch the common cold have to be physically and psychologically susceptible to get it. However defining states of consciousness as real things is too complicated for science, due to the lack of controls to be able to quantify it.

>For our first six years of life we are fully conscious and learn to become our identities. After we become adults we develop amnesia and forget everything which formulated our minds in the first years of our life. This is because we cannot develop explicit memories as a child, since our hippocampus is not fully developed yet.

>Psychological factors can cause the hippocampus to lose dendrites on its neurons, therefore compromising its ability to effectively make memories. This type of amnesia happens when traumatic experiences occur. The implicit emotional experiences of the explicit conscious memory are however still recorded.

>Infatile amnesia also develops during our relationship to our mothers. Our mother's produce oxytocin, a chemical also associated with orgasm in adult males. Therefore our relationship patterns with all women are strongly affected by how our relationship with our mother worked. It is the first erotic relationship of our life, as a baby develops mini-erections from stroking the mother's breast and drinking from it until it falls asleep. The mother can have vaginal contractions, is unable to not be erotically aroused by the baby to some degree, because this relationship is just as instinctual as the one for sexual drives, and actually the development of sexual drives would be impossible without early erotic development occuring from relationship to the mother. Jung turned the instinctual relationship to mother into a spiritual bullshit about awakening to one's real true ego, and now that idea has predominated in culture, much to the degeneration of all "alternative psychology" approaches, of treating your unconscious archetypes, and helping you access spiritual reasons for your unhappiness. The desire to be spiritually happy puts the pleasure-principle into a religious mode of tackling problems, sacrifice yourself to attain happiness in the spiritual domain. It therefore places a high value on the outcome of happiness in a person's life, and so the person has cause to feel a reason for guilt if their creed does not provide a proper degree of enlightenment, and then shifts onto self-blame, thinking it must have been that they have not contained their ego in the right way and have forfeited their superego's demand to be happy.

However Freud believes the superego's wish to be happy is not an ethical demand but is in fact an unethical demand attempting to enslave us to our inner authority which pretends to be allowing us to enjoy without feeling guilty but is actually only able to create enjoyment by generating the guilt feeling itself first, and by turning a "you can enjoy" into a "you must enjoy", it regulates people's behaviour, and prevents them from feeling ever fully satisfied of being able to achieve or fit fully into the demands society has placed upon its role to fulfill the superego sexual desires society places the highest value on for the individual's behaviourisms. We don't have Victorian sensibilities now, we instead have... late capitalist sensibilities and therefore higher expectations on our sexual performance, with body modifications and behaviour censorship necessary to fulfill a certain standard of hedonistic behaviour. Sex is supposed to be fun, interesting, adventerous, cool and if it cannot satisfy all of those expectations the superego feels guilty.

In other words our desire to be perfect in lines of culture forces us to compromise our inner constitutional factors that might disagree with our idealised cultural image and therefore operates for repression to occur as part of the transcription process into the symbolic framework of reality

And so our relationship to our parents unconsciously factors into the fantasies we create in our relationships to adults, only, the full sensuous stimulation we got from our mother is impossible to replace fully, sexual desires are related to the unconscious urge to find in our partners some satisfaction related to the loss of intense erotic stimulation you once had in our unconscious past to your mother.

The sense of wanting to care for the person who releases oxytocin in her mind is also a factor in the woman's higher level of care for the man who has sexual intercourse with her. Society has seen sexual intercourse and baby nourishment as two seperate things however, in the unconscious hormonal chemistry of both states there's a possibility of an orgasm producing physical process.

You sould try and reach out to your subconcious mind. People who does it can accomplish singular feats of mental capacity.

It is a tedious and time consuming process. It doesn't end after you reach it either. You must keep your mental state stable if you wish continued access to it.

Start with meditation, block your thoughts and reach out to your feelings. Understand them and unravel the reasons for them. Slowly, you will come to know your true self, think more clearly and recall things more accurately.

After this it is your own path to walk. Our minds may be similar on the surface, but they differ grately the deeper you go. Find your own way of moving forward. Good luck my friend. I hope this is helpful for you.

I've always been favor of Freud and always have preffered him over Jung.

I'm in dilemma between can enjoy vs must enjoy. and instead of being stuck in a limbo I only want a satisfying answer of some shitstorms throughout my life. Which I strongly believe it is root of all my problems and affecting every single thought, decision and moment in my life.

Desire of perfection, but I just can't get into point of compromising or making concessions. When it comes to return, I just forfeit, avoid and flee from the situation. Like wanting the all but giving nothing in return. In moral frame I have acknowledgement of I'm righteous about this, or in short; Pride, and until experiencing an incredible catharsis-level event this will go as in this way, The same pride kicks in for example common-cold theory. I am pretty much unhappy, confused and worried. Yet I very rarily get sick.

Therewithal my pursuit of happiness has different variations according to each respective state; id ego and superego. And instead of maintaining themselves, they all try to assert themselves and become the dominant one meanwhile eradicating other means of other definition of hapinesses, thus heavily damaging any other presentation of other happiness forms. Following one, just makes two other constantly combat with the striving one for dominance, in return I get no pleasure whatsoever but only headaches and a deep state of severe contemplating or even ruminating which might be the drive of Dostoyevski, for writing Notes from Underground.

I'm intended to find the pre-determined boundaries of comfort zone of mine, and push the limits to extend it.

Hypnosis makes me relax, but didnt work for digging deeper, its like swaying upon the mesh of everything I want to know.

People don't desire to be happy, they far more desire to find what makes them unhappy than they do to be happy. This is where most of human productivity comes from though, so the desire to find out what makes you unhappy predominaates over the desire to make you find our what is happy, because you have a desire to be productive, in other words, to be more than simply a happy person. So your desire is a desire of not what you think you desire, because desire is a fantasy which fills a constellation for what the subject lacks, so even if you did receive the object of your desire in your life as a real object, it would still leave the fundamental subjective lack which creates the fantasy of desire unfulfilled, because it is a lack which can't be filled, even billionaires with everything they could have in the world, never fill fully satisfied in all of their desires, and often billionaires develop eccentric compulsive behaviours of collecting things or trying to pull big publicity stunts to do things for others because they have not fulfilled their desires.

We don't want to fully fulfill our desires.

Since we could never want to, nor fully complete, all of our desires, happiness is related to identity fulfillment and unhappiness to a questioning of our own identity. We prefer not to be happy since we prefer to question our own identity, whereas a happy person would accept everything as it already is.

It's literally nothing. Imagine observing the subconscious mind. You are observing the changes of your decisions and thoughts constantly. Now try to examine the one examining the subconscious mind. You quickly realize there is no point. Things are as they are and will be. So in a matter of introspection you give up. Just as it should be.

so attempts of changing oneself is well nigh futility?

Your unconscious mind may not get to you to fall ill, because it finds some other way to express its urges.

For instance when somebody who I knew but was not that close to died in highschool, I unconsciously without being aware of it decided to choose the same haircut as him, even changed my hair colour to his same hair colour even though I'd never changed hair colours in my life.

There's two ways to observe the unconscious, either by analyzing directly what a person thinks and looking for how patterns emerge in their life, the way patterns repeat motifs in music, a person's life has repeating themes that don't just inflect upon their perception of the present moment but also all of their perceptions associated with similar moments from all of their past, with the possibility that new moments will change the context of the past to fit into them as well as events of the past changing the context of present memory, and present memory can be a smell, sound or whatever associated with it. For example if I hear something about Dostoyevsky it might cause me to recall a particular relationship with somebody who also mentioned Dostoyevsky one time, and thus, the area of my brain connected to Dostoyevsky causes a link between memories to arise, out of an "implicit" link, into an "explicit" thought object of something connected to that implicit link, explicit thought = conscious thought, implicit memory = the unconscious habit picked up from my environment without its original conscious thought attached.

Yes. It is like the dream where you try to run as fast as you can away from something, but no matter how fast you move your arms and legs you can't stop yourself from running slow.

Change is not futile, but the soul does not exist. Therefore, if what changes you completely erases a part of your previous self, your soul will be different too, the soul is not an unchanging thing.

The ultimate red pill of the subconscious mind is this: the human being's soul is a lie.

So erasing a part of previous self is possible?

On the other hand I believe I have to put myself into delusion of bliss, mostly, keeping myself idle not to think, contemplate or ruminate then?

Consciousness doesn't work like a computer program, so erasing the computer program doesn't mean you will still have the same operating system afterwards. A person is a complex system, so when something outside of the parameters of our everyday life happens, which could be something too much filled with fear, or enjoyment, then if it falls outside of the parameters of our daily experience it shatters our identity, so we have to reorganise our self-identity and change it to fit into this unexpected change in our environment.

Since only a dynamic system does that, it is likely that throughout our lives we change incessantly, so that we can remain stable. Changing oneself is a way to keep balanced as the parameters of what we experience changes, and as experience changes so do thoughts with their feedback processes into who we are. We change things so that our identities can cope with the chaos of the world, and if we didn't keep changing, it would shatter that self cohesion. You can't stay the same, because by trying to stay the same, to avoid changing requires you to change more than if you didn't change.

There is no such thing as balance either. Sudden changes and alterations in identity are imbalanced but such imbalances may compensate for what lack of balance exists in mental adaptation to one's environs. For example cocaine addiction is a perfectly normal survival circuit in the same area as the brain designated for sex and love, so it's a way for consciousness to maintain homeostatic satisfactions of the body like breast feeding