The movie imperium

What is your opinions on that movie 'imperium' with daniel radcliff?

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I'm not going to see it, I already know what it will be like.

Fuck hollyjews

hopefully he will be our guy from here on

He's a manlet libcuck, will not see, not now, not ever.

Predictable hollyjew garbage, watched it 3 days ago. They had a vague plot at best, and made White Supremacists look like "well any fucking weirdo out of nowhere can get access to our high level ops". If it was this easy wouldn't they just shut them all down in a few months/years?
Fuckin act like Harry wouldn't have ended up in the White Pride Chamber of Secrets with his balls literally in a jar.



I guess i have a few hours to waste

Can someone fix this and give him two lightningbolts on his forehead?

I tried

I watched it in 2017, I think its pretty shit that they portray every single one of them as lazy cunts with drinking problems and others being flat out murderous terrorists

Just a new Harry Potter movie.

Oyy veyy good movie for goys....

Jk rowling's creation turned into a neo-nazi, how convinient.

The story was somewhat bullshit, especially from a Sup Forums point of view, but honestly, (((Hollywood))) didn't fuck this up.

Acting was good, probably harry potters best role yet. The filming was masterful, and it dealt with gripping moral dilemmas.

I r8 it 8/8, it's gr8, would have been a 9 but it portrays all white supremacists as either bubba the cousin fucker or creepy psychos

I watched it. It wasnt bad at all i found. At least the movie was enthralling. Timothy mcvieghs last words were quite chilling

You do realise he's Jewish right?

25 minutes in and I don't hate white people yet but I did learn about the Jew tax

Was this part of their plan?

He is??

he is

Kike Satanism for Dummies, Freemasonry the thread.