Sandy Hook Super Bowl

Fuck globalists

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dat song

Are you implying nobody died during the sandy hook incident?

A bunch of lying crypto-kikes.

are you implying anyone did?

I'm not familiar with the Sandy Hoax meme. Every time I see threads about it, it's just people LARPing as people that are the cousin's friend of the acquaintance of the parents or some bullshit.

Sandy Hook is the shittiest false flag in American history. One of my favorite debunkers at the time was even a black guy, that is how easy it was to lampoon this production.

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

ever heard of twin towers ?



*loud fart noise*


How could she be killed in a shooting then die at a bombing months after?


because that picture is fake

That's because sandy hook wasn't a false flag, it occurred. AND NO GUNS GOT TAKEN AWAY.

Jesus christ, I bet you believe Jade Helm 15 happened and everyone is living in FEMA camps.

Fuck, shit happens, just because you are insecure that shit can happen doesn't mean there is some higher secret power stopping it. You give our government too much credit when you call it a false flag.

Jade Helm did happen retard, it was a training exercise for operating in a modernized country with big cities.

Was this movie fake too? I swear I saw it

they grow up so fast ;-;

WHAT about this?

A little off topic but I mean it's about AN ENTIRE FUCKING TOWN IN CONNECTICUT BEING IN ON A

Youre brillant. Can I get ur autistigraph?

No No,
Alex Jones said I needed to buy a water filter stat! and that Fema camps were going to be set up and we were all doomed!

where do I send it to?

Im in Topeka Kansas

Show me pictures of the Children, otherwise eat shit and die.


This picture must cause you to have seizures then

Most likely foreign intelligence officer operating in USA. I wonder if he is alive.

Hello Tanner,

656. - 365.99.5213.45
7° 14′ 23″ N, 96° 59′ 44″ W

Ask for Matt, Not for Jimmy,

Proof that she died?

Follow up, the tea in Nepal is very hot.
38° 24′ 14″ N, 96° 10′ 54″ W

I have actually had dealings with "kathasung" long ago on Cliff Carnicoms chemtrails website...person was a serious wackadoo...

yea he seems to always get into trouble. It looks like he is still active. He's living the Deus Ex dream

We all do with this meme thing going on.

Everyone in Sandy Hook was a crisis actor.
There was a massive DHS drill for that very day


But America wasn't disarmed.

shhh, you are making too much god damn sense. This board hates logic

They're CIA brainwash zombies now.

i love when people post 2 pictures of the same person but them claim that someone made the claim that they were different people.

Spoiler: people on Sup Forums made and spread things like this as a joke on those who just save any picture like this as evidence.

doesnt matter. They tried. Planning in 2010.

Where are the black kids?

Where is the diversity?

Yeah man, that forum is where I got for actualized news.

this guy claims to be from the future, better read his shit like it's saint malachi's!

Someone posts this every time

Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? For what purpose?

The moon landing was an inside job? Why didn't the Soviet Union say it was a hoax

Sandy Hook was an inside Job? What purpose?

Jade Helm 15 and the closure of Wal-Marts? What was the purpose?

Do you see how its...