The dreamer who got arrested yesterday WILL be deported without a hearing. So yeah, anyone thinking she was just detained and would get things straightened out, nah, bitch gone.

Back to Argentina, the whitest of countries


Other urls found in this thread:


What did she do

Immigrated ILLEGALLY.

Was brought here illegally as a child.

Tell a whole crowd of people she was u documented.

She held a press conference about being illegal.

They're not sending their best.

Nothing of value was lost

Damn, sending her to a country full of Argentians is a little harsh doncha think?

>Entered America
>Became illegal because she let her shit lapse if I remember correctly
>Admitted to a rally of people she was
>ICE picked her up afterwards

No such thing as a dreamer.

both america and argentina are now whiter

serves her right, filthy illegal

Bye bitch

It broke the law. IT isn't an American. IT doesn't deserve a hearing.

she dreamed

wtf is this dreamer bullshit? illegal immigrant by any other name smells just as illegal.


What did she expect, a free pass and a pat on the back?


hahaha stupid trumpets

you're going to turn the whole world against you, these people just want a better life, they have the right to be in our country

There so up in arms about Trump deporting them they admit to their undocumented status and the the ICE comes for a hassle free deportation. They deport themselves.

As an Argentinian, I approve of this and make sure this fag get fucked properly. MAGA

That person looks like they need to import themselves a discernible gender.

Sucks for her.

BUT, we should have a DREAM type act for actual legal Americans.

fuck off achmed

When virtue signaling goes wrong.

dude no! they are sending it here.


they'd let them come here if they had something to offer
protip: they don't



Peace out you arrogant bitch.

>nah, bitch gone.


Dumb cunt got what she was asking for

She had to go back.

She can take those herpes on her lips and get the fuck on outta here.

If I recall correctly ICE let her go when they nabbed her brother and father because muh feels

Way to repay the favor you dumb bitch

She should not have been so public then

Front left tire is looking kind of flat.

Maybe one of you Argentinian anons can cheer her up with some dick.

She's gonna need comfort


good. about ten mil more and trump will go down as GOAT potus

muh sides

Wow you guys really are just fucking racist. I guess the satire thing was just a meme. How the fuck anyone can support deporting a woman who has been here since she was a little girl is beyond me. My solace is that you will all lose in the end. Fuck this board and fuck all of you.

That's what makes us so furious. Tax paying legal Americans constantly being laughed at by people who are exploiting are country. Hopefully this sends a message to the rest of the illegals to stop gloating about it and actually go through the proper processes of becoming a citizen.

Get lost shill

Good riddance. Double deportation points since this bitch had sjw glasses.


>wait why are the poli--RACISTS ALL OF YOU
You can't make this shit up



You're saying like we executed her lmfao.
What's so bad about Africa I mean Argentina?
No, but seriously I would kill myself if I get deported to niggercuba.

fuck off kike


what a handsome fella

underrated comment


>trying this hard
You're a bot arent you

Fuck off Santiago Ramirez de la Cruz

Simply wanting a better life does not mean entitlement to INVADE this country. Nope, they need the papers and prove they have the ability to support themselves.

if you want to deport me deport me to my spanish ancestral homeland, plox.


Did she get deported because she forgot to apply for DACA?

ice cold mother fuckers for sure

>Daniela Vargas, who came to the U.S. from Argentina when she was 7 years old, previously had a work permit and deportation reprieve under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which cost $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.

She really should have just kept to herself. Whoever advised her to make a speech or whatever fucked her over.

I don't recognize Republic of Cuba citizenship, I recognize only Spanish citizenship in regards to immigration status.

she looked like a dyke, good riddance

LOL who gives a fuck if the world hates us for sending back their undesired people? National sovereignty isn't a popularity contest

Serious question; if you get arrested and deported like this, what happens to all your stuff? Like your documents for other important things, and all your property? Just chucked in the garbage? That would make me kill myself more than anything. I'm not prepared to start over. But I'm an American so I guess I don't have to worry.

Superior banter

Wants to be a math professor, can apply for work and collegiate studies.
Can't apply for citizenship...
Doesn't add up.

>be an infant when she was brought to this country without any say in the matter
>committed a crime

yes, 2 year olds should be judged for the actions of their parents.

I was taken to the US as a child. As soon as I was on my own I came back, y'all muthafuckers are awkward and smell funny.

A dreamer is an illegal immigrant who lies on government forms paperwork to get free college degree. That USA citizens cannot qualify to get free.


I am the son of legal Latino immigrants who became citizens and had me here.

There is no racism from my end, just an adherence to the LAW. I'm not going to give people special treatment because they look like me, a law-breaker is a law-breaker.

They probably just lose everything they have here, unless they have a friend or family that can try to claim it. But they acquired everything they have through illegitimate means, so it's no issue.

Kek bless.

>he believed that satire meme

God bless america. ICE not taking any shit these days.

This was in the US, and as far as I remember, the UK still receives immigrants with open ass cheeks

Can't you just send her to guantanamo, execute her or some shit?
We're full here.


As a 5th+ generation white American, Thank you. Why can people not see this is not racism but wanting a return of law and order?

they're gonna fucking praise her in Argentina, it's becoming a fucking cesspool of degenerates.


We're shipping you a new waifu, kek.


do I have the right to be inside your mom's pussy?

Is she lost weight, got a nose job, and grew her hair long she could be cute. Take notes Argentina. Also, make sure she doesn't came back no matter what.

Another white country going down the drain. SAD!

Deserved it

If Hillary won, sure, you could do that. But, since ICE now can actually do shit, don't be surprised that they enforce the law.



Damn what a loss to our culture

She doesn't look like the type that like dick.

Good, fuck that mestizo lesbo trash.

Too bad she will come back here.

Oh well.

>tfw she's going to be praised by
msm like hell in the upcoming months

I'm still happy she got deported though, she deserves it and it's all part of the big maga plan anymay


pick one

We don't want here either
Send her to Mexico or something

Can you just execute her?

I don't want that cunt here

>Her DACA status expired last November, and because she was saving money for the renewal — which cost $495 — her new application wasn’t received until Feb. 10.
HuffPaint wants us to think $500 is too much money to save up for someone here on a work permit?

My dream is for all illegals to get the fuck out of this country . Fucking leeches.