Has anyone else realized that the Mods are complete faggots?

>Leave pro-immigrant/black cuck threads up even if there is a pornographic photo involved.
>Shut down every single thread that they can infer any non-political meaning

I've never seen so many innocent threads that are interesting shut down immediately, yet keep up all anti-Trump threads.

When was this board completely compromised?

Pretty much the moment Pizzagate broke, and people started looking into it. Mods went full retarded faggot shill around that time.

I agree, it's pretty disgusting. I suggest getting used to consistently reporting egregious non-political threads that violate the sticky at the top of the page, which is what I've been doing. Basically just do what you can, minimize ones you don't care about, and report the ones that are clearly junk. And respond to the ones you do care about, that are relevant.

TFW I will be banned for this thread but this thread

Has been up 30 mins with pornography and will never be shut down.

I feel like it is progressively getting worse.

Try submitting more insightful content?

Try sucking less dicks. You might live longer.

the threads getting shut down are breaking the rules

Case in point.

Mods are corrupt as fuck on all the imageboards. It's so ridiculous you almost wonder how we manage.

They need to make a new Sup Forums

if rules were enforced everywhere there wouldnt be a problem! shit head!

Case in point, Your AIDS.

also that spanish commie faggot spaaming his shit thread everyday. one mod is definitely a leftist whore.

mods are jew slaves we know this been banned multiple times for no reason..

lmao i got banned for global rule 3 which is bullshit


check it

that or a kike

>continues to post cuck shit

Btw what's up with this board's obsession with black men and their penises? I thought this was a white supremacist board?

This is a fair and balanced board. What is your problem, Drumpfkin?

haahha 4chin and especially Sup Forums have been getting so BTFO lately. Goes to show you that your racism and hate is all coming back at you.

Liberals in all walks of life are colluding to keep pressing their agenda now that the world is rejecting them. They cant handle rejection so they are now using obstruction tactics, propaganda, and anything else they can to try and spread their filth.

That picture is an ironic political statement on how fucked up white women are and how pathetic black men are.

Got a 3 day ban for making an AYY Politcs thread all while shills raided the board with Milo threads. Clearly the mods are SJW Kikes and Hiro needs to purge them.

>waaaah why can't Sup Forums be my safe space

if you want a hug box then fuck off to reddit you gigantic faggot

Daily reminder she lost.

You could always head to atechan

>yet keep up all anti-Trump threads
This is a politics board, not a right wing hugbox. You're allowed to make negative threads about any politician you whiny cunt.

>missed the entire point
Have some more bbc

And the shill threads that break the rules dindu nuffin right

>constantly welcome redditors with open arms

Got banned for 3 days for making a thread about the POLITICAL message in zootopia on the POLITICAL board.

Right at the same time that Sup Forums completely submerged by "drumpf BTFO" and cuck threads which stayed up for hours.

Mods are either retarded or leftist shills.

Better than becoming Krautchan's Sup Forums 2.0 where the mere mention of the word cuck gets you banned.

Stop being so easily triggered faggot, more censorship is the last thing we need.