Honest thoughts on this Sup Forums? Good or bad?

Honest thoughts on this Sup Forums? Good or bad?

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If wealth inequality is such a big problem then why don't they just kill all the Jews?

What can you do about it? The smartest people are gonna acquire resources, it's just how it goes. Do you want to just take their money? That's immoral. My problem is when they get bailouts from tax payers.

Are you implying something there, goy?

Why are you still in Israel?

It doesn't matter how much inequality there is when the bottom still has food on the table, a roof over their head, and security.

You have African countries with less "Inequality" than America, and they're in a state of constant war and murder and rape.

Wealthy people don't horde their wealth in iron vaults. To own something is to have title to something. A whole lot of land, businesses, and other assets that are widely usable are privately owned.

You're full of shit.
t. someone with 140ish IQ who grew up poor and still is middle class

>African countries have low inequality

And you also have African countries with more inequality who are in constant war and murder. What's your point?

Whoa you mean 'IQ' means jack shit? Wow, I would've never guessed. It's almost like being motivated and having a good work ethic is just as important as the capacity to learn new things. Crazy

Are you saying the people who are massively wealthy aren't smart? The fact that you're supposedly smart and aren't rich doesn't contradict the state of
>The smartest people are gonna acquire resources

Paying respects

They have a good discount

its illmoral for them to take the resources actually.
they belong to all
by what right are they entitled to them??
legal fiction/corporate schemes
crimes against humanity
plunder and pillage
death and destruction
could of been a paradise

Can I offer you a free helicopter ride?

Part of the function of the state is to ensure that natural wealth circulation doesn't skew things that badly, and to provide systems to counteract the skew where it occurs.

Thats not happening any more in the west. It *used* to. Not any more.

It's very, very bad.

Taxation is theft. That is all.

>a jew
>paying for anything

I'm saying that Inequality is a shit thing to measure for how healthy a society is.

I think I know what time it is

What you say is 10% of success, the 90% you elude is luck nepotism, look and a nice headstart.
>inb4 muh success story
You remember it because it shouldn't have been to begin with.


big government and federal reserve caused this... not capitalism.

Keep telling yourself that Mr Lolbertarian


answer my simple question wanna-be internet tuff guise
whites/capitolism will be crushed
your delusions betray your fears
its inevitable, you know this.
guess your not completely retarded.
just scared, frightened of the end
is nigh
why even have opionions/attachments?

Someone else is winning, so that must mean I'm losing right?

It's how it'll go as long as they can trick you into thinking that blacks/refugees/terrorists/etc are the biggest problems in your lives. It's a shame that somewhere as supposedly intelligent as Sup Forums can't see past such simple tactics.

if the referee is also a player in the game: yes, most likely.

What exactly have the rich done that's immoral besides being rich?

the moment the good people, the smart ones, those who keep the world spinning, do not feel like working for us is benefitting them, the world will burn. because then there's only us idiots left to make decisions.

Anyone have stats on distribution by race?

a lot of the wealth has been aquired illegally
that aint debatable nor theory son
seriously, wtf
need i really give all kinds of examples??
none come to mind for you??
you can not think of any corporate, banking or governmental crimes to the tune of many many billions or trillions?
hint, pro-tip, advisio, achtung: name ANY country, bank, or corporation basically...

It's not inequality that matters.

It's the purchasing power of the lower and middle class workers and their relative quality of life that is relevant.

How does their wealth enable upward mobility and reinvestment?

Can they live comfortably within their means or are we driving people to crime and general degeneracy?

corporations are empowered by government bailouts and excessive regulations causing an artificial barrier to stop newcomers entering the market.

See bank bailouts, automotive bailouts. The government is the one helping large business stay large.

Yeah you do. Most rich people are simply hated for being rich. The vast majority of wealth is acquired legally and you are a fool to hate someone for being smart enough to get it.

corporations are empowered by the fact that they produce a shit ton of value for the market and employ giant communities of people. Why would you hate someone who employs your family members, neighbors and friends?

You'd think that a person who 140 IQ would be able to tell the difference between poor and middle class. You're a retard.

It's basically inevitable in a world where there aren't any truly significant things to spend money one anymore. Anyone whose income exceeds their expenses keeps on getting richer and richer.

In the past, the super-rich would take on truly epic expenditures like funding colonial expeditions, raising armies to claim noble titles, building castles, etc. Now that the state guarantees security and limits the extent of personal ambitions to power, these traditional cash sinks are gone and the rich just pile up their money like mythical dragons.

Expect the dawning space age to change all that. There will finally be multi-billion dollar things to spend money on again, drawing down the fortunes of the elite to fuel economic growth out there among the stars.

oh ja we be so screwed sans john galt
atlas shrugged is terrible fiction/philo
extremely deluded
like people single handedly refining iron ore by themself, operating the smelt, somehow building it and magically supplying it with energy(coal, they harvested by their very own boot licker straps)
me, me, ME!
"workers are parasites!" ann rand
psycho hate filled babble

It's way way fewer people than the 1%. It's really more like the thousand, since only 1000 people have half of the worlds resources.

Bad, but it's not an excuse for socialism, which will decrease everyone's quality of life. Wealth (or "net worth") has been growing for everyone over the past 50 years, but disproportionately so for the upper echelons. This is because the wealthy tend to be those who invest, and globalism has been great for American investors, permitting American industries to invest and sell products abroad, while devastating for wage earners, who now must compete for jobs with inexpensive labor in developing countries. Hopefully Trump can slow this trend with some calculated protectionist measures and more efforts to encourage investment in the United States.

Also, income/wealth inequality is not by itself evidence of exploitation. Just because James Cameron makes a movie that 100 million people are willing to spend $10 to watch, doesn't mean they've been exploited.

>What exactly have the rich done that's immoral besides being rich?

the game is rigged. the problem lies with us all having a tool with which we can regulate other peoples behaviour. i mean do you have any other explanation how the fuck the whole world manages to constantly enact policies that unilateral disadvantages 'poorer' people, all the while maintaining the notion that those policies are enacted in their interest?

fucking fat cat rich working class people create artificial monopolies based on exclusion through labor safety laws and restaurant owners with health codes. and the richest start virtue signaling because they can afford paying $ 50 for a car wash - and therefore protect the car wash worker from having a job.

we're not all allowed to play.

Attacking the 1% is anti-semitic.

here ya go dumb fuck
crimes galore
so god damn many
seriously fuck you treasonous scum

smores nigger


now plz stfu
the rich are evil
its a prerequisite
off with their heads

>psycho hate filled babble

a) I think you don't understand rand.
b) regardless of what she said, think about the implication of the bell curve. because honestly, having 50% of the population dumber than IQ 100 is frightening - having 15% so dumb as to visibly struggle with putting a letter into an envelope is apocalyptic. there's a lot of ugly shit burried in those numbers, because these people will not understand as easily why socialism is a very dumb idea.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying these people have no value. They do. You don't have to be a genius to be a great carpenter - and I like having a carpenter around more than any philosophy professor.
I just don't think the carpenter dude should be left to rule the world (or me).

>off with their heads
>the rich are evil

you're the one demanding murder. i think it's very clear who's evil.