1st world countries where you can be comfortable being openly conservative don't exist anymore

>1st world countries where you can be comfortable being openly conservative don't exist anymore

Pretty sad thought, eh?

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Japan, too bad the people there are basically aliens to the average westerner.

Fuck off you urban retard

>tfw gf is college student
>she is relatively open-minded, raised lefty though
>i explain my viewpoints on things and she agrees that they sound reasonable and sort of make sense
>she asks her professors about what i've said and they respond with typical lefty brainwashing talking points and smug-ass insults
>she believes them over me because they are college professors obviously

how do i redpill my gf :(

Did you tell her that theyre brainwashing her, and that they themselves are most likely brainwashed?

All you have to do is show her the gun in the room user.

it's hard to say that without coming off as a conspiracy theorist

OP, goto the Sister Fucker south. You can talk your Conservative smack.

is that tyler1?


I have this same problem. She takes whatever her professors say as the gospel because they have a PhD and are therefore 100% certified on what they say...


There's a difference between being conservative vs openly racist, classiest, sexist, etc..

The girl is not your gf stop pretending

You probably asked a girl a stupid question and sperged about trump and she told the professor how dumb you were and they probably laughed at u

People lie to themselves all the time
It was a stance that never was going to last

it's actually my gf since i was like 14 years old but ok

i feel for you user. it's a hard spot to be in bc you either have to say that you're wrong or make the argument that you know more than someone with a PhD in said subject which makes you look like an ass in and of itself

Well we are kind of a 1st world cunt i guess, here you can spout Sup Forums shit openly and nobody gives a shit.

Hvordan Danmark?

>this is the world urban and inner city retards chose to live in
btw Poland is 1st world and conservative

e-everything is fine

You pansy

Molymeme was right about this
The left usually wins because they don't ever back down. They have extreme conviction in their beliefs and do whatever it takes to spread them
You have to do the same. Unfriend any lefties. Try to get violent communists fired from their jobs. Push any ethnic purity/heteronormative propaganda you can. Boycott Hollywood, Oreos, whatever.

Now, don't get violent like those ANTIFA idiots, they go too far and are self-defeating

But do your part to counter the narrative


japan also might be another im not too sure how the nips handle politics but they lean right correct?

>poorlack pimping his shithole to westfags
No one cares


Speak for yourself, leaf. Most of our country is fine.

Outside of two or maybe three cities I figured y'all were just fine.

Fucking Alberta might as well be Texas.

In Italy you can publicly advocate for Mussolini and find a lot of peaple agreeing with you.

Japan and China don't consider 'leftism' and 'rightism' the same way the West does, in fact they aren't even mainstream ideas more so vague European designations for ideas. They're just like every other country on the Earth that isn't Western European in that they look out for themselves. 'Leftism' is literally a Jewish construct

>1st world


> Wrong user

Why Japan's right keeps leaving the left in the dust | The Japan Times

You can in america cause theres still the second amendment, cuck

>he doesn't live in Texas