
What's the world going to look like in 2050 given the current political climate? Will Europe have collapsed and instead shift into a fourth reich? Will liberalism be outlawed? Will we be in all out war against the additional few billion Africans trying to make their way to Europe? We've seen an enormous political shift already but lets be honest, we've only actually experienced a tiny fraction of the damage that is yet to come.

Everything will be exactly the same except you'll be worth less than me.

I'll give you 20 quid if you get rid of that gay leaf before 2050.

The U.S is either going to adapt a position of multicultural cosmopolitanism to counter China's state a a 'racist superpower' in which there will be a new cold war with heavy racial subtexts, where the (((U.S))) is going to be the tolerant and rational, happy superpower while China is going to be the Fascist, ethnonationalist superpower

>Modern Chinese views on race are no better than they were in the past. The study reviews the racist views of major Chinese political thinkers and the Communist Party. Racism remains a key component of how the Chinese see the world, their central place in it, and the world’s other, inferior inhabitants.

>First, virulent racism and eugenics heavily inform Chinese perceptions of the
world. United States decision-makers must recognize that China is a racist
state, much closer to Nazi Germany than to the values upheld in the West.
Most often, the Chinese do not even recognize their racism as a problem.
They believe that racism is a Western phenomenon and that Westerners are
obsessed with race. This obsession is seen by the Chinese to be a strategic
vulnerability of the West, whereas China is not affected by racism.

>Second, racism informs their view of the United States. From the Chinese
perspective, the United States used to be a strong society that the Chinese
respected when it was unicultural, defined by the centrality of AngloProtestant
culture at the core of American national identity aligned with the
political ideology of liberalism, the rule of law, and free market capitalism.
The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United
States, and a component of U.S. decline.

>Third, racism informs their view of international politics in three ways.
First, states are stable, and thus good for the Chinese, to the degree that they
are unicultural. Second, Chinese ethnocentrism and racism drive their
outlook to the rest of the world. Their expectation is of a tribute system
where barbarians know that the Chinese are superior. Third, there is a
strong, implicit, racialist view of international politics that is alien and
anathema to Western policy-makers and analysts. The Chinese are
comfortable using race to explain events and appealing to racist stereotypes
to advance their interests. Most insidious is the Chinese belief that Africans
in particular need Chinese leadership.

>Fourth, the Chinese will make appeals to Third World states based on “racial
solidarity,” that is, the need of non-white peoples to unite against Western
imperialism and racism. Racial solidarity claims are easy for Chinese to accomplish since the Chinese can make strategic racist claims. For example,
they can frame international politics in terms of a “racial balance of power,”
and cast appeals to the Third World along the line of: now is the time for
non-whites to dominate international politics

>Fifth, Chinese racism retards their relations with the Third World. Chinese
racism makes it difficult for China to advance a positive message in the Third
World, especially Africa, but also in Latin America and the Middle East. The
Chinese have a hierarchical representation of looking at other groups, darker
skin is lower class, and race matters. In this sense, the racial stereotypes of
the Africans commonly found within Chinese society suggest that this
population is backward and dirty, and prone to crime, particularly violent
crime. These beliefs surface regularly in China’s relations with the Third
World and these beliefs, coupled with clannish and ruthless Chinese business
practices, generate enormous resentment in the Third World.

Sixth, Chinese racism, and the degree to which the Chinese permit their view
of the United States to be informed by racism, has the potential to hinder
China in its competition with the United States because it contributes to their
overconfidence. This overconfidence is a result of ethnocentrism and a sense
of superiority rooted in racism. The Chinese commonly believe that they are
cleverer than others, and so may shape events in an oblique manner or
through shi [势], the strategic manipulation of events. This conceit among the
Chinese that they can manipulate others is supremely dangerous for Asian
stability. At the same time, it is a great advantage for the United States to
play upon that overconfidence. An overconfident China will continue to
make the mistakes it is presently in the South China or East China Sea
disputes. That is, making threats, issuing demands, heavy-handed shows of
force, are generated by China’s overconfidence.

>Seventh, as lamentable as it is, Chinese racism helps to make the Chinese a
formidable adversary. There are three critical consequences that result from
this. The first is the sense of unity the Chinese possess. Second, it allows the
Chinese to have a strong sense of identity, which in turn permits them to
weather adversity, and to be focused and secure confidence that the rest of the nation is with them. Third, China is not plagued by self-doubt or guilt
about its past.

>China is not plagued by self-doubt or guilt
about its past.

>tfw I posted this same thread a couple of days ago and no one answered.

Anyway, here's my guess as to what's going to happen:

>Within the next 20 years, America will erupt into Civil War II. The sides will most likely be drawn along the lines of traditional values vs progressive values. Who will win is anyone's guess. It might even result in the "Balkanization" of the US.

>Western Europe will be reorganized in the European Islamic Caliphate. Sorry guys, but I think you're a lost cause.

>Eastern Europe will be reorganized in the East European Confederacy in an attempt to preserve traditional European values.

>No idea what Australia, India, China, or Russia will be doing. I simply don't know enough about their political climates to make a guess.

>Africa will still be full of niggers living in mud huts.

>Israel will flourish because this is all their doing anyway.

The Chinese are never going to go through a civil rights movement like
the United States. This is because, first, they have no freedom of the press,
freedom to petition their government, freedom to assemble, all of which are
necessary to support a civil rights movement. Second, there is no political
drive or consciousness for equality in Chinese thought. Equality is associated
with Maoism and rejected in today’s China, where inequality is accepted and
celebrated. In addition, there is no notion of civil rights in Chinese political
thought or, practically, in jurisprudence.

China’s treatment of Christians and ethnic minorities is poor. The
government recognizes that religion is able to do many positive acts in a
society, and they do see the need for people to have a moral, religious
grounding provided by religion since a moral framework may be lost in the
demands of a market economy. The current debate is an echo of the one
they had in the 1800s, how do they preserve the essence of what is Chinese
in an era dominated by Western ideas. Yet, the government is fearful of
religion in the sense that uncontrolled religion may be a threat; a challenge to
Beijing’s authority. Not surprisingly, the treatment of ethnic minorities is
equally bad.

hopefully by 2050 a giant asteroid will have destroyed earth there is no way we will ever advance as a species with all the faggot shit going on

Chinese racism provides empirical evidence of how the Chinese will
treat other international actors if China becomes dominant. One of the key
insights into Chinese future behavior is its behavior in the past. Analysts do
have insight into how China will behave in the future based on its behavior in
the past, when it was the hegemon of Asia, the known world as far as China
was concerned. China sees itself as the center of the universe, all others are
inferior, with varying degrees of inferiority. That is not an attractive model
of winning allies and influence.

>He hasn't realized that the Chinese are kike pawns as well

United States Defense decision-makers might draw upon the following
themes as asymmetrical messages to weaken China’s influence in the world.
The first of these themes should be to advance a “reality check” to the global
community: “how do Chinese words match Chinese deeds when it comes to
treating people fairly and equally.”
The second theme is to introduce fault. “Why do the Chinese refuse to
change their racist views of the rest of the world?” Or more succinctly, “Why
don’t the Chinese like black people; or Indians; or South East Asians; or Latin
Americans?” Attention needs to be called to its eugenics policies as well.
“Why do the Chinese support eugenics generations after it was discredited in
the West?” Likewise, explicit ties to the policies of Nazi Germany may be
made since both Berlin and Beijing embraced eugenics. Beijing continues to
do so long after it has been discredited.
A third theme is to suggest that there is something profoundly wrong
with China’s worldview: “Why are the Chinese unable, or unwilling, to change
their racist views?” Or that there is something deeply iniquitous with China
itself, that is to say there is something profoundly wrong with the Chinese
people, or with their elite: “Why is China a racist state?” “Racism has been
confronted and defeated worldwide, why is it celebrated in China?”
These themes allow the United States and other countries to challenge
China’s projected image of an oppressed victim of racism with actual
empirical reality: China is a racist superpower. It practices discredited
eugenics policies. It does not equal the horrors of Nazi Germany, but it is far
closer to Nazism than it is to a free, open, and tolerant society.

The essence of the Chinese message to Third World states is a
straightforward rhetorical query: Has the United States or the Europeans
ever treated you as equals? In contrast, China portrays itself as an apolitical
rising superpower that does business in your country, pays a fair price for
your commodities, and builds your infrastructure with no string attached.
The United States needs to counter the expansion of Chinese influence
by tying in to the messages stated above, but adding the important point that
there is no culture of anti-racism in China, and so there is little hope forchange. Messages may be advanced along the following line: “The West
confronted racism and developed a strong culture of anti-racism, China has
not, nor is it likely to do so.”
Second, the United States should highlight that Chinese business
practices are destructive. There often is considerable resentment toward the
Chinese due to their ruthless business practices, which undercut and destroy
African businesses. The combination of the two messages, “China is racist
with no culture of anti-racism, and their businesses practices are destructive
for the locals,” would be most effective in making appeals to the Third World.
Third, it is an obvious point, but it must be made: the Chinese are
hypocrites when it comes to race and racial equality. For all of their rhetoric
on Africa and their “African brothers,” the cold facts of Chinese racism
triumph paeans to “Third World solidarity.”
Fourth, the message of the United States should be: We are better
than the Chinese for Africa. We will assist you with economic aid to offset
what you receive from China. In sum, culturally, socially, and politically, the
United States is better, citizens are equal, racial equality, and civil rights are

The direct fact is, when compared with China, it is easy to convey to the rest
of the world the message that the United States is open and inclusive,
whereas China is not. This is because to do so is completely in accord with
the principles of the United States and its history.
The messages should be, first, the United States seeks the best from
around the world, and will permit them to come to the country so that they
may prosper, fulfill themselves as individuals, innovate, and, in turn, aid
economic growth and innovation in the United States. Second, the United
States opens its society, educational system, Universities, military, and
economy to immigrants as countless examples demonstrate. Third, it has in
place Affirmative Action policies as a matter of state policy that benefits
immigrants from racial minorities and/or those who are women.

Calling attention to Chinese racism allows political and ideological
alliances of the United States to be strengthened. Political alliances
particularly with Third World states are an obvious benefit. Equally
important are the ideological alliances that the United States may augment.
Intellectual circles in Europe, Canada, and the United States value multiracial
and multicultural societies.

Journalists and media opinion-makers frequently share a multiracial
and multicultural vision of their societies as well. Yet, thus far, they have not
treated the problem of Chinese racism with the attention it deserves. The
“China is a racist state” message of the United States will help win allies in
global, popular culture, which is heavily influenced by ideals rooted in
Western, left wing political thought, including strong currents of anti-racism.
Popular cultural figures from film, music, television, and sports, will be far
better able to call attention to China’s racism for younger audiences
worldwide than will official or semi-official Washington.

It is to the advantage of the United States to have the world consider
the costs of Chinese dominance in order to grasp what will be lost. This is an
exercise that most of the world has not done, and as a result there is no
appreciation of what will be lost; or how hypocritical, domineering, and
imperialistic China will be.

United States defense decision-makers must recognize that racism is a
cohesive force for the Chinese. Racism does benefit the Chinese in four major
ways. First, the Han Chinese possess a strong in-group identity with a
polarized and tightly defined out-group. This allows the Chinese government
to expect sacrifice as well as support from a considerable majority of the
Chinese people.
Second, based in this identity, the government has the ability to focus
with great willpower on the demands of the state. All governments make
patriotic appeals, but the Chinese government is able to do so effectively
because any entreaty is based on patriotism as well as nationalism.

When we reflect on the tools the Chinese government has to extract support and resources from the population, only one conclusion is possible, they are
Third, they have strong societal unity and purpose, which supports
Chinese power. The Chinese do not have a culture that is self-critical or one
that ponders its fundamental faults.
Fourth, China’s racism and ethnocentrism serves China’s teleological
worldview. History, in the Hegelian sense, is moving in China’s direction and
the future belongs to it, China’s political beliefs, civilizational culture, and
economic might triumphed over the West.
While racism can be a great strength for China, it also gives the United
States an advantage. The lack of any desire by the Chinese to self-reflect on
the profound faults of their society means that there is no motivation to solve
these faults.

Accordingly, a powerful message may be that China will not
change because it has no desire to do so. In essence, with China, “what you
see is what you get.” The country is a civilization, and that yields them great
At the same time, there cannot be fundamental change. China is not
an open society, transparent and porous for new ideas that would challenge
its core beliefs. For those states and peoples whom the Chinese see as
inferior, dissatisfaction with core Chinese beliefs is certain to increase as
Chinese power expands. Thus, the United States may tap into that “market of
dissatisfaction” by calling attention to China’s lack of flexibility and flexibility,
contempt for, and dismissal of the rest of the world.
Finally, the United States may make appeals to those actors in
international politics that do not desire China to be at the center of the world
either, first, because their interests directly conflict with China’s, like India,
Japan, Russia, and Vietnam; second, because they resent being excluded from
consideration, treated equally, or with respect; or third, because they reject
China’s values and worldview.

>Chinese and niggers are subhumans.

In short, since most of you are illiterate:

Chinese ethnonationalism is the single greatest threat to Western civilisation in the upcoming century. Not Jews, Muslims or feminism.

I think arab speak will become a common language in Europe and Canada while Mexican in the USA.

If the aussie keeps up the "fuck off, we're full" shitposting, the white race could still have a fighting chance.

nobodys gonna read all that shit

Anyone with brown/black skin (including chyna) is a threat to us senpai


For real though progs never have any interest in war or strategy. They may seem to have the technocrats on their side but more and more the folks in Silicon Valley seem like Neoreactionaries, would only be a matter of time until enough of them were redpilled for the traditionalists to win.

Speak of, it is literally occurirng before our eyes. Thiel has outed himself as a conservative and Musk would work with Trump more were it not expedient. The red pill has been taken by the technologists, they will not stand for this nonsense either.

god damn dad i just shit myself, grats on the kek