What is the absolute dumbest form of government man has created?

If you say democracy I'll call you a faggot.


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but democracy IS the dumbest form of government you literally retarded niggerfaggot

only snowflake sjw fags dont want a monarchy you libtard.

Voluntary Collectivism

It's pure retardation.

Direct democracy
Constitutional Monarchy
One-party republic rule

National socialism.

Kritarchy maybe? It really pissed a lot of the Hebrews off and basically led to Jesus' philosophy.

What are we considering "dumb" here?

Is it a government meant to rule over dumb/less intelligent people, or a government built to be ruled by dumb/less intelligent people.

Because to answer that question you need to define what you mean better.


representative democracy

either you go all in athens style or why the fuck even have it all, direct democracy is more resistant to (((subversion))) than the lazyfuck representative form

Fuck off, retard.

You fuck off too. Monarchies were great for a really long time, the only reason they're shit now is because of changes in society that are relatively new on a historical scale.

The real answer is any government in which the jews can take over.

>actually wanting to have a national vote for every fucking thing the government does

Theocracy. You can have a king and make him be the head priest of the religion, that has always worked well. It never works well to have a ruler purely on religious credentials because being a good bishop or Imam does not mean they will be a good executive, if you have a parallel political/secular ruler then you have the religious ruler interfering in the secular ruler's temporal affairs or the religious ruler made utterly impotent and irrelevant.

Ruler has secular concerns which will cause them to neglect or subordinate religious concerns unless they are a retard (hi current pope).

Also gommunism or anachristic communism like the Paris commune.

>athens style
so upper-class, educated, ethnically homogeneous men? wtf i love democracy now

But democracy is the dumbest form.
The majority shouldn't be ruling over the minority.
You're not a true American if you actually think democracy is good.

did I trigger you, whiny baby libtard?

all government is dumbest, every form is a dilution of your freedom and individuality and cede it to some external factor
giving up control in the hopes someone else actually doesn't fuck everything....good fucking luck dumbass

Dude Monarchies suck what the fuck are you talking about. Feudalism is where its at.

Fuck no. Theocracy is probably the worst form of government, because it takes all of the corruption and bullshit parts of politics and puts them at the very center of your religion. The corruption that grew in the Catholic Church and began really coming to a head during the Renaissance displayed that incredibly clearly. We're still seeing evidence for it coming out of Islam, since Islam literally mandates theocracy.


Because anarchy was stupid enough.

imperial theocracy.

Monarchies. Imbreeded, half of their kids are retards, the other half it's just crazy.

No, you're just a retard. The only people who think monarchies are something we should use now are people who bought into centuries old propaganda depicting a rose-tinted monarchy system that never existed. Monarchies were good because the nobles provided military service for the people they ruled. Not only do we not need that anymore, but the nobles themselves simply stopped doing so (one of the reasons the French liked Napoleon despite him declaring himself emperor was that he was about as close to the front line as he could have been at the time).
If you like what Monarchies were, then what you want today is some form of military rule.

Also, I'm not even on the left.

Feudal societies had monarchies.

If the public are allowed to vote without being properly informed about issues, then yes actually it IS democracy.
A majority of idiots winning over a minority of informed people just because the idiots have more numbers is the dumbest shit imaginable.
So at the very least, total democracy is stupid.


What about those small scale forms of government where everyone rotates holding important positions at a set time?

Seems like everyone would just hold a grudge until it was their turn to dick everyone over.

Elective monarchy

>chong kong
>able to comment on other forms of government

Won't that get you v&?

Anything Italian

Cultural Marxism

Unironically this.

Or maybe proportional representation.

Literally just a government trying to cater to everybody.

Thats what im Saying Monarchies grew out of Feudalism why should we all worship some rich fuck who just took out the competition quicker then the others.

I don't think you understood me. In medeival Europe, most monarchies were feudal, and at that time, feudalism was a great way for them to be structured.

1) im in hk, not mainland. we basically can say anything we like here
2) in mainland, as long as you don't disparage the party, you can say whatever you want

Does your country's government even have an ideology anymore, or is it just the party maintaining it's power? They sure as shit aren't Marxists anymore.

How bad is it do they have police who would report you if you said shit.

Anarchopacifism is the objectively most irrational system

Its absolutely democracy.
How is this a question?

The wealthiest countries in the world are all monarchies or autocratic.

The longest lasting country ever was the republic of venice with an aristocracy who picked a lifelong leader. No voting. And was the wealthiest country over almost the entire period.

Every democratic country is getting into more and more debt. Borders are collapsing. What do you think?

democracy by far is full retard.

Mostly just holding onto power. The CPP is more of a meme than anything else.

If you say enough stupid shit yeah, but if you just send a message or post to sina something equivalent "fuck cpp" they wont care

He doesn't understand the difference between an absolute monarch and a system where nobles actually had power.

I guess the easy contemporary example would be the united states before the civil war when states actually thought they had some meaningful autonomy and weren't just peons.


Gyneocracy (what we have now).

Direct democracy is the dumbest form of government though. It makes it impossible to get anything done.

>Taking orders from a woman

This is fucking disgusting



>(what we have now).

no, especially considering that abortion access is still restricted and maternity leave doesn't qualify for social security checks (funnily enough bill clinton was the person who signed off on this reform). Also one only has to look at how male dominated most state legislatures are, and Congress.

Still got some of that residual cold war brainwashing I see

>same leaf

>they can't talk shit about me if I already talk shit about myself.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Anything with women in any position of power.

Monarchy is shit tier authoritarian. Empires with elected are merit base succession is a much stronger system than any idiots inbred child ruling for the next 40 years

*or merit based

democracy would be retarded and would collapse in only a few votes regarding taxation and finance.

good thing America has a republic.

1 person=1 vote at the federal level democracy. That, or voluntary collectivism.

With the internet this could be done easily

Read maistre you simpleton. What sounds rational on paper doesn't work out in reality. Elective "merit based" succession is horrible and unstable.