What does Sup Forums think about occupy democrats?

What does Sup Forums think about occupy democrats?
Is there an argument against this?

>What does Sup Forums think about occupy democrats?
>Is there an argument against this?
Pic related

Most politicians, senators to presidents, Dem to GOP are multimillionaires.

>He says illegals bring crime
>He says corporations in bed with congress ship jobs overseas
>So he will deport illegals
>He told the rust belt he would fight to bring jobs back from overseas
>This somehow combines into poor mexicans are stealing factory jobs
I dont know what its called but rolling two seperate concepts into one is pretty common for these people. Also check politifacts review of occupy democrats. They have literally never told the truth on their 9gag tier memes

I knew we should've voted instead for the rich woman who took part in destabilizing Libya and then called us all deplorable racists for not wanting to take in the refugees that she created.

What fools we are.

Bernie wasn't

He is now

Sweden bringing the bantz today.

>lefties can't into economy

Donald Trump isn't a cost to the American people, in fact, his business generates wealth.

Poor immigrants however is a cost to the American people. Requiring larger funds for police, prisons, welfare while contributing less than the general public. Illegal immigrants who work off the books also cause citizens to lose honest work, also acting as a cost.

Trump's been saying that deindustriallization makes you poor.

This is an effort of foreign governments.

Old stale communist rhetoric is old and stale.


I think this place would be boring if I couldn't read a million responses to the same handful of images.

This is just ShareBlue's new thing of trying to appeal to working class whites, the same people they've been demonizing for the past 8 or so years, just for being white.

Whether it works or not remains to be seen but the worst thing Trump could do for their cause is to actually have a good presidency and help people. That's why they will fight everything he does, probably to the point of physical sabotage.

fucking kek

lol no one cares about your conspiracy theories kid

other poor people are the reason poor people are poor, too much competence

Went to their facebook page and almost got cancer by the amount of false bullshit they post.
Thanks for that.


no refunds

Occupy Democrats has said some of the most retarded and blatant bullshit I have ever seen and considering I live in Australia, I've heard some pretty retarded shit.

Are they implying Hillary isn't also rich?

So how's that different from Hillary and the Democraps saying that poor rural whites are oppressing blacks with all their privilege?

Poor whites are opressing Obama and his family
t. Commie critical theory kike

last part is kinda true. If there were less poor people, than the labor supply for shitty jobs would decrease causing higher wages for shitty jobs.

>arguing with retards


>this fucking argument still gets used

These people are stuck in 1963 and refuse to change.

We need a broke failure like Bernie to get us out of this mess.

>Even politifact calls it horseshit

Hilary Clinton

A rich bitch convincing poor people to vote for the rich bitch by telling poor people that FUCKING WHITE MALES are the reason they're poor


Why would you argue against it? It's an objective fact. Mass immigration lowers wages and reduces services for natives. Illegals are taking the service sector jobs traditionally performed by native low income workers. Fall back jobs have also been taken over by immigrants, legal and otherwise. Meaning, if you lose your job for whatever reason, you can't just pick up a landscaping job until you get your shit together. You've now become a statistic. And one no one cites.

It is true tho. So many jobs went to China since they were so poor

anyone posting occupy demoncrats images should be perma range-banned from Sup Forums

I've never gotten a job from a poor person. Not even a handjob.
Also if you had your own business are you going to ask a guy who has kicked ass in the private sector? Rex Tillerson or a dude named burnt Sanders who has probably never had a fucking job in the private sector to help fix shit. Also it's not like Sanders, Warren and Pelosi are poor people ffs

and this douchebag made a more convincing argument than the democrats.

Makes my almonds sprout!

Yup. It was predicted last week, there was a lull in their flooding throughout most sites and many people predicted they would reform their narrative into "fighting for working class whites" as their main rhetoric.

So I posted this in some earlier threads, but I figure most interested anons were still asleep; here goes:

Dems get most of their pro-immigration and anti-Trump funding from Soros.
Soros is a wanted man in Russia for his role in the Ukraine debacle a little bit ago.
Soros is pulling strings to keep the Dems flinging shit about Russia hoping anything will stick, because if there is a US-Russia thaw he knows he'll be extradited to Russia and hung from the neck until dead.


Occupy Democrats is basically like an even less intellectually honest CNN.

fucking kill yourself

you better pray to god shareblue and all of it's sister orgs scrub their personnel records.

>you need an incompetent corporate retard to get you out of this mess
All you're gonna get is watch your standards of living plummet while the rich become richer
If you're ok with this, then all is fine fucking idiot
That urge to look strong and cool is going to be the death of all you retards. You'll learn politics isn't a football game...
And then, maybe you won't be supporting your meme emperor no more

Im confused, are we pushing a race war or a class war? I didnt get this weeks memo.

Sup Forums is actually full of richfags, that's why it's Trump Central. You'd have to be pretty silly to vote republican without having money in the bank.

you forget that 99% of his voters voted for him because of his comments about the federal reserve being audited and keeping shitskins out.

thats about it.

How much is Nancy Pelosi or Richard Blumenthal worth again?

They just blame the rich for people being poor, while helping themselves to inside baseball to get wealthier.

Trump voter here, that image is irrefutable...
I regret voting for him so much...

>being THIS salty still after the election night

never change, retard


I don't think he's a millionaire.

poor people are the reason other poor people are poor

just look at black on black crime

also bernie had a salary of 400,000 before he even campaigned
this isn't even hidden info it's part of his job description

You think I wanted the demon queen to be elected?
As far as I'm concerned, americans are low IQ self absorbed retards who deserve everything bad coming at them.

Bernie Sanders was the only capable politician during this election and he was pushed aside. That's enough to understand the us are doomed no matter what happens and what group of retards spergs out the louder

I thought Jews were good with money.

Learn something new everyday I guess.

>being this brainwashed
it's not even being blue pilled at this point it's being a fucking Nazi asshole

It is the left canibalizing themselves so it is good to me.

You have wrong pic.

A football coach from a university makes more than that. If you own a small business in New York you make more than that. Especially if you live in new England or Washington where prices are high as shit.

>muh communism

Nice meme

There is no reason to support Donald Trump if you're middle class besides being a racist uneducated insecure baby dick loser

>Elect rich man who knows how wealth is created, distributed, and how the economy affects these variables.
>Elect Jose, who doesn't know what compound interest is, has debts to pay, and doesn't understand how money can work for you.

>Sanders who has probably never had a fucking job in the private sector

He didn't. He didn't get a job until he was 40. His first wife divorced him over that bullshit. Then the job he got was in the welfare office.