Old people

What is Sup Forums's opinion on laws affecting old people?

Imo a good set of laws is this:
1. Don't allow them to drive
2. Take their voting rights away (Since they are easily manipulated by pension cuts and generally are retarded)
3. Make nursing homes obligatory, since they only cause trouble when outside.

I am writing this because one almost killed me while driving today. Old people hate general or greentext highly welcome.

how old are you


>be old

Respect your elders, degenerate fuck. Your quarrels with them now is simply an issue with the current social climate/standards and political brainwashing, not their age.

Like brain functions don't change with age.

Some do, some don't, depends on their health. And you think that nursing homes / the state are more qualified to care for them than their families? Talk about brainwashing.

They feel abandoned by their family and the state is all that offers them what comforts they seek.

Respect is earned, not given.

them are old

>And you think that nursing homes / the state are more qualified to care for them than their families?
Well, a trained nurse sounds better than someone who doesn't even know what osteoporosis is.

>They feel abandoned by their family and the state is all that offers them what comforts they seek.
That doesn't change the fact that are dangerous drivers and easily manipulated.

Honestly, anyone who hits 70 should be euthanized.
No more Social security bullshit.
No more tax payer money being spent on Medicaid or Medicare.
Jobs will open up.

I am fully ready to die around 70 years old anyway.

The eternal irony of hating old people is knowing that we'll all inevitably end up like that.

It's easier just cut the welfare state

This is why the family should care for them and ensure that they don't get manipulated.

Also, not every elder is this way. I have met plenty of men and women in their 80's to 90's and have been completely sane, alert, and quite conservative.

And they aren't in state care.

Majority of car accidents are never old people.

It's all young people with other young people because they're driving to fucking fast.

Maybe it was you that almost killed the old person.

Your entire premise is disgusting.
Almost as disgusting as the state of your nation.

If it wasn't for the elderly voting, the UK would be even more cucked than it already is.

Respect others until you have a reason not to, what you said there is just an excuse to be an asshole to everyone that you don't know or understand.

why didn't she hit you... why god why KYS

>Take their voting rights away (Since they are easily manipulated by pension cuts and generally are retarded)

fine if you also take away womens righ to vote. I"m all for it.

>This is why the family should care for them and ensure that they don't get manipulated.
Wasn't implying we should completely abandon them, just leave the care part to trained professionals.

>I have met plenty of men and women in their 80's to 90's
These are exceptions to the rule though. Most 80 yearolds aren't that autonomous.

>and easily manipulated.
Some of them easily manipulate young people...

>They feel abandoned by their family and the state is all that offers them what comforts they seek
To be far, they'll only be abandoned by their family if they failed at raising the new generation

old people blamed for voting for brexit, old people voted "incorrectly" for berxit so libtards start calling for old people to lose their voting rights. OP calling for same thing. realy makes me think

>These are exceptions to the rule though. Most 80 year olds aren't that autonomous.

Oh, but they are. A vast portion can be and have been. You are also listing your own exceptions and cherry-picking the worst of the bad bunch.

There will always be good and bad ones, don't group them all together and restrict their rights. Why should the good ones suffer?

That's like banning voting for those under 40 because most are indoctrinated leftists, most of us here would lose the right to vote as a result.

>Driving on a boulevard
>Old person, ignoring stop sign and two lanes of traffic cuts us off
>Rants about how careless the young are and leaves..

55 here. Fuck Off. We are the bastion of conservative principals.

I bet I can out drive you, shoot better than you, and have forgotten about fucking more women than you have been with.

I'm fit, (even rode all the Busch Gardens coasters last Saturday), and I don't plan on going insane, or getting sick anytime soon.

While I agree there is a point that some people should not be allowed to drive....

The other 2 statements are bullshit.

they should be barred from holding office, that's all
too many old fucks in congress just because there's no limits, and too many demonstrate the signs of aging brains when they spend too long in public

Not the age group i am talking about.

>Slide attempt
1. The ability to drive should be assessed on individual basis regardless of age. (Hillary No! Trump Yes! Judging from her fainting).

2. Elder people are harder to manipulate. That's why all shills are young. Look at college campus and you'll find tons of easily fooled people compared to retirement home.

3. Yeah, yeah, your bait is bad quality. Greece can't even afford nursing homes so it's a moot point.

Try bring some knowledge or serious discussion in your next attempt.

The area of the brain that deals with consequence recognition doesn't fully develop until around age 25. You'll know better when your brain actually works kiddo.

Agree on that, or at least make them get frequent medical and driving tests.
They just vote for whomever promises to raise their pensions here..
It could afford one, by just lowering pensions.

If it weren't for old people there'd be no Republicans elected to anything, anywhere. It would basically be paradise.