Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


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I'll believe in global warming once Al Gore starts flying coach.

Bill "The Devil" Nye

Bill Nye, the Bacholers Degree Guy

Increase in co2 levels is directly correlated to higher temperatures. Global warming is the final redpill

A better question is "Who was in the right here?"
And the answer is neither, they were both acting like shitheads.
Tucker is denying based on prejudice and thus not actually debating.
Bill doesn't try to defend nor answer the questions, and instead just spews "facts" to reinstate his status.
In this video, neither actually give a shit about the facts of climate change, they just want the reputation of sacking each other.

Tucker is retarded sometimes

this to be honest.

those hillary voting city people are responsible for 70% of CO2 pollution.

they have the power to stop this but they're too lazy to get off of their fat asses and stop consuming so much shit.


This, desu

>Who was in the wrong here

this is nto a fucking debate, this is some shitty sophistry that Tucker always does, he focuses on one point and keeps reiterating it. Don't get me wrong, Tucker is good when he is up against the media, but this whole shitshow interview with Bill Nye is just fucking retarded sophistry and you should be against it if you want to find truth.

Why the fuck are you even watching this shit if you want to know the answer to what is causing climate change, read a fkn book retarded bipartisan faggets; I say that from all the love and kindness that I have for Sup Forums, educate yourself.


Tucker was trying his usual tactic to get Bill to say something he would have trouble defending. The problem is Bill was being purposefully vague and broad, not giving Tucker anything to latch on to.

>Muh ice caps
>Decades or maybe longer, or maybe shorter.

>What would the world look like now without Human activity
>The world would look like this and here are the effects
I'm not sure who this Tucker guy is but he seems like a bit of a cunt.

Global warming exists. It's pretty much irreversible at this point. Plus, I don't think a nation should tax their citizens to death for it, so the elites can pocket the majority while the rest go unseen into taxpayer programs/renewable energy. If it's such a concern the country should make an effort that creates jobs, and reeducates people for new energy jobs, instead of laying the burden on it's citizens with zero short-term ROI.


He gets straight answers from bill. Timescales for change of thousands of years are reduced to decades. Our climate was originally on course to stay like it was pre-industralization because the climate doesn't normally change a lot between the span of a few hundred years.

Tucker keeps repeating the questions and pretending he hasn't received an answer, because he has no refutation for the answer. He would have to say "ok, but I don't believe you" without being able to defend it and look like a dumbass. The real way to argue is to present information that's contrary to bill's claims, then you get to argue about which information if valid.

Then at the end he calls bill close minded when tucker himself has presented no information, there's nothing in the argument for bill to close his mind to. Unless maybe the fact that denialism is not skepticism. Global warming could be complete horseshit, but if you deny evidence without explaining why, you're a denalist, not a skeptic.

it was freezing today lol


haha he make a funny face he smart

>Bill Nye the 'mechanical engineer is a climatologist' guy

I can't stand that

How was tucks interview with sessions yesterday? Curious if he would go easy on somebody in the trump administration

Global warming is real.
Bill Nyle is a scientifically illiterate hoax and a fraud. Instead of generating detailed report for discussion he is playing a fucking politician.

If I saw this guy in real life, I'd punch him so hard his teeth fell off.


You have no way to prove how CO2 introduced into the Earth's Atmosphere affects Earth's climate.

You don't know if all the CO2 emitted by man, prevented an Ice Age, did not affect the climate, or made an already warming climate warmer, or cooler.

On that score Tucker won.

>Who was in the wrong here?

Rural and suburban retards.

Reiterating a question that wasn't answered.

Rural retards that produce the least amount of co2 and farming actually reduces co2. Way to go city dweeb.

Just answe the question
>the science has been settled
Then answer the question
>science already did
Then answer the question
>but the science is already settled
So how would the climate look now
>we have charts

that's not true nigger

why dont environmentalist advocate for cleaning up the ocean and decreasing material pollution rather that trying to convince everyone that there is an apocalypse coming

even climate denier libertarians agree that we need to do something about murky rivers and smoggy skies

Prove climate change is not man made.

Climate changed before man, in many such cases even more dramatically.

How was this calculated and source?

Dude thats per capita. Consumption in Wyoming vs Jew York....

600k people in Wyoming, 8.5 million in NYC alone.

Of course thats going to look skewed.

>he seems like a bit of a cunt.
I would say a total cunt. He seems to interrupt every possible second and is not taking any answers.


>You have no way to prove how CO2 introduced into the Earth's Atmosphere affects Earth's climate.

Me? I'm not making any claims.

But no one can prove anything in science, there is no absolute certainty, only educated guesses. If you mean to say there's no way to support the hypothesis that CO2 affects the earth's climate, you're making an assumption. There is potentially a way a support any claim that is falsifiable, it's called finding evidence.

>You don't know if all the CO2 emitted by man, prevented an Ice Age, did not affect the climate, or made an already warming climate warmer, or cooler.
>On that score Tucker won.

Tucker has no idea what volume of evidence bill nye has seen to come to his conclusion and if it is reasonable to "know" in a layman's sense (not absolutely certainty). It's another stupid assumption, actually its the same assumption that something beyond this arbitrary line is "unknowable" when it really might be if you are a climatologist.

well said

Did you think weather was stagnant before humans?

There's always been a change in climate year to year.

Remember canacuck this isn't a argument about if we're contributing to it.

>per capita

Hahahahaha nigger u gay

>prove a negative
Can't be done retard

Not entirely true, user. Producing livestock puts a fuckload of methane and co2 into the air, cattle more than any

Bill switched gears at the end like a woman saying your dick doesnt work when the argument was about paint color.

it was much hotter when the dinosaurs were around

>But no one can prove anything in science, there is no absolute certainty, only educated guesses.

That's sort of true but that doesn't mean it's ok to do non-science and call it science because "lol nothing can be proved".

Climate science literally is not science. There's no control Earth.

He interupts because they are going off on tangents and not answering the question.

>Who was in the wrong here?
Bill Nye for not acknowledging his politics.

Fucking this. Bill instantly lost when this happened.

Bill Nye the Agenda Guy went straight for the 'think of the children!' ploy so I'm going with him being the worst. Show us the data then I might believe it. Even then, better show me all the data instead of hiding some of it which is possible.

I do agree with said too though. I thought Tucker asked good questions, but he was acting a bit hot headed. Then again I'd be too if the person always dodged the question.

>tucker is denying based on prejudice
Or if you weren't a nigger entrenched in a side yourself, you might want to ask the same fucking questions yourself your raging faggot.

Tucker does this shit all the time, its the best way to show people watching how stupid someone is. Just ask questions someone is to stupid to answer.

There is no physical way to know any of the shit tucker asked you fucking twat, that was the point. If you cant answer simple fucking questions like that the science isn't "settled"

(((( Bill Nyegold))))

Oy vey goyim, if you disagree with me then you have an X personality with X traits.

Did no one watch till the end?
What was with that Trump rant? Do (((they))) always have to bring up Trump? Leaks? What?

what was the climate like in 1750?

>Riddle me this Tuck Man -

Bill "Jail the dissenters" Nye

Is this the right guy for representing the scientific community?

A lot less niggers and westrels on welfare I can tell you that

bill nein the "science" guy

Even if global warming was real... it would be incredibly useful for the world... would increase farming in northern areas that were unhabitable.. would make africa and the equator unlivable... Would eventually swallow up cities near the water (new york, florida, california coast)... Really I see no downside except the summers are hotter and not as much snow unless you move north

Bill bill billl

>That's sort of true but that doesn't mean it's ok to do non-science and call it science because "lol nothing can be proved".

No one suggests that non-science being presented as science is permissible

>Climate science literally is not science. There's no control Earth.

You don't need a control for claims to be in the purview of science, they just have to be testable. Sometimes tests in science aren't experiments at all, EX: predictions turn out to be true.

What's really the problem is scientists have a horrible track record at predicting the future of chaotic systems.

>>tfw He says that Humans are the biggest contributor to CLIMATE CHANGE but won't talk about the volcanos around the world becoming more active and Fukushima.

The sun has been getting closer for years also, has he talked about that?

Ultra merchant-ey!

>You don't know if all the CO2 emitted by man,
most of it is emitted by liberals.

its up to you to decide if they're human or not.

Do you believe in miracles?

What if God decided to tweak the climate how He saw fit? you wouldn't be able to see him tweaking it directly or measure it in a laboratory, so you would still assume your clockwork universe where everything always obeys the natural law.

In short, weathermen can't even predict the weather correctly for the next few days, how do you think they could predict it for the next few decades?

>per capita
nice try shekelstein.

now lets not forget that wyoming consumes very little and all the CO2 they produce comes from exports to cities.

Cities produce 70% of CO2 emissions.

source: mirror.unhabitat.org/downloads/docs/E_Hot_Cities.pdf

My Climate test is that I go outside in February and it's cold as fuck. The top layer of rain water on my pool cover is ice. Al Gore is a mongoloid. Global warming a Jewish lie. Climate change a liberal bukkake circle jerk. Don't get all bent out of shape hippies. Look for some other wild non vital issue to push on others that hasn't yet been disproven. Keep fighting for faggot rights while violent hoardes of foreigners invade your nation's. Yeah, because the ocean getting warmer is really something I give a fuck about.

Thanks Kek. At least I know you aren't full of shit.

I kekek heartily

Oh my god, this face.


>What number is an apple?
>An apple is red
>Hehe you can't answer a simple question apples aren't settled

Bill said the % of change was an inappropriate metric, it's also ambiguous because there's so many ways to measure that and an audience wouldn't know what to do with the number if they heard it. If you were told 99% of a human was going to suck your dick, you might think it was a woman missing a toe. Chimpanzees share 99% of human DNA.


That's the face of a role model becoming a Sith lord.

>science educator

The mega cities that house the liberal pest are responsible for more then half of the countries emissions. These cities are often only a few miles wide in density.
A few miles opposed to entire states difference.

Liberals are disgusting.

Where the fuck do you live? I live in the south and we didn't have winter at all this year. Spring temperatures started in january when february is supposed to be the coldest month.

The true answer for enlightened individuals not burdened by the blinders of partisanship is that both individuals did a poor job, but for different reasons.

>never answer simple questions
>win argument because you're "the science guy"
just lol

Tucker can't lose

bill "i don't know what cognitive dissonance is" nye the pathological science lie

Yeah i saw stupid niggers like you fixate on the "degrees" hur der thats a word you chose.

The problem is you niggers try to pretend you know something about science and you dont. The only person the word "degree" in the statement "to which degree did it effect it" would confuse would be a stupid nigger liberal. The point is extremely solid, and being so much of a nigger that you think "the science is settled" is a fucking disturbing stance for anyone to take when pretending to know anything about it.

The earth is more than likely being effected by us, but there is no actual science showing it. Ontop of that, you niggers dont know science so you picked CO2 because its abundant, but neglected to realize its the most harmless part of the combustion process besides water vapor. Even other forms of carbon are worse for our planet, not to mention the radiation spewing out of our nuclear power plants. But no its all about carbon dioxide in your little nigger brain, because the science is settled dont you know.

I love tucker when he's embarassing libs but damn does he sound like an obnoxious scientifically illtiterate tard here

you just move there? happens every now and then

least your not in WA state, if we get some snow here our local news can't stop about the tragedies republican congress created due to their lack of care about Climate Change

Tucker cant argue for shit but global warming is bullshit.


>As the world slid into and out of the last ice age, the general cooling and warming trends were punctuated by abrupt changes. Climate shifts up to half as large as the entire difference between ice age and modern conditions occurred over hemispheric or broader regions in mere years to decades. Such abrupt changes have been absent during the few key millennia when agriculture and industry have arisen. The speed, size, and extent of these abrupt changes required a reappraisal of climate stability. Records of these changes are especially clear in high-resolution ice cores. Ice cores can preserve histories of local climate (snowfall, temperature), regional (wind-blown dust, sea salt, etc.), and broader (trace gases in the air) conditions, on a common time scale, demonstrating synchrony of climate changes over broad regions.
>punctuated by abrupt changes. Climate shifts up to half as large as the entire difference between ice age and modern conditions occurred over hemispheric or broader regions in mere years to decades

Was supposed to say radiation from our coal plants, which is worse than our nuclear power plants.

When I was a kid, the winter landscape was typically covered in snow most of the winter.
Now we get several years in a row with no snow.
This year the highs were usually in the 50's, and often higher.
Even the GOP politicians and news have stopped denying it's getting a LOT warmer, now they're grasping at straws by asking if humans are responsible.

Why even ask here?

Everyone on this board sucks the dick of every rightwing faggot they can find, so obviously they'll hate Bill Nye despite him being correct.

I just moved up here to WA a few years ago. All the dudes who have lived here forever have told me about the cold fronts that blow through and freeze everything every few years. Much like you said the news reports it like some kind of rarity.

Something similar to this has happened to me every place I have moved too. California never saw droughts like this before, and they did. Massachusetts had never seen blizzards like this before, and they did. Its amazing how everyone remembers the crazy weather when they want to talk about bullshit, but forget all about it when ideology kicks in.

How about he sell his coastal property? You think if he believed this shit he would own a mansion along the coast.

Was thinking about that that nye debate . I fee nye is a high priest of liberal materalism . He's pushing his particular ideological biases twards cchristians or any theists in general .
If you disagree with a logical positivist or materialist they just claim your against formal logic and against the values and bedrock of western civilization . This approach is quite is evidently stupid . It's Made up of forces and force sublimated representations . In other words it's Obviously power as well. So it's It's really about power . One group dominating another one has so called truth another does not . The battle begins . But neither have Acsess to truth Anyway .The flaw of positivism is that it replaces explanation with description . It's pre consumed images that are recognizable by either side in otherwords a brand loyalty. The dichotomizations of reality into particulars removed from a universality is its self a obvious schizo approach . And quite dangerous and goes no where . In sum it differences its self form its self into a object element under the assumption the boundary of its self in relationship . But that's a major flaw a fragment can never be in control for long .and also it has to dominate to do so . The debate is about power . See I seen it as self referentiality. Or as Plato called it homonumon
Anyway as for logic goes I have no problem with irrationality and illogical actions . You will never get rid of them they are in a endless chapter of the myth of sysiphus

Ancient Egypt & Rome times had many degrees hotter on a global average.

Climate change is real, but not to the degree mainstream (((Scientific consensus))).



I like Bill Nye a lot, but he's a disgusting fuck on this topic propagating propaganda paid by his peers.

Its not getting alot warmer, infact there is no way you would ever feel global warming even as bad as the liberals pain it. This was common knowledge not that long ago, its the same reason why niggers on the right are wrong when they say it isn't real just because its cold.

I seriously cant believe there are people who think they can feel a .8 degree shift over 200 years, just because a fake scientist told them the numbers are worse than they look.

It isn't uncommon for us to have cold weather until late april here in WA, it could even rain all april and may and be 45 degrees and that is common for the PNW

you like him for the nostalgic entertainment factor or what?

The atmospheric c02 levels of much of prehistory was 1500ppm or more. For reference I think we are right around 450. I believe Nye mentions something about this in the video.


I don't know how to say this, but you are literally retarded :( I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, but it was important for you to know.

I have never watched a tucker segment before this one, so I don't know about his 'constantly interrupting' shtick or whatever, but in this particular instance he had asked Nye some basic stuff that he had no idea how to answer. He seemed very unprepared. There are several times in the video where he talks for 20-45 seconds and nothing of value is said. Towards the end, he did get a bit more interrupty, but how can you not, when you just wasted 10 minutes talking about nothing, and have derived no real answers at all from what was said. Nye's answer to the question of 'how much of global warming is man made, and how much is naturally cyclical' was nothing tangible, it was just 'a lot'. at one point he said 100%. Literally. Watch it again. He had no sciencey shit to say AT FUCKING ALL. His fucking self proclaimed title is the science guy. Fuck! Anyway, Tucker was rude towards the end. It was rude to tell Nye he wasn't a scientist. Nye was obviously super flustered, and Tucker is more experienced with arguing(Preschool level Nye-sponsored Creationist debates aside), and so it was a little unfair I guess in that regard. Nye fucked up, though.

Bill's 'straight answers' were stuff like "We were going to have another ice age. Ain't gonna happen, cause of you and me" For real, he literally said that. Now, you have to remember. Tucker was asking one question, the same question, as is his apparent shtick, until the end of the video. He spent that entire video waiting for an answer to the first question. The question was 'To what degree is global warming caused by man'

Climate change is not the same as global warming. You simpletons.

Does bill creep anybody else out? Wouldn't surprise me if he turned out to be a pedo

It would slow our progress more than the Finno Korean hyperwar.

We are not gonna reach the average global temperature the earth had during Ancient Rome & Egypt for hundreds of hundreds of years.

Carlson: "I'm asking you a simple question"
*Nye answers question*
*Carlson asks same question*
*Nye answers question again*
*Carlson STILL doesn't like the answer, asks again*
*and again*
*and again*
(all the while ignoring the answer because it's inconvenient to his world-view)
Carlson: "why can't you answer my question?"

And sweet baby Jesus, that potato look on his face.

hello bill