/polder/ frogland renaissance, vote 15 Maart, check your stempas

How do you do, fellow cartel breakers?

>Coalition tier
>Useful idiots
50 plus
>Commie tier
Nieuwe Wegen
Ondernemers partij

Molyneux redpills

Protecting dutch values (covert islam attack)

FvD meme folder

Other urls found in this thread:

openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/19141/Baudet PhD proof.pdf?sequence=10

Why are you forgetting partij voor de dieren? They are also anti EU

This message pops up
what do /polder/?

For those who havenv't followed the switch from Geert to FvD, here's a couple of perspectives on that:

From last thread:

-FvD has a more detailed party agenda (anti-EU and anti-immmigration among other things) as opposed to PVV's single A4 paper sheet (that has caused widespread ridicule)
-Better arguments, better at debates
-Less affected by the "uneducated racists" stigma that plagues PVV
-Directly called out Soros
-Wilders is making hardly any public appearances, being self-destructive

Pretty sure this is the right pasta


go here and press support with twitter to make fvd trending on march 15

Still a bit too pro-refugee, but still, they are one of the least worst left-wing parties from what I have seen about them.

-Wilders is a psuedo-jew


Glad to see /polder/ has finally seen the light that is FvD. Don't know why it took so long.


PVV actually has a couple of good people on its list but Geert only allows a one man show.

Imagine Bosma at that lame RTL debate last week. He would have crushed all the other guys.

Well yes.

Funded by Israel and US holocaust groups, including Horowitz (who also funds milo)

Don't fuck this up faggots.

We can't have any leftists or cuckservatives like the VVD and CDA win this election and get to form the government. We are standing at a crossroads of history in Europe.
One road leads down to a Federal State of Europe beholden to unelected officials in Brussels and Strasbourg.
The other road leads down to the return of the nationstate of the post-Westphalian world.

One path will see a rule by postmodernists whom would rather see our history and culture destroyed, than appear to be racist.

Don't let this shit happen you faggots. All because you wanted to vote for some fuck who can at most get 1 single seat.

>tfw no tall qt Dutch gf


Yes. Or imagine if in the midst of the supposed security problems, wilders had made a youtube video everyday to complain about the danger to his life.

>took so long

Neger, zo snel is Sup Forums nog nooit en masse van mening veranderd. In circa 1 week is het van 100% PVV naar 95% FvD gegaan

Tsja, wat moet je hier nou mee. Iedereen kan wel zo'n 'echt uitziend' document vervaardigen. Het staat buiten kijf dat Wilders (te) warme banden met Israël onderhoudt (zoek maar eens op de naam 'Gidi Markuszower'), maar dit soort 'bewijs' voegt weinig toe

Look, we didn't make this failure happen. Wilders did. But despite all he's still second best so don't divide us and let us focus on building the beginning of long term change.

Dank u

We need more /partycartel/ memes


This. Wilders is still based, but he's not no.1 for me any more. He just keeps fucking up simple things which harm the advance of right wing politics in NL.

Duurde alsnog te lang pik, had vanaf moment 1 al duidelijk moeten zijn.
Nu moeten we snoeihard memen op twitter.

>Party For The Animals

But we're trying to stop importing third worlders

Kunnen jullie niet stemmen?

Jongens dit is niet grappig , dit wordt pure verkrachting

Ja ik denk dat ik een twitteraccount ga maken speciaal voor FvD-memes. Als we er een paar maken en we volgen allemaal die van elkaar, lijkt het al snel of het toonaangevende accounts zijn.

Ja dat gidi geheimen naar Israel heeft gepassed en dat Wilders elke maand bij de Israel ambassade langs ging was me al bekend.

Verdachter is dat hij niet toe geeft joods te zijn maar zegt dat hij zich voor zou kunnen stellen dat hij joodse voorouders heeft en als het zo is dat hij dat mooi zou vinden. Terwijk hij gewoon een joodse moeder en groitmoeder heeft.


Let's spread them far and wide.

>dgw jij niet degene bent die Ancilla verkracht

Nou ja, dat weet ik niet. Leg een kleuter maar eens uit waarom 2+2 4 is zonder jezelf voor lul te zetten. Bovendien is de Piratenpartij compleet gefocust op computerdingen en Hiddema is zelfverklaard computerhater.

Hij moet uitkijken dat hij er niet uit komt te zien als 'de domme oude man die met zijn hoofd in het verleden zit en er allemaal niets meer van snapt'

Ah oke, dan heb ik je op dat onderwerp weinig rode pillen meer te bieden

Realistically, does FvD have anything resembling a shot at getting seats? Because if not, you're basically like an American voting for Gary Johnson. Geert may not be perfect, but Trump wasn't either.

Nog een pasta van mij uit vorige draad:

Read Baudet's PhD thesis:

The Significance of Borders:
Why Representative Government and the Rule of Law Require Nation States

openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/19141/Baudet PhD proof.pdf?sequence=10

Anicilla komt nooit goed uit haar woorden , dit wordt een eitje voor Theo

Jongens FvD kan ook een fysieke bijdrage enorm gebruiken, plak posters, stop flyers in brievenbussen, plak stickers, ga de straat op. Neem contact op met je locale coördinator en zorg er zo voor dat FvD niet alleen het internet verovert! forumvoordemocratie.nl/campagne

Ik heb toch het gevoel dat FvD het niet aandurft buiten de door links opgelegde kaders te treden. Een paar voorbeelden van die link die jij paalde:
>d. Er komt een verbod op het dragen van niqaabs, bivakmutsen en andere gezichtsbedekkende kleding in het openbaar.
Ik heb zelf nog nooit iemand met een bivakmuts over straat zien lopen. Daarnaast zou, als op basis van dit standpunt een wet aangenomen zou worden, ook 'gezichtsbedekkende kleding' als maskers e.d. bij carnaval verboden worden. Welk doel dient het verbieden van bivakmutsen en maskers? Waarom durven ze het niet aan alleen specifiek niqaabs verbieden? Omdat ze nog steeds uitgaan van het compleet doorgeslagen gelijkheidsdenken van deze tijd (de door links opgelegde kaders).
>Er komt een verbod op buitenlandse financiering van religieuze scholen en instellingen.
Nog zoiets. Er is werkelijk geen probleem met kerken en boeddhistische tempels die vanuit het buitenland gefinancierd worden en ik kan mij best voorstellen dat dit in de praktijk zo nu en dan voorkomt en waar verder niks mis mee is. Alle problemen beperken zich tot de financiering van Moskeeën. Waarom dan niet alleen een verbod voor moskeeën en islamitische scholen? Wederom omdat FvD niet het linkse mantra van "alle religies zijn gelijkwaardig" lost durft te laten.

Nogmaals, ik vind FvD een zeer redelijke partij, maar het mag duidelijk zijn dat zij vooral aansturen op politieke hervormingen en dat zij wat de islam betreft veel te hard hun best doen om binnen het acceptabele te blijven, waardoor ze op mij niet als authentiek overkomen.

Gary Johnson had 0.0000% chance of winning, quite literally, because of your electoral system. We vote for the whole parliament at once, and only 0.67% of votes is needed per seat, so that is the lowest amount of votes with which you are still represented. Right now, FVD is polling at around 0.7-2%, so they are very likely to get about 2 seats.

This is why I'm redirecting all the people who don't want to vote PVV to FvD while voting PVV because it has a huge supporter base. Then it's just riding out the 4 years and voting FvD as it gains momentum.

I hope they both do well. Hell, I hope the pirate party does well too so our government can finally do something about the shitty tech situation because they pretty much only hire retards who couldn't cut it in the business world.

Weer allemaal dezelfde flikkers in deze draad als de rest van de week?

dropping memes

hallo anons,
Pvv of FvD?
ik ben nog intens in de twijfel.
voor mij is het belangrijkst dat Nederland zo snel mogelijk weer een blank en Christenlijk land word.
help pls.

I feel they're hiding their powerlevel on some issues, especially migration and islam, in order to prevent being labelled a racist and ending up like Geert. To me it looks very much like plausible deniability.

Look up the bit in Oog in Oog (iirc) where Hiddema basically says Geert chose Moszkowitz to defend him because of his Israeli funders, but without using that many words, and you'll understand what I mean.

Theo Hiddema is ook voor wapenbezit, schijnt. Hij heeft een hoop wapenbezitters verdedigd. Hoe komen die mensen aan een wapen??? Vraag ik mij dan altijd af...

Proportional representation. If FvD can't get enough votes for even one seat, those votes likely would not have made any difference had they been cast in favor of PVV instead.
On the other hand, if FvD does at least get one seat, they'll gain more exposure and have much more potential to do even better in the next election cycle.

FvD pauperts blijven memen, de rasechte Nederlander stempt gewoon voor de Bos.


>mgw Asscher de neuk wordt uitgeblazen op nieuwsuur

I'd vote Bosma (did so last time) but he's pretty much guaranteed a seat. Instead of my vote helping to get a literally who into a seat, I'd rather help Baudet and Hiddema where my vote might make a difference.

Kut hollanders..

Hm, die getallen zijn wel overtuigend.

Maar ik geloof eerlijk gezegd echt niet meer in de PVV. Ik bewonder Bosma zijn loyaliteit wel, die man wordt echt gigantisch beknot door Wilders. Hij zou veel en veel meer kunnen dan er nu uit komt.

Woon in Drenthe

They'll get 4 or 5 seats. It's never been so easy to convert people. The (((polls))) say they'll get 2 seats currently. Soros put s lot of millions into Dutch media the last few yearsso you can imagine the effects if that. Visibility is the biggest challenge. FvD only needs two seats to make a huge impact, because they've got both balls and brains.

No voting here in Dutch elections.
Speaking of which we are having our own after our government failed to form after the last one.
We gotta make sure Schotte doesn't get in. He's already been charged with Fraud and stealing money from the government. And he wants his party elected so he can drop the charges against himself and defraud the people of even more money.

Look at it this way. Get Wilders #1 in the election and big enough to form a government with allies like the SGP. So that there is at least 1 nation outside of Hungary that will be against European federalisation, and one founding EU member at that. Because otherwise you have to pray that France elects Le Pen, and they got fucking run-off elections in their country. So she could lose because people will vote for her opponent just out of spite.

The point is you can't have cucks in The Hague. I remember voting NO on the European Constitution referendum and that vote winning. Only for our politicians to ignore it, just like they did with the Ukraine referendum.
You can't let the globalists win.

yes they poll at like 2 seats at the moment
and you could easy vote for somebody like gary johnson in america if he polled around 5% because the 5% gives him federal funding for the next election because at 5% it will be seen as offical national party

What does this mean
t. Trying to better my dutch

Hey boys, help me met roodpillen

Mijn pa wil misschien SGP stemmen vanwege hun pro-eenverdiener standpunt. Aangezien de SGP standaard toch wel 3 zetels haalt kan hij zijn stem (voormalig D66 btw, maar compleet gedesillusioneerd) mijns inziens beter aan FvD geven. Ik weet alleen niet wat hun standpunt op dit gebied is. Iemand hier die daar meer van weet?

Oh cancer, forgot english to speaken

The political establishment giving each other special privileges and fighting against outsiders trying to enter politics.

PVV voor de chaos en destructie de komende 4 jaar. FvD voor de intelligente wederopbouw daarna

Will Geert be the next PM?


I see where you are going with this. I wish Hiddema all the luck in the world. Watching him speak is a delight. Too bad I already voted, Mail already on the way to the embassy.

BTW, any Dutchfags get the idea that the foreign voters get scammed? In the referendum last year, rougly 80% of Dutch nationals abroad voted FOR the association with Ukraine... According to the Bureau who keeps these statistics..

Ik trap er niet in.

As long we are in the EU, we can't do anything since the EVRM is the cause of our shitty migrant situation

EU must have our priority. You'll see many shitskins we move to other EU countries so they can still visit family when we are getting out

After we solved the EU problem, we can focus on the remaining shitskins

It means there's a group of parties who have agreed in secret to only work with each other. PVV could win 70 out of 150 seats and they'd still rather work with the other 80 if they could make it work. They don't care about the people, only about power.

FvD wants to drastically lower taxes by cutting unnecessary government spending, which would be amazing for the entire economy.

I agree, I don't want a lazy cuck that doesn't do bare minimum campaigning and that doesn't let the talent of his party debate when he stubs his little toe.

I really wanted PVV to do well but this isn't the first time he starts sperging out. I mean sure, maybe he is the one jew we could trust in the fight against globalists... But then why isn't he fighting? Where has he been for weeks? Not going to debates? I have lost my faith in this jew.


His own security tried to get him killed. A week later and he's already out campaigning again.

Zondag 5 maart
- Maken verkiezingskrant Telegraaf te Amsterdam.

Maandag 6 maart
- Tijd voor MAX, NPO 1

Dinsdag 7 maart
- Jeugdjournaaldebat

Woensdag 8 maart
- Flyeren Breda (Noord-Brabant)
- Interviews Privé en Story

Donderdag 9 maart
- Geert Wilders gasthoofdredacteur bij WNL Goedemorgen Nederland
- Interview Telegraaf
- Bezoek dierenasiel

Zaterdag 11 maart
- Flyeren Valkenburg en Heerlen (Limburg)

Maandag 13 maart
- EenVandaagdebat Wilders - Rutte

Dinsdag 14 maart
- Geert Wilders bij Edwin Evers op radio 538
- NOS Slotdebat, debat Wilders – Asscher en Wilders – Segers

>His own security tried to get him killed

Snotneus Jesse Klaver in 20 bij Jinek.

Ik ga alleen kijken om te zien of Jinek gaat shillen

The other explanations are spot on. But it's also the two main topics that Dutch people are almost unanimously supportive of: closing our borders (to islam at the very least), stopping islamification. Slightly less certain but very probable: nexit and return to own currency.

The politicalparty cartel does not even discuss these issues and when the population voted on these things in referendums, they were ignored.

Not entirely implausible. I'd imagine someone working in another EU country would want to keep the status quo so they don't get kicked out of the country, if by some miracle a Nexit happened.

I'd think most of the foreigners are pro-free travel and pro-EU so it's not too surprising imo.

When Mocro's sells your sensitive info to scum Maroccan maffia, they do not try to prepare you a suprise party with tea and cookies.

That security guy should be in jail for treason and deported back to the Sahara.

I'd say expats is a preselected group that is more likely to vote pro EU

Jinek gaat niets kritisch vragen en verlaat de studio met een slakkenspoor achter haar aan.

That did not happen. All he did was tell his girlfriend where he was some days.

Most other Europeans are pretty progressive hipsters. The Dutch expats I know are usually pretty based. However we stick to ourselves and don't try to form a Dutch " community".

Which would be the perfect thing to raise a stink about, youtube videos, whatever. Look at me poor and in danger. Would have worked great. Instead silence. And what about refusing debate invitations? He refused those before the "security problem"

About half of my friends are currently working/studying abroad. They're all massive EU shills

Guys don't believe OP shill
FvD is Gary Johnson tier, you are just helping the libs win by voting for FvD no matter how good the party is
Vote party for freedom
PVV, Geert Wilders has been anointed by kek, check it out. This shits on any gay FVD memes


Why not both?

Cucked by Pechtold. This is why I am AGAINST the Erasmus program etc. It brainwashes students that being "European" is all cool.

In all honesty, i lived in several European countries and I dislike most nationalities below the Alps.

PVV must become biggest. Let SHTF! FvD Will become big in couple of years

vd Staaij vs Jesse Cuckver @ JINEK!!!!

>I feel they're hiding their powerlevel on some issues, especially migration and islam, in order to prevent being labelled a racist and ending up like Geert.
I feel the same thing and this is exactly why I will still vote PVV. When it comes to non-islam related stances, I align more with the FvD than with the PVV. However, I consider islam to be a much bigger problem than pretty much everything else. How our government functions or how our tax system works today, matters very little in +100 years. The growth of islam, on the other hand, will have a huge long term effect on our nation.
>Hiddema basically says Geert chose Moszkowitz to defend him because of his Israeli funders
I have seen that fragment, but I don't see how it is relevant. It may very well be that Hiddema was just butthurt about losing out on a high profile client to Moskowitz. Either way, don't kid yourself and think that Hiddema believes that Wilders is a "zionist jew shill that works for Israel".

>American education
Gary had literally 0% chance due to FPtP voting. We have proportional representation.

But by all means help the (((PVV))) get their literally who number 27 into parliament instead of based Baudet and Hiddema

I hate that guy so fucking much. Wtf is up with all the normies suddenly voting groenlinks and d66?

This isn't an election where one person wins and the others lose. We're voting for our entire parliament. We can get Wilders in and at the same time get a seat for Baudet and Hiddema, both talented people.
Don't be an ignorant foreigner telling us how to vote.

Nee stem d66 jongens die gaan echt verandering in de politiek brengen ff gewoon doen nou met jullie niche memepartijen.

>FvD is probably a better fit ideologically

>PVV is a bigger middle finger to the establishment

choices, choices....

Like (((Geert Wilders))) isn't a shill that zionist puppet! I much rather have 4 more years of Rutte than that kikedicksucker! With jews you lose!

My point is you have to read between the lines of their statements. Who is really targeted by a ban of face-covering garb? Obviously it's targeted at muslims, but they don't directly admit it because doing so would be "racist" and make them targets. By using vague phrasing and making laws broader in scope they give themselves plausible deniability against those accusations.

The same for foreign funding. It's obviously targeted at mosques, but you can't say that out loud these days, unfortunately, so they don't. When it comes time to vote, they'll still vote for it.

D66 is THE pro EU party by far. One good reason to stay as far away from these traitors as possible.

When you vote for a bigger EU, you vote against your own interest and that of NL.


This. I've heard them in a live speech say: "...you wouldn't want controlled opposition that has no real solutions and wants to ban the koran" for example, when describing the current Dutch political landscape and possible solutions to the party cartel.
Someone linked a specific example of them naming the jew, but I didn't watch it yet. They did call out soros, so they know what they're up against.

I've also been watching old interviews and in one specific one an older media guy practically begs Thierry to go into politics (he refused at the time).

And think about it. Decades of mostly leftwing policy. There must be some old money and power behind FVD. Not that Hiddema and Thierry need it.

Roodpill stappen plan

1. Overtuig familielid van FvD
2. Als dat niet werk , overtuig van PVV
3. Weer niet? SGP

I think FvD's methods have a better chance at succeeding if their party becomes influential enough to execute them.
PVV essentially wants to swing a sledgehammer at anything Islam, which in my opinion is a destructive way to go about it when there are still so many who feel like Islam is not a problem and we as a country need to adapt. Baudet wants to deconstruct this mentality ("oikophobia") first, which in my opinion is a much better way to go about it.

Is Yernaz /onzeaap/?

Hij heb een bek als een breedbekkikker, hij is /onzepepe/

Iemand Link waar Soros word genoemd?