All hollywood movies will now feature minorities as leads to teach diversity to your children

All hollywood movies will now feature minorities as leads to teach diversity to your children.

How can Sup Forums argue against this?

This movie is going to flop...HARD.

Close your eyes and image the average person who goes and watches comic book movies?

There is a really good chance that person is not wearing Jordans.

>This movie is going to flop...HARD.
But the movie will exist, these arent made to make money dumbass. Your just a dumb fascist these are made because your kids and others in the future will be watching it teaching them the power of diversity.

>90% is one whole race
>all that diversity
Did they even think about what they were typing?

>90% black
>Minority leads
>Whites are 10% of the world population, the lowest of any race besides Native Americans
White people are the true minorities.

Diverse just means less white people

I'll see it. Black panther is a very conservative hero. Or used to be.
Wakanda is a superior African society with a fuck off we're full mentality. Make Wakanda Great Again.

Diversity Definition: The state of being diverse; variety: A range of different things.

Looks good to me.

If 90% of the cast is black, then how is it """"diverse"""""

Thank goodness Hollywood is finally becoming representative and showing us how we can all live harmoniously together, including with minority characters in heroic and leading roles. It's about time this happened. When will vidya catch up?

Isn't supposed to take place in Africa? Why wouldn't the cast be niggers then?

>Did they even think about what they were typing?
Your a typical Sup Forums troll, it means less white people which noone wants their children to see.

Why argue? I just won't go see the movies or give my kids funds to see the movies. :)

Because diverse means non-white cis gender christians

It's supposed to be just Africans.


There is nothing wrong with full nigga casts, as long as it's not 'fuck white people' the movie, I don't give a shit.

leave vidya alone or i will murder you and everything you love

>90% is black

So i guess the slave to slave owner ratio is 1:9 seems like the typical coton farm set up.

>implying whites will want to pay to see any nig lead movies
>implying nigs pay for anything
>implying hollywood isn't dieing

>>implying whites will want to pay to see any nig lead movies

I'd pay to see a War Machine movie, with no Iron Man/Tony Stark in it.

>implying its not fuck white people the movie

That would be all right actually.
I'm still going to call you a cuck though.

Isnt that Dr Strange's black sidekick? How is he able to be in two marvel movies playing two different characters?

diverse means no whites