Black people are Hu-

No not really. Prove me wrong.

I see a NASA scientist


Love trumps hate!

Kek has blessed you, my good sir!

Racists BTFO

i bet she gives great blowjobs tho

what do you see here?

How can dumpf even compete?


How can dumpf even compete?

what does young Rick James have to do with Sup Forums?

I see a failure

a Brazilian man

>implying we are human
huehueheuheuehue got you

Any predictions on how long this thread lasts?


k whatevs

Obvious trap is obvious.

Damn. You can see his lungs or something moving.

till my IP reset

feminine negress

i deleted the cookies too you suckfuckers

Yeah I don't believe him either.

>Black people are Hu

>same cognitive functions as a homo sapian
>come from the same genus, and are also the same species
thats really all there is to it, just because you see them as lesser doesn't make them a lesser species.

Also the argument that these people are "sub"-human while whites or asians are not makes no sense because if there's one sub-species of human then we're all variant sub-species of human


holy shit, was he electrocuted or something?

gonna need a quick rundown...

The subspecies argument is the one I would make and it seems correct. We come from distinct geographic regions, have different types of common adaptations to dietary and environmental stress, suffer from genetic diseases that can be geographically pinpointed, and some admixtures thrive while others end up ugly and feeble.

That seems like traits of subspecies.

Here's a really crazy thought. Racism is a natural trait meant to prevent crossbreeding. It feels like a deep base impulse. Some species use specialized mating dances and pheromones to stay differentiated, we use smell and visual cues