What kind of madness will warm weather in the Northern hemisphere bring?

What kind of madness will warm weather in the Northern hemisphere bring?

Change of sea acidity and composition. Death of most sea life. Rise of sea levels of catastrophic levels. Massive loss of drinkable water. Death of most plant life.

That's pretty depressing, Pancho.

At least you won't have to worry about illegal immigration anymore.

>tfw my dream was to move to the emerald coast of florida after my grandparents die and live on the white sandy beaches
>ice caps are melting faster than we expected and soon it will be under water

I wish the evil little slut would do some scat porn so i could fap to her.

Have you ever noticed that every country with warm weather is a degenerate hellhole compared to all of the world's nice and developed countries? Maybe it will turn us all into Latin America.

Sea life is the closest thing to mystery and unconquered area of exploration left on earth,this is depressing.

Nice double double, but I haven't since November 7th.

there is warm weather in the northen hemisphere senpai its called the northern solstice season.
if the sun will go into a drastic warm cycle it would fuck with the general climate and the equator area way more then it would heat up the northern hemisphere.


It's not even the Vernal Equinox here, my Shylock.

Anyone know how to reverse balding? Or at least know how to regrow hair? OPs post finally made me want to whip my ass into shape and start fucking women again since I've turned into a fat bald mess.

>I used to be so good looking

>Believing the "climate change" jew
fuck off shills

Fuck off, we're full.

Some say applying castor oil helps also there are stem cell/injection therapies in spas if you can afford to spend more.

>leafs are now coming to America too

You idiots destroyed your country now stay the fuck up there

Even if you don't believe in global climate change, ocean acidification caused by burning fossil fuels is real and has horrible implications.

I'm rich though, I want to open up a restaurant and create JERBS

t. 57% white

Will look into it thanks Georgiabro

I would have to take a submarine to work

>taking a blue pill disguised as a red pill
Climate change is happening, and the Jews are behind it, while Mohammed and Abdul move to Europe, Mordecai and Goldenberg will take their land. The only way to stop this is an ice age, we need to absorb carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases to induce one, this is the only hope for the white race.

Just to clarify, I meant protests and civil unrest rather than climate change, you guys.