/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on

/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/Germany/Otto Strasser - Germany Tomorrow (Part 2).pdf


>The environment is our 1# priority
This is why I have no second thoughts on not being a liberal


the poor and working class people you want to incite to rise up and kill people like you can't spell or pronounce the label you've given yourselves, dumb mid-to-upper class college kids

>Actually believes that the (((bourgeoisie))) want more nazis

Pic related btw

That pig faggot is no pepe, your memes are shit

You are the environment ya dumb shit, if the world gets worse for animals its going to get worse for you.

>hurr fuck cows being sent to slaughter in mass factories
>he said before he jerked off and cried in his tiny apartment, working a wage slave job to pay for the immigrant family down the street to do nothing
>he said as the world became vastly overpopulated leading to a world war the likes of which will never be seen again




Lol fuck off faggot your memes are shit

I reject your whole premise. The whole frame work that you lay your case is wrong.


Do they unironically use that overdesigned pile of shit to represent themselves?

Why is globalism bad again? isn't a one world government the next step before we start colonizing planets?

Did you even read my post? I sure as hell want to see (((porky))) getting lynched as much as the next guy, but all i'm saying is why aren't you a national socialist user?

We don't raid you: stop raiding us.

Fuck off traitor

At least read the posts individually before you give a non-argument. We all want to hang those corporate shills too.

Real national socialism
laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/Germany/Otto Strasser - Germany Tomorrow (Part 2).pdf

not me, faggot
america was at its greatest when it had a positive view of corporations

Ideology doesn't matter to the oligarchic powers that enslave us. So why does it matter to you?

Our grandchildren won't be able to eat money.

>old man with long nose driving a nice car

>Actually believes the jews at the top who push anti-white propaganda in movies, tv-shows, mainstream music, advertisement, etc are ok.

What am I if I hate communism, but I also hate capitalism?

All I want is small voluntary cooperative communities senpai.

It's a meme. A brief look at the bunker meme should be enough to confirm that it's mostly a joke.

The State is a pack of gangsters using force to steal money from innocent people.

>: doge.jpg
i can tell you are very hip and with it

"traitor" you wouldn't know what a honest cause was even if the proletariat hit you in the face.

Why are leftist memes so shit? Does that commiecuck board have literally any meme other than "le capitalist pig"?

not that I care, but richard spencer was actually punched
we all know you look up to attempts of communism

That's right goy, stop drinking your racist organic white milk. Drink your coca-cola™ instead! less offensive colors...

You already lost

There's this:
The entire bunker thing is sort of iconic for them.

because he believes in time travel math
the nazis allowed aryans to own a business, pay workers to make stuff, and sell the stuff for MORE than they paid the workers to make it
under retarded time travel math rules, you're a porky for allowing that

Isn't it funny how 8ch's equivalent of Sup Forums is far bigger than /leftypol/

Our grandchildren can buy food with the money we make today.

Why does leftypol deny that it's the Jew's that run everything and instead blame average white males?

The problem with leftypol is self evident it their name. Pol is just pol, its a bunch of people with various ideas. Leftypol is just communists

And the one the pol can agree on is that communism is the worst form of government


The point is that there'll be no food for them to buy if the environment is thoroughly ruined by that time.

because they're average white males, it's self flagellation, masochism, todestrieb

last time I checked pol opposes none of those in the first panel.

nice strawman retards.


>eating food grown in the dirt
luddite, we'll have perfected synthetic nutrient replicators by then

Yes goy, stop eating that nasty organic food made by white farmers. eat your GMO™ food instead!

Posting Bill Whittle.
gg we win

Representing with PaleoConservatism's litteral greatest voice.
Here's a Recurring general on /vip/
As long as Donald Trump sits in the White House, so too will this thread sit in /vip/.
Once Bill makes Firewalls and Afterburners again I'll make threads on Sup Forums

Also friendly reminder, Bill Whittle's channels:


Who the fuck cares about /leftypol/ their memes aren't even dank and cripple chan is a shithole.

Name a revolution communists haven't betrayed.

why is it necessarily bad to genetically modify food?
barring some nefarious conspiracy to engineer it in such a way that it makes frogs and people turn gay or something like that.

I'm sure farmers take good enough care of their crops. Switching to hydroelectric power or solar won't do any less damage to American agriculture.

Leftypol confirmed just a bunch of retarded 12 year olds.

Leftypol trying to feed blue pills to everyone again. DAE free college, money for the poor, open borders??

College then just becomes a glorified highschool, where the degree is even more meaningless, any type of "wealth redistribution" Is destined to fail.. For obvious reasons. Not sure why people are complaining about a wealth cap, that is obvious retardation. I'm no capitalist but a socialist and communism are trash tier.

Not sure why you guys hate liberals, you spam much of the same bullshit ideals people have at 17-19 years old, and now a new generation of man babys that keep this up at 25. Then we got king cuck sanders over here at 80.

>I want to create a world of love and tolerance between races

So does Porky.

>See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist -- it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn't built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist -- just because its anti-human. And race is in fact a human characterstic -- there's no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangable cogs who will purchase all the junk that's produced -- that's their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevent, and usually a nuisance.

>[Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (New York: The New York Press, 2002), pp.88-89]

Is Porky Pockets the liberals version of the happy merchant?

Wow it's fucking nothing

It's the bluepilled commie version of le happy merchant.


It's why corporations love immigration and globalism too. It's not because they have hearts, it's because it fucking makes them more money.

Liberals, despite claiming to be against the economic exploitation of people, fall for it hook line and sinker every goddamn time because of feels.

>money can be exchanged for goods and services