Red pill me on the syrian conflict, who's fighting who...

red pill me on the syrian conflict, who's fighting who, why are there so many fragmented rebel groups fighting each other, is it true that the us is funding islamic extremists?

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An old Galactic war.

The details are a bit fuzzy at present -- something regarding an ancient conflict regarding reptilians and Sirians/Lyrans out in the universe, the latter being our human ancestors.

Syria + Hezbollah: Shut up, faggot. You're making us look bad

>is it true that the us is funding islamic extremists?
Yes, they certainly did.

Here, take this article from a mainstream media(!) source
Insurgents in northwestern Syria are complaining that the CIA is no longer paying their salaries

>who's fighting who
Assad's thugs are fighting 'rebel' thugs, who are basically Islamic extremists. There were more moderate rebels but obviously they're barely around any more because the extremists either wiped them out or swallowed them up.

>why are there so many fragmented rebel groups fighting each other
That's what Arabs do, even the most relatively successful Arab nations can barely keep it in check. Arabs are tribal as fuck and Islam only makes them more bellicose.

>is it true that the us is funding islamic extremists?
Yep, they chucked in behind the 'rebels', didn't seem to realise they weren't backing a democratic grassroots movement of the people until it was too late because Americans are stupid and have a hard on for civil wars and now they're essentially funnelling funds to hurkadurks and telling the Russians off for backing Assad because they don't want to admit it's just a shitshow now.

Assad, Hezbollah and Russia.

Rebels, Turkey and Saudi.

Kurds, allies and US.

pick your boys.

Assad let all terrorists out of prisons and helped them to make the opposition look bad.

5 years later we have what we have, all because of one faggot dictator.

>Assad let all terrorists out of prisons and helped them to make the opposition look bad.
Translation: "We allied with terrorists and extremists from the start, but its all Assad's fault even though we demanded prisoner release! waaah"

The "opposition" should man up to its mistakes of allying with extremists, these excuses are pathetic.

Kurds allies and the us
The Redpilled side

They didn't need to ally with terrorists, toothpaste. It was Assad who was desperate because he wasn't just a dictator in an Arab Spring year, he was a religious minority.

Pretty much that OP. The brit bong summed it up well

Syrian conflict, like Ukrainian conflict instead about sides, it's about destabilization of country, so that elites can buy/take it. Doesn't matters if Assad gives them what they want or rebels give them what they want. They basically want to sell McDonald and Microsoft there.

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Why do they always steal the dead mans shoes!

they look so short. they are mini men

Here is everything you need to know about Obama and his war crime in Syria.

Moderate rebels of tolerance are fighting a noble struggle against the madman Assad. He's an evil dictator who has destroyed the last hospital in Aleppo 30 times in the past six months.

the opposition are all jihadist terrorists, /pol supports Assad.

Easy fucking solution to any armed conflict involving muslims:

1. Arm, train and finance the non-muslim factions
2. Let them slaughter all subhuman muslims

Now explain to me why the democratic party armed, financed and trained 'moderate muslim rebels' instead of the secular Assad government...oh yea right, geopolitical chess games...


>Goy, I swear its just for the oil and the capturing of future profits!

Spend 7 trillion for the supposed reason of stealing oil even when you don't take it, also remember US and Russia are behind the re-radicalizing of the middle east from how it was turning secular.

Also look into how Iran's "Islamic revolution" too had connections to not only the CIA and Mossad, but spearheaded by the KGB

"Muh evil corporations and wars for oil" meme has got to stop.

That's a very western-looking shotgun on the ground, I wonder how the rebels got their hands on that?

Daily reminder the Kurds are Commies, and our "allies" are either more extremist, or too weak to matter.

The US wanted to build a pipeline from saudi arabia to europe passin through syria and turkey, but assad didn't agree with it.
So they decided to overthrow assad by destabilizing te country by creating a proxy war with well paid and US armed mercenaries (ISIS).
Assad called for help from putin, the ruskies kicked ISIS ass, assad remains in power, turkey went "fuck the yankees", and now the US is autistic screeching.
There you go, redpilled.