Female cop shoots unarmed man immediately after demanding suspect to show his hands

should woman be allowed in the police force?


>The Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) released video footage Thursday of the shooting incident that occurred one day prior.
>Officer Sarah Stumler was among three officers searching an abandoned house following a report of drug use inside.
>There, Stumler found Bruce Warrick, 39, hiding from the officers behind a box spring.
>Once Stumler noticed Warrick, she yelled, "Show your hands," then immediately fired at him before he had a chance to follow her directions, the footage indicates. >Stumler is heard saying, "Shit," after striking Warrick, later telling him, "You're okay, just hold on," as they waited for an ambulance.

poor dude

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i love when cops handcuff shot people and dont acknowledge them as a scared human after

OP is from germany so he probably doesn't know blacks shoot our cops at least 10x more than any other race. i also remember watching a vid yesterday of a muslim charging the bodycam of a female cop with machete in the UK. can you imagine how fucking scary that job is being am unarmed lmao

will the cunt get prison for that?

What did he do wrong? Obviously he did something which warranted the police coming into his home to find him with guns drawn. Then instead of cooperating and coming out, he tries to hide. He played a very big role in his getting shot.

Why are Americans so trigger-happy?

I know man but cmon this dude was in no position to attack

>The incredible men and women of our law enforcement

nigga if i ran up to a guy hiding behind his mattress in his own house while getting a line of sight at me i'd shit my pants

Because niggers shoot at, fight with, and generally defy the police on a daily basis.

>abandoned house
>somebody reported drugs or some shit
>police come to investigvate
>cunt shoots unarmed dude
>they don't find any weapons in the house or on him

Women shouldn't be allowed to do a lot of things, be police, vote, work in politics, work in the news except for as the weather girl, and many others.

But this cop did nothing wrong.

>But this cop did nothing wrong.
besides shooting an unarmed citizen, even if it was a nigger.
this shit could also happen to anyone else, like you or your dad.

American cops get less training than European cashiers.

What if he did have a gun? You never know going into those situations. Hes already hiding, so he doesnt really want to comply. At that point, who is to say what length he is willing to go to to avpid arrest. Nigs especially hate female cops, amd defy their authority and fight with them much moreso than with male cops. Nigs have a very patriarchical society.

We didnt know most of that until after the fact. Imagine going in there without that onformation.

I live in Louisville. The cop will be fired because our mayor is a cuck but there will be no riots, we are too poor and also armed, and everyone will forget this besides us when we look at crime stats at the end of the year.

Read the full post. He had drugs and didn't want to be fucking found. There was no report of violence before they arrived on scene. A normal cop can apprehend a person without accidentally shooting them.

Don't give me that bullshit excuse every victim of a cop deserved it. If I was a more cruel user I would post that video of a cop that went to a person's back yard and sweetly lured a person's dog close to the backyard fence so he could fucking shoot it in the head.

It couldn't because they would never have reason to enter my or my father's property and point a fucking gun at us, and i'm not a faggot and wouldn't hide from them if they did.

oh yeah, she fucked up

>What if he did have a gun?

You could literally ask that question during every single encounter with another human being. Maybe that way of thinking is why your cops shoot so many people unnecessarily. Bunch of triggerhappy morons.

Shouldnt have had drugs and should have cooperated. He would still be alive.

>What if he did have a gun?
you could say that in about literally every situation
>traffic stop
just shoot the guy in the gabber, might have a gun
>music plays too loud somewhere
just shoot up the party, someone might have a gun
>traffic accident
just shoot the victims, someone might have a gun

Thats a reality of policing. That is why they must treat every individual as if they may be armed. We almost broke the record for most police shot last year.


Why was he hiding? Drugs? Criminal shit?

based karma.

She would know that... If. She. Let. Him. Show. His. Hands.

She says shit
She acknowledged she did wrong

He did not lunge, he did not flinch. He his behind a god damn mattress.

>It couldn't because they would never have reason to enter my or my father's property and point a fucking gun at us

but it could happen to you at any given moment

>walk down the street
>hear yelling in the distance
>before you turn around you already hear shots getting fired
>cop cunt get to keep her job

Dumb bitch should never work on the force again. What kind of trigger discipline was that?

>Police officers


Niggers can kill you with bare hands and feel no remorse doing so because they are more animal than human.
The nigger did not comply and it's unforseeable what goes on in his crude mind at the moment, so shooting was absolutely warranted for self preservance.

It was a judgement call. She followed protocol which was to demand he put his hands in the air, but the way he was hiding he could have easily had a firearm.

She fired one shot to subdue the suspect. It was not a fatal shot and it was completely effective.

She cuffed him to ensure he was no longer a threat and immediately concerned herself with the possible gunshot wound.

This could not happen to me or anyone in my family for a number of reasons.

First and foremost being that I would not give the police a reason to search my residence in such a manner. Secondly if the police did show up at my home looking for me I would cooperate and comply with their demands even if they were in the wrong. In the case that they were wrong I would go through the lawful process and challenge the unlawful arrest later using the laws in place and receive any compensation due.

Stop being a dumb faggot.

>Mayor is a cuck
>For enforcing police policy

Fucking hell. I bet you support Milo to. Because every atrocity is okay so long as it's committed against your enemies.

Oh, that's too bad

Gavin's right, these cunts are just really shitty men.

>Shouldnt have had drugs and should have cooperated
Because of a bit of weed/whatever someone deserves to get shot?
Because someone is scared and hiding he deserves to be shot?

you're retarded man


>TIL the role of cops is to execute people for any crime.

Classic example of a woman panicking and being overcome by emotion

>She fired one shot to subdue the suspect.

I'm with the cops in most shootings, but this bitch just panicked like a retard. At least wait until he doesn't show his hands after like 5 seconds and then cap his ass

>he thinks he is safe from trigger happy cops


>gets shot despite not moving
>gets shot again

I think we had a case like this not so long ago, also cunt cop was involved

He didnt die?! Holy fuck! What the fuck are we arguing about?! Im sure the guy doesnt give two fucks because he knows he just won the nigger lottery and is about to makeout big time in a law suit. Which hes going to piss away on drugs, clothes, and other nig shit.

>She followed protocol

Now you've gone full retard. I can't think of a western country in which it is protocol to not give the suspect time to comply with an order. This was an indiscrimnate shooting you complete fucking moron.

>Sees man
>Shoots him

The fact that she gave him less than a second to comply with an order doesn't save her here. She will never work again if the state earned it's reputation for having a "pussy" major.

you guys can't excuse what happened simply because that cop knew she fucked up; the "shit" is a give away.

now, to be on topic: women must not be cops

No I agree she should be fired. But our mayor is literally a cuckold to niggers and will get her fired a lot quicker just because.


women shouldnt be allowed to speak unless spoken too

Whether it was known or not, she shot him before he even put his hands up.
He didn't have a damn chance to follow her orders, she just shot.
Criminal or not, he did not warrant himself to be shot for pretty much no reason considering he complied peacefully.

She pulled her gun out and immediately squeezed the trigger. Damn right she fucked up, I've seen children with better trigger discipline.

Remember that woman cop who had a taser in one hand and her gun in the other, and kept shouting at some dude to show her his hands while she was continually tasing him, and then shot him in the back while he was too busy spasming from being tased for a minute straight to comply?
Women are so fucking useless as cops. They panic at the drop of a hat.

nigger btfo by brave womyn.

>She followed protocol

Now you've gone full retard. I can't think of a western country in which it is protocol to not give the suspect time to comply with an order. This was an indiscrimnate shooting you complete fucking moron.

>Sees man
>Shoots him

The fact that she gave him less than a second to comply with an order doesn't save her here. She will never work again if the state earned it's reputation for having a "pussy" major.

>First and foremost being that I would not give the police a reason to search my residence in such a manner.

>get shot by police for looking suspicious

>I shouldn't have given them a reason to shoot me.

There is a reason police are held to a stringent standard, you moron. They are a powerful state armed force essentially. There powers are directly acting against your freedoms.

I love it when pigs die

Of course not, women should be at home raising the next generation and study/work if they feel like doing that while not raising kids.

But lets be honest. If she told him to put his hands up, and he denied the request, then proceeding to reach for his waste, and then got shot, nothing would have come of it. That's the beauty of a police body cam.


go gas yourself antifa.

>It was a judgement call
It clearly was not.



You pretty much said so in the OP post already.
>muh niggers are humans, too
Stupid Antifa. Go back to your linke Hochschulgruppe, this is our safe space.

I'm not antifa you turd, i'm as Nazi as it gets.
But these cops are utterly useless at their fucking jobs.
Be it here or in murrica.

Scared little shits rather bully citizens instead cracking down on REAL crime.

Fuck that country

drug users are fags

>women cops make mistakes regularly
>women cops trigger-happy on niggers
>nogs protest, but muh vagina
I see literally no problem with lowering the bar for women to enter the police force. If they can paint nails, that's good enough.

We're not saying the nigger was being smart, and she shouldn't have shot him right away but 1. Niggers are notorious for not complying, being armed and killing cops 2. His hands were not visible and he wasn't complying already by hiding behind something where he could surprise the officers.

At the end of the day, nobody wins here, but if black criminals would just comply for once in their life they wouldn't get shot this often.

>Subhuman beats a woman
>Subhuman gets his ass kicked and is doing hard time with his fellow subhumans

Tippity top kek!

Proof that women shouldn't be cops and that niggers are pathetic lowlifes! Great vid.

Nazi saying cops are useless at their jobs. How'd that final solution work out? Kek

>should woman be allowed in the police force?

>followed protocol
>immediately shot him

grade A fucking stupid

>the cops would not have any reason to search my house
Holy shit the ignorance. Cops will show up and enter your house over a noise complaint here its a serious fucking problem.

>wasting time and ressources on some hobo who just wants to peacefully shoot heroin
>not going after organized crime and rapeniggers in the projects

>Warrick remains in critical condition at University of Louisville Hospital, the Courier-Journal reported. Sections of his pancreas and intestines were removed during surgery
He'll be a very rich man if he lives.

The police has to announce their presence when they enter. He was hiding. He knew the police was there. He could have gone down to the ground or announced his presence, but instead he hid and hid visibility of his hands.

Who is at fault here, the cops who don't want to risk death or the criminal who hides instead of giving up when there's clearly no other option than giving up or getting shot/killed.


That moment when you know you just lost your career.

yes these kind of "cops" are useless, what we need is the SS.

Yeah that's not what happened. You're a fucking retard.

>Sees man

Nope. She sure a nigger resisting arrest and not following police orders in a position to potentially ambush the arresting officers.

She shouldn't have fired immediately, I agree, if you think I said she should have you have a severe learning disability, but the shot she did fire was not a murder shot, she panicked and fired like many would when faced with such a situation. That said she fired a non-lethal shot and only once, enough to subdue the suspect. She didn't just fire wildly, she didn't shoot him in the head and she immediately began to treat him to ensure he doesn't die.

What's with all these crack head nigger apologists. Just from this video we see there is a history of non-compliance and potential to attack police officers.

We don't even have access to his record. The guy was dangerous. Don't pretend like the police would treat anyone like this.

>imblying she didn't do the right thing

The jolly african american could have been hiding a gun, the cop also has his own life to protect, not that you would think about that.

OP is just some stupid underage faggot who lacks the foresight to properly function.

what a whiny cunt the officer, screaming and crying like a fucking baby.
Good thing based grampa shot this faggot. Theses omega manlets don't deserve to wear the uniform.

This is precisely why we have body cams.
To expose under qualified trigger-happy cunts


At the moment when the suspect was hidden in the shadows, it was unclear whether he is armed or not. The cop then has only a split second to make a decision, and the best decision to take from her perspective was shooting to protect herself from the potential threat. She immediately realized her mistake, but I'm sure she will not be charged for this.

This Aussie is more cucked than you realize.

If you own any kind of firearm in this country, be it a painball gun (despite the law specifically mentioning that an explosive propellant is required. Just one of the many instances of oppression of gun owners) or a category C death machine that kills babies on it's own, the cops will often come into your home on relatively short notice.

So he's brain dead or a huge cuck.

Cops in America are immune from silly little mistakes like shooting someone.

>She followed protocol which was to demand he put his hands in the air
And shot right afterwards... That's just legality, not reasonable use of protocol. Sup Forums is becoming blindly cucked bootlickers recently.

The guy was hiding in a way that makes it unclear tot he cop if he was armed, and he could have easily had a gun already out and ready to shoot. Its a judgement call the cop had to make. If the guy wasn't hiding and being immensely suspicious during a police raid, then there is no reason to believe he would have been shot.

>Yeah that's not what happened. You're a fucking retard.
Why couldn't this poor dude be you?
shit like this could happen to anyone, just because retarded female cops got to exist.

For shooting him or handcuffing him? The answer to both is No.


shooting a person is part of thier job. you must prove criminal intent to send a cop to jail. Otherwise its just a boo-boo on the job.

I hate living in Louisville

This isn't a cop issue
This is a women in men's work issue.

>what if he had a gun?
>what if he had a knife?
>what if he had a friend hiding in the closet waiting to strike?
Maybe it's better to just drop drone strikes from now on, you never know after all.

too bad, cunt deserves at least 10 years in a supermax.

>That is why they must treat every individual as if they may be armed.
And this is coincidentally why so many of them get shot.
You don't go to war with people and expect to come out unscathed.
Every time the criminals/cops escalate force, the problem gets worse. And worse. And worse. This is going to lead to anarchy eventually.

Because the SS never shot any unarmed civilians....

>she panicked and fired like many would when faced with such a situation

>see man
>notice him
>demand something of him
>nerves make you shoot him

This is called being a fucking awful police officer with no trigger discipline. She was a ticking time bomb if a man hiding behind a mattress makes her so nervous that she fucks up this bad.

>The guy was dangerous

Which isn't legal justification for shooting him for hiding and not being the fucking flash in responding to orders.

women should never be able to handle a gun much less allowed to be cops

Just do the Russian approach like they do in Dagestan

>drive with BTR through wall
>shoot thermobaric rockets through the windows until all threats are eliminated
>demolish house further with BTR

Bodycams are great. Never have to worry about litigation because there are processes that keep both parties honest if events blow up.

You deserve your next drug deal going wrong and a nigger eating your face.

You live in a country where it's pretty much ok for the police to use flamethrowers on street kids so shut the fuck up subhuman nigger
