Persian empires

Pol your honest opinion about Persian empires


Bretty gud. Smart and friendly people

Topic is not meant to be divisive, mr aussie

honestly, the idea of non-whites achieving anything makes Sup Forums feel bad about never leaving home or fucking women

but Persians are white?

I conquered them a bunch of times in CK2, then one time being a total dickwad I let them go only after bribing Monophysite africans into their courts, knowing niggers would fuck them up.
Soon all these different lands in Persia ruled by niggers imploded and the most tech advanced civilization was gone and had segregated/

wtf I love muslims now

True persians hate that persian lands are ruled by muslim apes.. you know they were conquered by barbaric arabians, right?

You do know Iran is 97% Muslim right?

I think you might be trying to justify your sexual fetish for Persian girls


polish clays

Yes I do, but you still don't understand it doesn't matter what religion they practice, while they care about the persian culture and heritage, Persia is not lost

>Pol your honest opinion about Persian empires
Would fuck/racemix.

What is the problem?

Yet I'm talking about Persian empires, not people

full of beautiful, repressed women that need a sexual revolution. Let's kill the men, steal all the oil, and liberate the women and children.

>Yet I'm talking about Persian empires, not people
Don't really know much about them, their food is pretty good though.

the original enemies at the gate of the west

Achaemenids and Sassanids were hardly different than the Caliphate when it comes down to it

>If you help the african nations in CK2, they still inevitably fail and die to the muslims north of them
>If you eradicate the muslims, they still inveitably fail and die to the jews in Abyssinia, which start out as like 3 counties and still kick the fuck out of the ethiopians and somalis

Paradox are secretly redpilled

They don't though, not anymore than Egyptian cares about theirs.
The people you are referring to are all diaspora don't even live in Iran anymore, and the ones who do only exist in north Tehran.
There's always exceptions though, but they're outliers.
It's probably what this guy said though. You have desert fever and want to justify your fetish.
You know most of the Islamic Republics supporters are the women right?

lol how dare you compare those two humanitarian to a fucking arabic caliphate who care nothing than themselves..

Persians are different compared to Egyptians.
Egyptian speak Arabic and there's nothing left of their heritage and culture
but while Persian people speak Persian and have strong intrest in their culture

I had spanish friend who was in military and he has a child with so called persian woman. She made his life in hell and turned all his family againts him. Then she stole whole his money that he earned during his stationary in Lebanon took the kid, move out to London, married some Iranian guy and posted photo of the kid and him on facebook titled " my hubby is such a great father". My spanish friend wanted to commit suicide. Thanks God his friends found him and took him to hospital. Moral of the story: STAY FUCKING AWAY FROM THESE DIRTY SAND BITCHES.

Ancient, irrelevant history. You are Muslims and should be gassed. What is that picture of some cunt is supposed to illustrate?

Kill your Mullahs and burn your mosques and embrace anti-theism or fuck off. Muslims are Pan-Arab slaves.

Persians are whiter than Americans


Also shia muslims > sunni muslims.


so if one bitch shits something up, let's stay away from the whole people that come from the same country?
so if the bitch was Polish would you still have said the story? I don't think so polak

The Persians and the Byzanties should of been friends, but noooo, they fought until both sides became weak and got cucked by Islam

Post hot persians

1/4th to 1/3rd of the words in Persian and Arabic are the same. They're the closest 2 languages in the world.
And Iranians speak Arabic as well as Farsi as it is part of the curriculum they learn in school.

And no as an Iranian myself who is only here for school I can tell you we don't give 2 shits what happened 1200+ years ago. We mostly use Persian culture and shit as marketing for tourism and to sell statues overseas.

Yes I always feel more sad when they were conqured by arabs than getting destoryed by Alexander, he admired the persian culture and heritage

I would advice you to avoid polish women in general especially if you met them abroad. They are literal coalburners and golddiggers sucking dicks for cigaretes, alkohol or 10$

Ne on persiestä.


That's my friend and his daughter. 4 years ago. He haven't see her since then. I hope something like this happen to you too so you will understand the pain stupid sand nigga lover.

What did Iran mean by this

>tfw no Persian GF
why live?

Bro :DD hold up
I know they use same alphabets but hell no half of the words aren't the same, and who said you've to worry about what happend 1200´+ years ago, I'm talking about what's happening right now in persian lands, People can't even fucking celebrate Cyrus' birthday, but they must fucking celebrate some goatfuckers shitfuck

>muh anecdotal evidence
keep cryin bitch nigga

No. They're non-white Caucasians like the rest of the middle east and northern india.


Centralized empires are shit. Competing smaller states is the ideal.

You poorlak did you even read what I said, I know it's bad thing what that bitch did to him and I empathize the pain already I know betrayal is bad, but I'm not gonna hate a whole nation because only a bitch betrayer is from there

I think you are muslim. Don't you?

Iran literally means "land of the aryans", thats why the jews want to genocide them.
Persians are on our side, they are basically whites, who got browned after the Jews infected Egypt with race mixing.

HAHA you can't be serious I'm telling you guys we need to save Persians from that shitty religion and you assume am I muslim?

why the fuck is there a worthless pole trying to talk shit about Iran

he is retard

Do....Do you understand im talking about you?

Have you ever wondered why did the persians help the jews so much?
Cyrus saved the jews from Babylon
Sassanid kings even fought for jews, and this is what we get in return?

I said 1/4th to 1/3rd of the words are the same. Whether you want to believe that's or stay delusional is up to you.
>People can't even celebrate Cyrus' birthday
Why would we want to?
And modern "Persians" are not the same people from 1200+ years. We don't care about what some fucking fire worshippers did. Majoosi's are less than 1% of Iran's current population. We even have more Christians than we do Zorastrians.

He's drunk bro don't worry

>what are IDs

See here's what you don't understand boy, they're basically making you forget what you're and make you arabic puppet, keep worshiping that Muhammed who fucked little childs over Cyrus who cared about all mankind.

What makes you automatically associate Islam with Arabs?
Prophet Mohammad pbuh had Persian companions and his mentor was Persian.
Even Saudi Bedouins name their kids Salman after Salman Al-Farsi.

First of all islam was forced to Persia, and after that those companion of yours are betrayers, because they were against their own country and it's Parsi not Farsi.
There's no P in arabic so it's Farsi, I bet you didn't know that, right?

Well in Iran we call him Salman Al-Farsi but yes I am well aware that there is no P in Arabic.
So you're telling me all the yemini or Levantine companions of the prophets were traitors as well? Why don't you go shill for Syrians to abandon speaking Arabic and return to their pre Islamic religion? Fuck off faggot
And no it wasn't forced during Mohammad's time he spread Islam by sending ambassadors to different parts of the Middle East and asking them to convert. By the time Omar Ibn Al-Khattab reached Persia during his time as caliph Persia was already in the process of turning Muslim so he didn't have much to do but take care of the remaining majoosi's causing trouble.

All those who turned their back to their countries and join that pedophile are traitors, and who the fuck talks about religion here? and during pedo's time Persia was under Rashidun Caliphate's rule.
> he spread Islam by sending ambassadors to different parts of the Middle East and asking them to convert
LMFAO you must be kidding me?
so you're saying they were so nice they came to you and asked you nicely to join the glorious religion, such fool you're don't even consider yourself a Persian.


What does embracing Islam and god have to do with turning your back on your country?

And yes the prophet sent ambassadors, they taught the people of the lands they went to about Islam, and after learning about gods message they embraced Islam.

And in Iran no one calls themselves or refers to others as Persians. If you do you will get laughed at, and people might even spit on you as it is considered an insult. Everyone calls each other by nationality today which is Iranian as people of the Middle East have been mixing with each other even before Islam but especially since Islam. It's like an Iraqi calling himself Sumerian or a Levantine calling himself Phoenician. It's silly, cringy, and reeks of LARPing.

In Islam there is no such thing as the concept of race. There are Muslims and non Muslims. All Muslims are considered to be the same people.

>And yes the prophet sent ambassadors, they taught the people of the lands they went to about Islam, and after learning about gods message they embraced Islam.
They were forced to islam, but you're brainwashed so it doesn't matter what sources I give you, you'll say Pedophile that pedophile this.
>In Islam there is no such thing as the concept of race. There are Muslims and non Muslims. All Muslims are considered to be the same people.
Ummm.. is that so?

Sectarian wars are instigated by foreign powers and wahhabists to keep Muslims divided. In Iran shia and sunni are given fully equal rights and an Iranian passport won't even specify if you're shia or sunni. If you're Muslim it will just say Muslim.
In the US Muslim communities sectarianism does not exist and if someone says something insulting Shia or Sunni they are immediately shunned by the rest of the community.

So can you explain to me why are those Saudi fuckers against us, if all muslims are the same. They even murdred a shia cleric which broke Iran and Saudis relation

Saudi Arabia is Wahhabist, not mainstream Sunni.
Wahhabism is a sect within Sunni Islam who believes all those who are not Wahhabist (that includes normal Sunnis as well as Shia) are kuffar and should be killed, which is why ISIS who is salafist (salafists are wahhabists who are not Saudi) kills Sunni's as well as Shia's.

Wahhabism is Saudi nationalism disguised as Islam.

Wahhabists also persecute Sunni's in their own country as well as Shia but keep it low key because they need Sunni's to think they are Sunni as well to exert dominance on Sunni majority countries.
A school in Saudi Arabia was shut down because it was teaching Sunniism instead of Wahhabism.

All you have to do is ask yourself why are Saudi Arabia and Israel allies? Saudi officials have even publically said Israel is their greatest ally in the Middle East.

If Saudi Arabia was truly Islamic they would be working with Iran to destroy Israel, not working with Israel and the US to destroy Iran

Yes I agree Saudi's are fuckers we all know that, but why destroy Israel. Our ancestors have helped them a lot, if it comes to choose between Persia and Arabs, I'm sure they'll choose us.
Cyrus freed jews from Babylon
Sassanid kings fought for jews.
The jews will remember and help us to remove that shitty religion and bring back to good old persian times to middle east.
And btw you know Islam is made up by Arabs (specially Saudis) so why keep defending it.

most of them are ruled by turkic/mongol people

Not even half of them are ruled by Turkic nor Mongol people.
Only Qajar and Ilkhanate were Turkics
and keep in mind they were persianated

not the famous and ancient ones, only after genghis and mongols arrived that happened but not that much

depends on the timelines you told, it's been like what i told since a millenium or more. don't make me list them im so fucking tired. even it's ruled by an azeri atm

also im ok with iranians

I already told you Islam was founded by both Arabs and Persians.
You clearly know nothing about middle eastern history, otherwise you would know that our cultures have blended over the centuries to the point where they're basically the same. Every country in the Middle East has slight variations due to their pre Islamic past but overall we are all 90% the same.

When Omar Ibn Al-Khattab was dying he said that if Salem (a Persian companion of the prophet) were still alive he should've been the next caliph.
Persia has also greatly contributed to Islam over the centuries but that is beside the point.

The reason Israel needs to be and will be wiped off the face of the earth when shia and sunni unite iA is because they are an illegal state occupying Palestinian land and they have built themselves on top of the skulls of my Palestinian brothers. We only support Assad because we need Syria to have access to Lebanon which is where Hezbollah is, and he is our ally in the fight against Israel and the west.

>He is drunk
>Doesn't understand what is going on
>Saturday night

Sounds about right.

Yes as I told you there were few but keep in mind they were persianated, so which basically mean they kept the persian tradition and culture over turkic or mongol.

Fuck muhammad
my only comment

I'm a Persian myself just living in Finland and I don't drink amigo.

Time for this brainwashed fucker

First of all no Islam is founded by arabs, you know what, Why quran is written in arabic, and basically in islam there's everything about arabic culture and heritage, even the holy places take place in Arab worlds, and once again fucker we were forced to this shitty religion.

And I don't give a shit if a persian betrayer would have been a caliph.

>an illegal state occupying Palestinian land and they have built themselves on top of the skulls of my Palestinian brothers

You know those filthy arabs sold these lands, and now you fools fight for what has been sold?

Yes Muhammed

raped little childs
killed a lot of innocent people
was a prophet (pedo) of shitty religion

Was a humanitarian
Was the first one who made human rights
freed jews.
respected everyone

Azeri's and Persians were the same people. But Azeri's became culturally more Turkish due to them being in the northwest while the Persians became culturally more Arab due to being more exposed to them by staying in the desert and through trade.
Azeri's are not turks contrary to popular belief.
Islam is written in Arabic because the prophet only knew how to speak Arabic.
Religion has nothing to do with race as there is only one true religion of god. The fact you keep thinking of Islam as Arab when Arab isn't even a race but a linguistic identity and Arabs aren't even a majority of Muslims shows how uninformed you are.

>freed jews
not sure if a good thing...
considering we're nazis and all

He was so good that he even freed jews...
my father used to tell me be good to those who deserve it.

they were good. people also were good. civilized arabs, but they didn't get the lesson whatsoever.

Fuck me, but please don't call us arabs

persians do pretty well inspite of their shitty religion infact its a meme in the amongst mussies that Iran is the only country not flooded with imbeciles

And the irony in your hatred towards Arabs is that you more than likely have Arabian Bedouin blood in you as Iranians today are basically mixed with gulf Khaleeji's

Don't get my wrong I don't hate arabs, but those fuckers who deny the fact that Islam was forced. I've many arabic friends I respect them, and they respect me, and it doesn't matter what blood I've but as long I'm going to split it for Persia is what matters

i didn't call you arabs. i meant that after sassanids were conquered, pretty much everyting in cultural or scientific way was contributed to the caliphate by persians.

> alexander
> slav

I thought they teach history in Spurdo Sparde land


You're right, the Sassans were the last true persians

Being former military I can tell you this is the type they typically marry. Like half the wives of everyone I deployed with and virtually every gf cucked us and stole our money.

Just look at the Kardashians. They aren't persian but they have the same mentality. Stay away from the sand women if you can't finance their lifestyle

>Like half the wives of everyone I deployed with and virtually every gf cucked us and stole our money.

At least military men have a sense of humor about Jody.

Tell about the persian mentality

They like big black cocks, just like the Kardashians.

Isn't that whole degenerate brood Armenian? If so, then Armenians didn't get genocided hard enough.