Bavarian separatism when?

We're not german. We don't want to be called germans and soon we will be free.

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Seppl gib a Ruh

Dann man viel Spaß.

We wuz Bajuwaren n´sheeeit.

>We're not german.

Yes you were originally Magyar tribes enslaved by Austrians for like 1000 years. Then the prussian civilized you and allows you pay his fees.

New Swabia, when?


Already there. Visit us on the dark side of the moon or


Huh, source on that?

As a bavarian, I support this thread.

This, balkanise europe. City states when?

PERSONALausweis. Die BRD ist kein Staat, sondern eine Firma. Weitere Informationen auf

You are germans. youre a different tribe. faggot

>be Frenchie
>get backstabbed by German allies
So much for blindly follwing, eh?

stfu kraut

Join up with the Austrians and start the 2nd HRE.

>he fell for the Magyar cover up
Yes, Saupreiß, they're totally human, don't suspect a thing

Wos host Du grod von mia gsagt Du gstingada kloana Saugrattler? Du woast fei scho dass I schon aus da Grundi im Hochzug bei de Gebirgsjaga ois Besta aussaganga bin, I war in am Hauffa saugeheime Raffareien mit de Mohammedana und hob über 300 obgraglt, garantiert. I bin a drainierta Untergrundkempfa und I bin da beste Scharfschütz von da ganzn Armee. Du bist nix für mi ois a zui mera, I blos Dir so prazis Dei Liachtal aus wie's die Welt no ned gseng hod, host me? Du glaubst Du kanntst davokemma nachdem Du sowas von mia gsogt host aufm Internet? Da denkst nummoi drüba noch, Oarschgsicht. Grao wie mia redn ruaf I meine Spionage-Spezln im ganzn Bayernland zsam, und dei IP werd grod im moment zruckverfoigt oiso richt Di scho amoi her fürn Sturm, Du Wurm. Der Sturm der wo des kloane Ding ausradiert wos Du rührselig Lebn nennst. Du bist aufgschmissn. Kloana. I kon übaroi sei, ollawei, und i kon de auf mera wia siebnhundad Artn dagragln, und des aloa mit meine Handerln. I bin ned blos gübt im Wirtshausraffa, sondern i hob a an zugriff auf des ganze Arsenal von der freiwillign Feiawehr von Olching und i werd des ois hernemma damit Dei gstingada Hintan vom schena Bayernland runtergspült werd, Du kloana Schoashauffn! Wenn Du gwusst hätts wos Dei kloana "schlauer" Kommentar auf De runterreisst, dann hättst wahrscheinlich Dei voisoachts Maul ghoidn. Aba Du hosts ned kenna, Du host Dei Mei aufreissn miassn, und jetzt zoist, Du gottverdammta Troddl. I scheiss an grant üba Dir aus und Du werst drin dasauffa. Du bist komplett hi, Klona.

shut the fuck up puppet

Bavarian High Command meets to discuss Forthcoming Independence War Preperations.

So question for the Germans here. How many kinds of Germans are there (as in Prussians or Brandenburgers/Bavarians/Austrians/Saxons/Hessians)? Did every one of the 1,800 states in the HRE, including ones that were not even a dot on a map, have a distinct identity? Or are they part of ~8-12 total larger cultural regions?

come home brother

northrheinwestfailian here can i migrate to your Nation?


No, the main difference boils down to south, east, west and north, all of them sharing many similarities with the respective neighbouring countries.

Its like 8 larger cultural regions. However, only a few of them still have a significant culture.


Can you name all 8?

"We don't want to be called germans" Also so ebs. GERMANIEN ÜBER ALLES. Also Goschn hoidn und obhitlern.

Well, too bad Germans don't want Bavarians to be called German. Fuck them, Austria and Bavaria have always been historically very close, culturally even more. Fuck the soli grabbing Ossis and the liberal urban Biogermans, Alpenrepublik is where it's at.


you are like..300 years late to the party dude. Even in 1842 people would have laughed at you.

"Möchte Walhalla förderlich sein der Erstarkung und der Vermehrung deutschen Sinnes! Möchten alle Deutschen, welchen Stammes sie auch seien, immer fühlen, dass sie ein gemeinsames Vaterland haben, ein Vaterland auf das sie stolz sein können, und jeder trage bei, soviel er vermag, zu dessen Verherrlichung."

National unity and mentality are two different things entirerly. Why do you think regionalism is still a thing in Germany. We are a federal republic for a reason. And in modern times people don't give a shit about the unification anymore, they take a unified Germany for granted, nationalism in general is demonized.

Damn son, where'd you find this

still, stating that Bavarians aren't German is just a ridiculous thing to say

I didn't claim that, my point is non Bavarians talking about Bavarians is like New York liberals talking about le dumb rednecks. We might be German, but that isn't my first priority. First and foremost I am Bavarian and I will always look first for the benefit of my immediate home instead of the benefit for the entirety of Germany.

is that how you spell solidarity Vollsauf?

Weils hoid Neidhammeln san. For the people here who don't speak German: they hate us cause they ain't us. Fair enough; still, I just don't give a fuck about degenerates from Berlin or the like it rather amuses me. And I personally do not think that we'd be better of entirely on our own.


Gruss Gott!

Don't the Ossis wanna split too?

Servus, habe dere

Let's dispell this German fiction once and for all.

My main concer is that those fuckers in Berlin make decisions that affect us and not them. Berlin is a hellhole, so why should they be allowed to turn places that aren't irredeemably fucked up yet into shit, too? Of course Bavaria on its own wouldn't be as economically strong as the whole of Germany, but I think it would be price I am willing to pay for self determination.

weißt du - das Problem in Deutschland ist nicht, dass wir überrannt werden von Flüchtlingen, sondern dass wir nicht zusammenhalten und keinerlei Volksgemeinschaft mehr haben. Ist ja schön, wenn ihr Bayern euch das bewahrt habt. Der Rest Deutschlands hat seine spezifische Nationaltradition längst verloren. Bevor ihr euch einfach verkrümelt, versucht es doch wie die Preussen zu machen und unserem Land eine Leitkultur zu geben. - Vielleicht klappt das ja mit euch besser.

Don't know, but didn't work out too well the last time eh? I had a girlfriend from Leipzig for some time, the people there were reasonably friendly to me despite being Bavarian. I guess we can all agree, that a separation (and subsequent nuclear annihilation) of Berlin would be the only split were everyone benefits

>We're not german
You're not even human.

You're not German but all your grandchildren will be black or muslim

best post.

That's a solution I could agree on.

Yes please.
Its time for german catholics to tell the proddies to fuck off.
You should take Rhineland with you.

So that means Franken is out?

haha. yes please Bavaria. take the Rheinland with you. it's the worst part of Germany after Berlin rn

Polaben raus!

All of them should be fucking out
Letting Bismarch unite germany was the biggest mistake ever made.

The thing is, Bavarian culture is already seen as the German Leitkultur in many parts of the world. When ask about Germany, most US citizens will tell you about lederhosen, oktoberfest, bier and well.Hitler maybe. But the rest of Germany will never kneel before the weisswurst, that's just not gonna happen. The "prussification" of Germany came by military force btw, not really a promising model for the 21st century.

Bavaria already has a lot to say in Berlin, but of course I agree about spending our money for some low life degenerates there. The thing is that Bavaria on its own always needed a strong ally to prevail. In the past this has always been France (before 1813). Do you really want the Frenchies to dominate Europe again?

I can trace a good amount of my ancestry to Bavaria. So, In Germany what is Bavaria stereotyped as? It's not the yokel hick region is it?

come home, white man

There are many similarities to the stereotype of the American South. Lefties hate Bavaria because it's the most conservative area and is basically stereotyped as the stupid rural hillbillies, while in reality being the richest of the German states and having the best results in PISA. Especially in the rural parts people have Bavarian flags outsie their houses, so I guess that's another point the typical flag hating German can't handle. Also we have the most crimes against Refugees, so take that Saxony.

Bavarians are stereotyped as being fat, primitve drunkards, the rednecks and hillbillies of Germany

Kingdom of Greater Bavaria WHEN?

that's definitely true.A friend of mine from Hamburg visited me once and found the amount of flags that were displayed in our small village really astonishing

Hald dei mal du zipfl


>I can trace a good amount of my ancestry to Bavaria.
My condolences.

To be honest, if you inclue that much of Italy you could also include Bohemia. I have the feeling at least one grandparent of an East Bavarian has Czech ancestery. Fucking Waidler, I tell you.

>you could also include Bohemia

Acceptable, but they'll be put on probation, like Northern Italy.

>Möchten alle Deutschen, welchen Stammes sie auch seien, immer fühlen, dass sie ein gemeinsames Vaterland haben, ein Vaterland auf das sie stolz sein können
That's not the case anymore, is it?

They are stereotyped as the German equivalent to American rednecks. Rural, conservative or even rightwing extremist and also as corrupt and sometimes as lazy. And before I forget it they are also seen as very religious catholics.

Northrheinwestfailian master race reporting in.

Warum ist bei uns in Bayern der Nationalstolz (in Bezug auf Bayern) noch so stark ausgeprägt? Selbst bei Jüngeren ist mir das aufgefallen.

Fun fact: the first maneuver between a Bavarian and a Prussian army corps after 1871 almost turned into a real battle, because of the mutual hatred and animosity between the participants.

Dahoam is's am scheensten

Ey Junge, woher hast du gewußt??
NRW repräsentiert voll Stolz auf mein Herkunft.

who won?

So schauts as

There's some Northern German (Prussian) ancestry there too. The only other regions I can think of that I have "ancestry" from are southeast England, and Amsterdam. Maybe some Swiss? Ah, the joys of being an American mutt...or mongrel, some may say.

Probably because Bavaria existed quite long as a kingdom and later as a state. They always had that attitude of being special and tried to seperate from Germany.
Compare that to the other German states of whom the most were results of the aftermath of WW2 when they were created by the allies.

I think it's the whole upbringing. Since I was young I have been able to see tradition at every corner, be it Volksfeste, strongly upheld catholic values and holidays or simply the image people have of themselves, Bavarians still raise children with traditions and in a traditional environment.

Aren't they also where the good looking Germans come from?

>name my band

no one, the officers cancelled the whole action before someone was actually killed. During the war of 1866, the Prussians won most of the battles against us, but to be honest, our army really sucked.


Well, now atleast the whole German army sucks. Take that Prussia.

have any of you ever been to leipzig, how is it?

He's not our first shitty president, he won't be the last.

Gotta realize that the shit we're in won't be solved by politics.

Your whole fucking country should Balkanize kraut

We atleast have Memehofer, but his asscheek spreading for Mama Merkel isn't really that much of an improvement compared to Van der Bellen.

Die fröhlichen 'ich finanzier meinen 7er BMW durch Verkauf von Handykarten für 5 Euro' Kanaken.

living near by Aachen, what about you

So the Memes say. Often connected to pictures of the Oktoberfest where you in reality see people from all over Germany pilgrim to Bavaria to get drunk as fuck.

Gladbach, Alter. War schon immer Türken Ghetto, aber was hier mittlerweile rumläuft kann ich im Ernst nicht mehr zuordnen. Hab ich noch nie im Leben gesehen sowas.

yeah. dumping some more pics of Bavarians fighting Prussians because why not


Was läuft da denn alles rum? Bei mir im Provinzkaff Mainz geht es nämlich noch halbwegs.

the truth is, most people there are not even Germans, but Americans, Australians or Italians and they are drunk as fuck. I live in Munich but I tend to leave the city during Oktoberfest, because it's just the worst time of the year.

It'll be a cold day in hell before we team up with some undemocratic-EU-loving faggots.

Well then I am glad that I don't live there.

Seeing pictures like that makes me really sad. Why do lefties try to reduce history to the 3rd Reich? Why do they have to kill history?