Tfw radical centrist

Radical centrism is literally the most redpilled ideology, it takes the best from the left and the best from the right. Why aren't you a radical centrist yet, Sup Forums?

what is radical centrism?

taking the best ideas from the left and from the right and applying it in a radical way

On what basis do you claim you take the best from both sides?

What determines what's actually the best?

evidence and facts, not ideology and rhetoric

Doesn't national socialism take elements from both left and right? Are they radical centrists?

I guess you could say they are a type of radical centrist, yes.

But in your original post you proclaimed your ideology and your rethoric states that you take the best from both sides

Being a centrist is being a cuck

give some examples please

>left and right
>he only works in two dimensions

>overton window moves to the left
>so does the centrist
A centrist of only ten to twenty years ago would have been anti fag marriage, thought tranny rights too insane and far fetched to be worth discussing, and would be more extreme than Trump on trade and immigration issues.


don't really think natsoc is centrist. They seized the leftist talking points and implemented them to boost their reactionary movement

the people who bray "both sides are bad" like its some sort of profound wisdom are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

I'm trying

that's why I AM a RADICAL centrist

>good things
If taxing you to death so Jamaal and his 23 kids can have their gibsmedats is a good thing you might have to reconsider many things in your life

How bout you stop following jewish memes of right and left and make your own path


What would a radical centrist terrorist attack look like?


>he isn't an anarcho-monarchist

I'm a radical centrist extremist myself, feels good to be superior

There's no such thing, the very name is contradictory




That makes as much sense as capitalist-communism

It's basically anarchocapitalism with a king as a voluntary individual for instance you may provide material support to him yet you aren't obligated to


That's fucking retarded, I bet your grandparents are proud of you

>tfw passive centrist
>tfw too smart to have an opinion on anything

>he doesn't want a king that obeys the nap

Isn't that a pretty big violation of the NAP?
What's the need for a statist in a stateless society?

Not left, not right, just straight up

This fag has probably never heard of anarcho-fascism either. Kek, what a pleb.

How does a voluntary system violate the non-aggression principle?

Kek you funny guy, I kill you last

Technocracy is the best ideology you faggot leaf. Rake when?

centrist is a fancy word for leftist

My friend and ally at last I find you. First time I see another technocrat. Don't mind the DEUS VULT posting, christians are a tool to me

i consider myself one,im not afraid to swing to the far left and far right if needs be

Pretty much. It'll all come around eventually in our favor, our ideology is the only one that makes perfect sense and accounts for all possible variances in political climate.

best one so far

it's like a nazi swiss

Neutral opinions don't get wind under their wings.
Only absolutes attract attention to themselves.

The moral IS the practical

It makes zero sense. Intellectuals can't have the knowledge to run the society better than it can run itself.