Why do women drivers pay lower insurance premiums?

Why do women drivers pay lower insurance premiums?

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Because men do the stupid shit you posted much more frequently than women.

How can you be this retarded?

She forgot to wear her seat belt.

What the fuck, I assumed she'd fainted behind the wheel or something but she's still sitting upright and holding the wheel


Anyway, I think men are more likely to be hooligans and engage in dangerous behaviour which costs the insurance company more

hahaha, nah, women are imprudent drivers that many times cause accident without hitting someone themselves.

if man are in more accidents, is because we drive more. And many of those accidents are provoke by a stupid whore driving 30 in the highway taking up two lanes.

oh that's the issue at hand

So retarded, shouldnt be allowed to breed.
I don't know how it is in an automatic but even if you slam on the brakes in manual and you stop, the worst thing is that you'll stall (ifd you dont put the clutch all the way down before you hit 0mph)
>literally all she had to do was push down one pedal out of two and she failed.

fucking not fucked*

because they drive less

Because they despite have more accidents pr. km they drive less on average and hence have less accidents overall.

Instead of getting out to help, that other car just drives away. Why dont burgers help each other? It reminds me of those sub human asians. What the fuck is wrong with you cunts?

>paying for insurance
white people are so fucking dumb

It's assumed that women won't do stuff like street race or try to play big dick in a merge lane. Wrong. The stereotype about woman drivers is true. They never look around themselves, before they take an action, and they'll do retarded shit like run into in a parking lot, while they're texting, or reverse into you, while you're stopped behind them, at a red light. That "how can you even be this incompetent" kind of stuff, much like OP's webm.

Because statistically, women are better drivers than men and get in less accidents.

Source: I work for an insurance company.

Because in this crazy timeline Adam sinned and Eve didn't

There's your explanation

>get in less accidents.

doesnt mean that

>women are better drivers


>I work for an insurance company

I'll see you in hell buddy, prepare yourself

>"Why dont burgers help each other?"
>elongated white licence plates

Nope, this wasn't in Freedomland.

>guy in car just takes off
>doesn't bother to check and see if everyone's alright

What a dick

This video didn't take place in America, Mr. Irwin. Look at the license plates and car sizes.

>white people are so fucking dumb
Lol you got us with that one desu - insurance is a fucking scam.

Is this per mile?

Statistically women are driving less and doing it in cheaper cars, which makes them cheaper to insure.

Commercial driving is overwhelmingly men.

Also how outsized is the chad factor?

No insurance means no registration

Luckily though it's just $50 here

women cause accidents by hindering the road, many times they dont crash, they just provoke it, so they drive away thinking "gosh men are so bad drivers"

he doesnt wanna get tied up for an hour talking to police

Which province still has (((insurance companies)))?

Litigious culture, belligerent police, busy society, destruction of sense of community. Most people really are cunts and not worth the effort, unless you have some pre-existing knowledge of their character.

I've hear from people that the accidents they are in usually cost less

good thing jamal drives my wife around


Seriously it's a pain in the ass. Also why should I stop and help some idiots who got themselves into a crash? I didn't cause it



Thanks NDP. Nice shitty hydro and wheat board we have. Healthcare dying on vine. Being sued. Pensions being dipped into for pot holes

Statistically Men are more likely to be involved in a traffic accident, this also goes up according to martia status (single guys higher premiums). Men are more likely to take risks on the road.

In Canada, failure to remain at the site of an accident will earn you demerit points on your license.

Touch someone who got hurt => legally liable for them being hurt in the majority of venues without good samaritan laws. Basically, you're volunteering for poverty and homelessness if you help.

As previously noted, NOT burgerland.
Also, what were you expecting a bystander to do???
Nobody needs cpr. It doesn't seem like there's going to be a need for a witness in a court case.
Just what are you hand-wringing about?

If you're involved. You can't just pass a law like "if you are within 500 yards of a fender bender you must remain in place or your life is forfeit". If your car was one of the ones that got fucked up, sure, but the police shouldn't be able to compel your testimony without a subpoena.

What is the going value of a disattached earlobe going for now these days you actuarial fuck. I have spoken my way down on insurance bills a few times.

>>doesn't bother to check and see if everyone's alright
Again, why would you think anybody needs help???
This as a 10 mph collision. The airbag didn't even deploy.
I'd walk right by this shit too.

(((Insurance companies)))

Which has to do with men being more reckless. Women's accidents are usually stupidity and social shit, like applying makeup or texting. Men's are from actually trying to break the law (lol lets go 70mph on a gravel road gais) intentionally for the thrill of it and end up causing more damage as a result.

>hey you guys
>why is red not blue?
>what sound do giraffes make?
>I won't hear your answer, I must dash to start another one-post writing prompt about nothing.

Young men who just got their driver's license spoil it for the rest of us.

The vid didn't take place in the US you self hating cunt

>Men are more likely to be hooligans and engage in dangerous behavior which costs the insurance company more
Women drivers are always fiddling with their phones and shit. They also enter autistic frenzies if they get into an accident. Heaven forbid they cause the accident and try to pin everything on you, despite the 100% obvious facts that they caused it.

The most danger I've ever "caused" is driving a smidge over the proposed speed limit in an area to get those few extra precious seconds and make quick decisions, but I have the car that can handle the acceleration I'll need for these things and know it's in top shape to pull off what I want it to do, and yet somehow, I'm the person who pays a higher premium.

It's because automatic cars allow fucking idiots to drive, they need to be banned.

How is breaking the law not considered stupid? Especially when you know you could die or get fucked by the courts

>Why dont burgers help each other?

If you safe someone's life in America they can sue you for millions of healthcare costs.

The teacher who taught me CPR told me to never use it in America.

they drive way less miles

Rich people do it all the time and some die as a result. Going 25 over the speed limit intentionally is still not as stupid as causing a multi-car accident because you were texting and looking at the ground.

Thats obviously a french car

>Women drivers are always fiddling with their phones and shit.

This is true.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future they statistically do get involved in more accidents than men.
And if so I also wouldn't be surprised if politicians then cry "sexism" if women have to pay a higher insurance fee.

My impression was that women have more accidents, but they tend to be low speed accidents. Men have less, but tend to have a lot more damage when they crash.

>Women drivers are always fiddling with their phones and shit.
Which is more likely to cause more damage?
That, or weaving through heavy traffic trying to do 100?

Because most car crashes are in cars who are licensed in their boyfriend's/husband's name, and he is charged for it although she was the one driving. To say that woman are better drivers is intellectually dishonest. It's just that more crashes are done in cars that are under men's names, not that men on average have more crashes per capita.

Yes and who does all the driving for: Taxi companies, pizza deliver, UPS, etc.??
The reason men are in accidents is because they fucking drive more and drive for a living you asshole.
Women only drive their Toyota Yaris to and from work and they fucking cant even back into a spot.



>Which is likely to cause more damage?
Are you insinuating that women are capable of paying attention to multiple things when fucking with their phone, or that men are incapable of keeping their vehicle under control over 75?

>Claims on cars under the account registered to a woman are less often than that of an account registered to a man

In most families, cars are registered under a man's name. So even if the woman is driving it and gets into an accident, the insurance company will mark it down as the man in the accident, even though it was his wife who was driving at the time.

Goddamn, that head impact.

they made it illegal to discirminate on gender for insurance in the UK. women tend to have accidents at lower speed not head on at 70mph in a risky overtake so they are cheaper overall to insure even if they have more accidents.

it also means we have adverts that end with "so if you drive like a girl"we can insure you" to try and put off males from applying but not discriminate.

>Heaven forbid they cause the accident and try to pin everything on you
jfc it's always this

fake concern "omg are you ok? Im just glad everyone is ok. I can drive you if your car is broken" even if its a small fender bender but then they try to pin you with a 5,000 bill and say it was 100% your fault.

I think women also cause far more people to slam into them from behind, because they brake suddenly or turn without indicating.

And in those cases the insurance company of the man who couldn't stop in time has to pay because fuck logic.

don't wanna get sued by some crusty cunt

Dumb bitch should've worn her seatbelt.

>why are women so retarded?


In the land of the leaf you get in trouble if you have a cert like bronze cross or bronze medallion and you don't help people.

Please tell me she died

Mothers take less chances behind the wheel according to the actuarial tables, they are not better drivers, just more docile.

Im insinuating that crashes from not paying attention are usually fender benders or minor car body damage
as opposed to totalling 3 cars and putting multiple people in the ICU
Guess which is more expensive?

But I don't think they sue you so that's OK.

Answer is women have less severe though more frequent accidents.

Men have more severe but less frequent accidents.

why is allstate so retarded?

Just the average commercial normalizing illogical arguments.

I think in Europe it's the opposite.

Very hard to do more than minor damage here unless you do something very stupid.

Ive been hit twice by women with kids in the back seat of the car that were unbuckled.

1. On my way to a friends apartment. I pull up to the closed gate and get behind a car that's putting in the gate code. Her car starts coming back quickly and slams into the front of my car. Either she was trying to reverse out of the place because her code didnt work or she accidently put it in reverse instead of drive.

2. Driving through a parking lot, I slow down for a speed bump and right after I cross the speed bump she reverses out of her parking spot and the rear of her SUV scrapes along half of the passengers side of my car as I drive by.

You're also assuming that "fender benders" from women don't just happen in parking lots.

Just for the record; Upper Michigan resident here. I watched an accident unfold at a stop light. Roads were relatively clear. Somebody ended up getting killed because they were going 50 MPH, rear-ended somebody at the stop light, and put the person they hit in the morgue because they got killed by a fucking semi truck.

You tell me who is more expensive for being retarded.

>something very stupid
Yeah, something like doing over twice the speed limit and trying to pass right before a curve

>reverses out of her parking spot

Why doesn't everybody just reverse INTO the parking spot?
Makes so much more sense, especially now that everybody has a parking camera.

>by a fucking semi truck.
was it a woman driving?
And usually even if youre distracted, youll usually see it coming a few seconds away and be able to drop by 25+ mph

They drive less often than men.

Not the semi-trucker. The person who rear-ended the person they hit (and by proxy, killed) was a woman.

And don't try and candy-coat the situation, you fucking mong. The person was meddling with their phone and wasn't paying fucking attention because they assumed the light was going to be green.

>Mr. Irwin
Hey! That's rude.


Speed cameras everywhere so we can't go twice the speed limit for very long until you lose your license.

And I can't even remember the last time I was on a road where your overtake between upcoming traffic. (I lie, it was on holiday in Greece but the island had hardly any traffic)

Far more risky is texting and swerving off the road or missing a traffic light.

my last accident a woman blew a red light and hit 2 other cars before hitting and totaling out my armored car
she was going well over 50 in a 30

"confused gas and brake"

Spatial reasoning is sexist.

>roasties are literally incapable of solving pic related

>No seatbelt
>Head smashes into windshield

What's the question?

Please explain why I have never met a woman that could back into a parking space then. My ex gf's car looked like it had been through a destruction derby. It was a 2012 Sonata.

Fuck poor guy couldn't avoid that.

There's 2 questions; the choices a b c are translated versions of the shape on the left. which one is the same shape?

Because in an accident between a man and a woman the man will always be blamed.


Because men do the bulk of driving.
How many women truck and delivery drivers do you see?

Because they pay higher for clothes, haircuts, tampons, get paid lower salaries. This is what they mean by equality. Take some from here, put it there. Not sameness.

The better question is, why are insurance companies allowed to violate anti-discrimination (based on sex) laws?

I bet the time I got t-boned by some elementary school teacher running a red light in a $70k Mercedes never made it onto those actuarial tables. I am an actuarial magnet for women doing absolutely batshit crazy stuff. And I unironically believe that women should not have the privilege of driving.

Oh, that's simple.

less speeding tickets

Also men are more likely to be criminals in general, the lower half of our intelligence spectrum is fucking garbage.