Foreign aid

Would first world governments be better off giving foreign aid money to people like Akon?
I think if a country gave Akon $1B he would get more done in Africa than our governments would with $10B

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If I know anything about Africa, they'll have all the copper wire stripped from that fancy solar setup by the end of the year.

> Thinking that foreign aid is actually about helping people and not securing geopolitical interests by granting favors


A con...

If they dont do that they will simply let it break down, dont clean them and use them as objects of desire for other people who havent got the presents of the white man yet. When they break down everything will go back to normal again

Akon net worth: 80 million
Africans with energy: 80 Million
How the hell did he give africans energy for just a dollar?? He must be a genius!!





Yeah, that's why he chose that name. Like Flo Rida chose his because he's from Florida.

This is not the point though. It's about philanthropy.


Philanthropy != throwing perfectly good money into the fire.

That's not really a constructive addition to the thread. This is not a thread on the world vision forums, it's a Sup Forums thread.
You might not volunteer to do that but many people throughout history have held positive views on philanthropy, it's hardly a new concept.

Is this proof that charities are scams?

What the hell are you talking about?

I didn't say anything about giving per se, just that this solar funding is stupid.

You completely throw money away when you waste it on advanced infrastructure for a people that don't even have sufficient education or a system of proper values necessary to maintain a functional civilization.

But by all means, keep on thinking that mindlessly throwing money at a problem is a good thing.

Why was I under the impression that Akon died years ago?

It probably powers sewage or some shit. Again, you're not being very constructive. You might be better off in a "muh feels" thread

I smell a tiny dicked white nationalist.

My grandfather used to do electrical work for infrastructure projects in Africa.

All of his time and good will was fucking thrown away.

It's fucking useless to build on a fucked up foundation.

You pour a new fucking foundation first you retards.

There is nothing wrong with being a white nationalist.

Yeah that's the point, he seems to have achieved a lot.

Yes they are jew run to increase profits and increase public image.

You only ever hear about this guy's philanthropy on these kinds of images. Shared by "woke" people on Facebook. Very much doubt that it's effective or above board. This is a man who owns a diamond mine and denies the existence of conflict diamonds

>There is nothing wrong with being a white nationalist.

Yes, there is. White nationalism promotes hatred and divides diverse countries like the US and South Africa.

>Would first world governments be better off giving foreign aid money to people like Akon?
>I think if a country gave Akon $1B he would get more done in Africa than our governments would with $10B

You're slow on the uptake here.

What SHOULD be the point is improving the lives of people, whether it's done through market mechanisms or charity or fucking warfare.

And the caustic effects of poorly planned philanthropy on society is also well known throughout history. There needs to be a culling of the overgrowth at some point, a bankruptcy, a divorce, relegating the team and calling in a new one.


When oxfam has a store in the fucking central business district where rent is sky high you should know its a scam. When red cross throws lavish fundraiser dinners at huge halls worth thousands you should know its a scam. When people work in these charities and draw a salary you should know its a fucking scam.

Foreign aid is the direct transfer of wealth from the poor in rich countries to the rich in poor countries. Average joe has his money taken from him in tax and sent to Zimbabwe so that Mugabe can enrich in inner circle and control his population further.

This too. How many people who now have electricity are going about working and producing in their country? Why havent we seen any of this remarkable growth that is now possible since so many people now have "free" power?

I wish people would make cool pics about me saving orphans and share it on facebook

Not really sure. White nationalism is to broad of an idea to put a finger on. What's your opinion on racial differences? Does it matter once you view a lot of people as something trying to form a functional organism?

I thought Chinese businesses were behind this and Akon was just a front man.

akon has blacked ladi gaga
he gets her do re mi$$$$

I wonder how big his bbc is. Wonder if it's big enough for my wife. I'd love to have mulatto children.

nice try goldstein

Hmm, so the average person needs around 100W and we estimate he can build it for $1/W (which is a reasonable estimate at large facilities) that would require around 8 GW which would cost $8 billion, give or take an order of magnitude. That seems to be beyond his budget.

>the presents of the white man yet.
but it's a black guy tho

is there any proof of this going well though?

are you doubting the accuracy of cool pictures designed to be shared on facebook and spread for warm feelings on the inside?

>Would first world governments be better off giving foreign aid money to people like Akon?
no we would be better off if we gave no foreign aid money

n-no, please don't call me a racist

Lol naw. Akon has the warlords on his side. Yeah, he's done a lot of good for his people, but he also has 6 wives and owns a diamond mine.

Doesn't this nigger literally own diamond and mineral mines in conflict areas of Africa?

What am i looking at?

CISCO Energy

CIS Scum Operation Energy

what the fuck

if you want to help africa, leave africa alone

if you want to keep them dependent on foreign aid, then keep throwing money at them

That was just his career.

this, stop distorting their markets, allow them to grow and propsper