Degenerates ahoy

Check your multi-limbed privilege anons.

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so brave

i thought it was a joke

This could actually be a cure to manletness.

why not start with the head?

I think they just don't want to work.

This was my first thought. They would literally rather cut off their legs and live on welfare then work to survive.

This is fine by me. Anybody who finds this idea remotely appealing is obviously extremely mentally ill. By going through with it, they make it much less likely that they will reproduce. If they do manage to reproduce, it will be with another person suffering from serious mental illness. Their mentally-ill children are likely to cull themselves out of the gene pool in fairly short order, whether it be from suicide, homosexuality, etc. The end result is a net purification of the gene pool.

Silly millenials, learn from your own playbook.
>look at me I'm trans-disabled!!
>what do you mean I have all my limbs?
>don't you understand that I feel like a cripple? I don't need to have an actual ability-change to be disabled!!

Meme magic

Isn't this old news? There were already reports of that woman who wanted to be blind who poured bleach down her eyes to do it, it isn't really surprising stuff like this is happening.


I flat out refused to believe this was real..then I look up the (((pHD))) behind this shit.
>Clive Baldwin
> Canada Research Chair in Narrative Studies
>come to Canada from UK
>a fucking wannabe leaf
>job description is indecipherable newspeak
>my taxes paid to fly this faggot here and fund his (((research)))
Read if you want to be left scratching your head:

Only in Canada, Day of the Rake when?

>letting mentally ill people be around normal society
Nope, they all belong in institutions
maybe gas chambers disguised as institutions

>mfw my philosophy professor told me about these people six years ago
>I've been telling other people about them in conversations about transexualism and a lot of people don't seem to believe me

>now the news articles begin

How is this any different than a guy wanting to cut off his penis?

because normal people won't bend over backwards to help those people

I think I'm just going to identify as disabled without hurting myself.

proving the whole mental illness thing.

Holy fucks lmao. They should be locked up in sanitarium.

They are disabled, just not physically.


>Body integrity identity disorder (BIID, also referred to as amputee identity disorder) is a psychological disorder in which an otherwise healthy individual feels that they are meant to be disabled. BIID is related to xenomelia, "the dysphoric feeling that one or more limbs of one's body do not belong to one's self".
>psychological disorder

My conclusion is obvious.

Anyone got a link to the bitch who cut off her finger because she thought it would look good?

I hadn't considered it from that angle, I was meaning "How can a leftist approve of a man cutting off his penis, but disprove of a man cutting off his leg."

But the idea that kind assistance and resources will be wasted on these fucks is disgusting. Whats more, if the public at large becomes aware of this then people will start to suspect every disabled person they see is faking it, these people should be assisted in suicide.

Darwinism. Let them destroy themselves, just don't give them fucking attention over it.

It's called BIID. Body Integrity Identidy Disorder. Only a sick mind would endorse this.

This is a genuine condition.It's caused by the CNS not properly interpreting a certain limb and, therefore, rejecting it. Causing mental disturbances and pain.

It's not trans-anything, it's a literal nervous system condition with mental impacts and needs to be medically classified as such

people with lost limbs tend to live longer due to increase in survival instinct.

jesus fucking christ

it's real

>OTTAWA — When he cut off his right arm with a “very sharp power tool,” a man who now calls himself One Hand Jason let everyone believe it was an accident.

>Only a sick mind would endorse this
This is the guy

Been a real a while now

I gotta get me some of that sweet cripple money.

i think there was CSI episode like this

I think it has more to do with how valuable being a victim is.

Getting people to feel sorry for you, having something to complain about, having something to blame your failures on, avoiding adult responsibilities... Same reasons why more men cut their cocks off an put on a dress than the other way around.

New rule - if your disability is self-inflicted you can't go on disability.

isn't this just munchausen syndrome?

I mean, if they want to cut their shit off that's their prerogative. I sure hope they don't get disability from the government afterwords. Something tells me they do tho.

now i get it

You nailed it

I wonder what the history books 1000 years from now are going to say about us

>I think it has more to do with how valuable being a victim is.
>Getting people to feel sorry for you, having something to complain about, having something to blame your failures on, avoiding adult responsibilities... Same reasons why more men cut their cocks off an put on a dress than the other way around.

This is the root of it all. Whenever anyone asks me my opinion, I just tell them this. Vast majority of people IRL agree.

Fucking Malaysian. Are you still here shitposting? Where are your drawings anyway?

Really makes me thinks how Sup Forums 2015 jokes came out to be truth

their mental disability isn't self-inflicted.

This people is just trying to get improved limbs and then make shit up to justify it. I mean, robotic legs are fucking awesome nowadays, with some of them being even more resistent and efficient than human limbs. I'd get robotic legs any day if I could afford it.

yeah there's an old tv episode too of some tranny loser who sat outside an emergency room in his car, with his legs in two trash cans full of ice for 6 hours to give himself frostbite

Can I get disability checks? I could easily live without one of my legs.

Jesus christ the low point of my month was spending money on a video game I didn't like

Imagine waking up a few days from now with the realization that you chopped off one of your limbs like a fucking retard.

Well yeah it's a real mental issue, there's evidence that it is neurological, because it affects different to left handed people.

There is a Rossana Arquette movie about it.

>if they want to cut their shit off that's their prerogative
And in Canada my taxes pay for the hospital stay
>I sure hope they don't get disability from the government afterwords
Don't make me laugh and cry at the same time user. Fucks like this will get a 72 hour psyche lock-up-suicide-evaluation, having one of these on your record virtually guarantees long term (life) disability cheques (min ~1500$/mon +dental etc)

Been saying this would happen for years.

You USED to treat people with body disorders like this, it's a fucking horrible mental condition to have and letting them mutilate themselves isn't exactly the solution.

People did a 180 on gender disorders though and started butchering them with surgery to make them fit their disorder instead of trying to treat the disorder.

We'll now be cutting peoples limbs off if they have apotemnophilia instead of treating them.

Shit world, this is the path people have chosen when they chose to indulge in disorders instead of helping to deal with them.

Sorely tempted to try to develop a Napoleon complex and insist everyone speaks French to me and have a state-funded horse. Treating it would be discrimination.

This is narcissistic "look at me, look at me" bull shit. No physician should ever cater to these mentally ill morons.

this is just a cover for people trying to avoid the upcoming draft in europe. conscription will be in effect soon enough. the demand for a EU military and all the anti russia talk is prompting this


>Narrative Studies
So he made all this up?

This is why i hate first world desu


Hopefully they make people see how the transgender emperor has no clothes. Whee, I'm trans-substance, replace my flesh with peanut butter!

Is this The Onion for bongs or something?

>replace my flesh with peanut butter!
I think the lot of them could use some tar and feathers

The demiurge emptiness manifests further.

Fucking kill yourself

>cut off your dick, you're a hero
>cut off your leg, you're crazy.
leftist ladies and gentlemen

>pol sees this as a bad thing
>these idiots will further research on better prosthetics

what drawings? these drawings?
stupid dumbass fuck stop being triggered by these comics

It's like the only Malay who ever posts here is fucking Mike

Don't assume his limb count identity.

Oh, I thought it was jealousy...

Playing along their fantasy, or trying to treat the mentally dysfunctional brain is a waste of time and money.

Couldn't we just perform surgical head chopping?

Why don't they cut off their head instead?