How do we solve extreme poverty in developing nations?

Last summer I went to Africa and worked with UN programme to distribute food to famine zones.

The sheer level of poverty is unimaginable. The sight of people clawing for just food and water is despicable in the modern age.

What can we do to stop such poverty?

Poverty causes all our problems in the world:

> extreme poverty leads to immigration

>poverty leads to extremism and terrorism indoctrination

If we as western world just decided to help lift them out of such poverty then all our problems would be solved.

Note: I'm talking about extreme poverty not western style poverty. Poverty where you are dying for food ect.

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You don't

if you build a wall and shoot things that come over they won't come

Stop having 10 kids per mother

Grow your own fucking crops

Stop fighting amongst tribes

Stop feeding them, it just keeps alive unsustainable numbers of poor people that keep dragging them down. It's the same with any other animal, why would you expect people to be any different.

The'll just keep multiplying. If you can't teach them to feed themselves then the handout quota will just continue to increase.

Yup, so simple. We feed them to feed our own ego.

"I am going to Africa to help the poor kids." Only to spam Instagram with pictures of how good you are. They even put children in those orphanages on purpose to keep money flowing. It's has become an entire economy.

Well they didn't have people feeding them gibsmedats for thousands of years and they still just bred like roaches to survive

Not by feeding them, that's for damn sure. All you're doing is virtue signalling and creating more suffering. You want poor 3rd worlders to create hundreds of thousands more babies and rely more on aid, are you insane? You're feeding the problem. The obvious solution is to help them learn to make their own power with solar and wind, make their own batteries, grow their own food using aquaponics, insect farms, and other means. Not by feeding them for fucks sake.

>but it feels good, and they are happy
And how many babies do you think were born into this world only to suffer from hunger and disease because you fed their parents?


I wonder how the vlogbrother's charity to give businesses microloans is going. While they're horribly leftist, that does sound like a good idea to start up businesses. Just need to cut off aid so they actually get customers.

well OP, you faggot, perhaps you could explain why they can't fix things themselves, and why it's in any way our responsibility

> Niggers having more kids than they can feed

who cares? simple problem, simple solution.

What you should really ask yourself is what leads them to not simply solve that problem in a single generation.

Stopping UN is the first step. They already had unsustainable population size and you went and fed them, when you do that all the time they just keep making more kids and need increasing amounts of support.

The western world can't choose to lift them out of poverty. The only way to do it is to make sure they do it themselves.

But most African governmenst are so dumb and corrupt that this is almost impossible. Prosperous lands turned into desolate wasteland just because of a change of regime.

If only Syphon Filter vilter virus was real. Gabe would have fixed the world.

oh this picture is so sad. Please bring them here so they can produce more kids! Of course not in my neighborhood. Perhaps in some white areas like Idaho and Minnesota

The UN is one of the most cancerous organizations alive. You are basically assisting in the forcible relocation of people when there is a problem in their country. The only way Europe was able to overcome it's own poverty and tyranny because there really wasn't any place to go. Thousands died but the problem regressive "leftists" make is that they associate life with progress.


you poison the aid food with something that either kills or sterilizes them over a long period of time.

That is literally the only solution with low intelligence and shrinking resources this will be an issue until a cataclysm.

Yah, and when they get disillusioned with the system there they can all run across the border to Canada where we will showwer them with even more benefits or whatever the fuck actually keeps them in our country.

all the welfare babies since 2001...

There is no way in hell these fuckers could possibly feed themselves. Above a certain rate of population growth the economy is just unable to keep up.

They would have to stop breeding at this absolutely insane rate before even thinking about anything else.

Have you seen demographic graphs for Africa? It used to be pretty stable until we gave the sanitation, medicine and food.

Independence just made things worse as each group switched to demographic warfare for dominance against each other.

Man I really wish I saved that image of the dude who went to Africa and talked about how they bring each other down / can't think far ahead / don't have any sense of urgency / etc

until you teach the average black african to keep his dick in his pants, all you are doing is creating tomorrow's refugees by feeding them.

Leave it alone. Natural selection will take care of it.

If you really want to help, use chemicals to mass sterilize africa, drop weapons and drop salt via plane on their farms.

It's the same thing as bombing Muslim countries to destabilize them. Creating millions of black people who rely on foreign aid to survive. Many of them will become muslim and many will make it into other countries.

tribalism > democracy in africa.

Who cares what they do? Just ignore them, let them breed if there's too much oh well that's your fault now you starve to death. Nobody gives Canada foreign aid why should we give anyone foreign aid? We were a Colony longer than any stupid African country

Shit like a guy saving up money to make a bread shop, elder relative pops in and takes all the bread (can't say no to an elder), that loss alone ruins the business

>Last summer I went to Africa and worked with UN programme to distribute food to famine zones.

>What can we do to stop such poverty?

it took 100 years of leftism brainwashing to produce a human waste like you.
If you remove the brainwashing you'll see you are committing a stupidly simple mistake.

>stop giving them aid (watch "Poverty, Inc.", its on netflix)
>stop giving them fake aid (clinton foundation)
>stop exploiting them in the name of aid(china on congo, but maybe they are doing good
>stop accepting refugees, so young body-able working men/women dont leave the countries, who can build the countries
>stop brain drain, but i guess this cant be stop bc the smart probly try to leave one way or another

But these probably wont ever happen (with the exception of S. Korea and Japan, it's the culture). Mad world. Good thing i rolled the dice right and end up here.

Replace niggers with japanese or germans.

many of them already are muslim.

and black.

Arab muslims are racist: they;d rather have Musa Cerantonio on Egyptian TV than some wealthy black Muslim from east Nigeria.

so the typical black Muslim is so ashamed of being black that he radicalizes.

Kill yourself you race-traitor cuck
Giving them even more resources would cause their populations to further explode. There's a billion niggers in afrikka atm and it's estimated that there will be 4 billion by 2050.
People like you are part of the problem and will be dealt with accordingly.

Hundreds of thousands of them are going into Europe and getting handjobs from welfare states who love refugee welfare. Which is the stupidest shit a nation can do. Any country with refugee welfare needs to STAHP.

Learn from us.
We give them land, electricity, drinking water,money,rocks to throw on us.
Then they bomb and do no damage to us.
After that we bomb the shit out of them.
"We dindu nuffin we good slimes, we go to pray to allah everyday"

No it was whites breeding like roaches back then. 60 years ago Europe had two times as much population as Africa. Now it's the other way around.

Same thing that happens in black communities in America strangely. They love destroying their own communities don't they?

Is this it? It talks about the why they don't keep promises. Good read either way.

Here's my solution to the refugee problem

>tribalism > democracy everywhere.
Democracy isn't sustainable when you have diversity, you can't even have stability if there isn't a clearly dominant group.

Trust is the currency of civilization, when you have too many people that can't trust each other, it all goes to shit.

and when we tell them this, they cry racists.

like, we should give them more GMO. that will ruin life for them.

Monsanto in Africa, ruins food crops because of roundup, more people starve because abdullah got busted cos roundup crop pollen fertilized the last native seed bank.

This Kiwi just solved all of the third world's problems.

Europeans breeding like roaches didn't require handouts from every other continent just to stay alive

Stop giving it to them. Their population has to drop until it become sustainable.

Give more money to their masters. That always works. Eventually they'll get bored of hoarding all the wealth and share it around so as to improve everyone's lives just as it happened in the more fortunate regions of the earth.
Trust me on this, I'm an expert.

>Drop weapons
Someone rich could make it into Reality TV Battle Royale.

Irony is that your charitable efforts is making up a large portion of their economy. The problem is that the help wasn't suppose to be a this indefinite handout but the help build the infrastructure to allow them to become self sufficient.

> extreme poverty leads to immigration
No, unenforced immigration laws/open borders leads to immigration.
>poverty leads to extremism and terrorism indoctrination
Then why is it that Muslim terrorists come disproportionately from middle class+, highly educated, Western born backgrounds? Why isn't the world seeing an enormous outbreak of terrorism by Sub-Saharan Africans as well as lower caste Hindu/Sikh Indians to match the Muslim terrorism? Why aren't the dirt-poor Whites of South Africa and the Appalachians regularly blowing themselves up like Muslims do?

You can't solve poverty by giving handouts. Only the affected populations can solve their own problems - and all evidence points to them being incapable of doing so. They are incapable of developing their own countries and when they have the great good luck to inherit a developed, rich, country (Rhodesia, South Africa etc) they inevitably end up destroying it.

As undeveloped, poverty ridden, countries lack the human capital or human potential to sort themselves out the only realistic way 'extreme poverty' could be solved would be via a return to imperialism and colonialism by peoples who can sort them.

that is why we have to teach them a european language, even english.

but their tribalism will lead them back to a tribal language that less than 1 million speak online, cos everyone else is talking creole.

How were such problems solved historically?

Some based group of people seized power and dragged their state to (relative) prosperity.

So the answer would be by staying the fuck out.

Stop letting them into your country.
Stop sending aid to their country.
Let them starve

Poverty solved

Wagner + napalm (or white phosphorus)

>What can we do to stop such poverty?

>How do we solve extreme poverty in developing nations?

We let them die, until their population reaches a level that can be sustained by their environment and technology.

>Last summer I went to Africa and worked with UN programme to distribute food to famine zones.

You are part of the problem, and the reason why there is a famine in the first place. These sub-humans believe that food will be delivered from the sky, and so they do not invest in agricultural or infrastructure. It is not their fault -- they are retarded monkeys.

It is your fault for feeding a herd of wild animals, causing a population explosion that makes their natural method of gathering food impossible.

>Poverty causes all our problems in the world

Nonsense. It is assholes like you exploiting the poor and encouraging to have children by giving them food and water when they don't have enough naturally to grow their population. You cause generations of unwanted children who have nothing, to be born from nothing.

Food aid and logistics to support poverty-stricken areas of the world is toxic cancer. You create the conditions that create extremists, because you get off on the idea of being charitable.

you simply stop providing aid and they will die thus resolving the issue cant be starving if youre dead

why do u think germany had to give handouts after ww1 and ww2?

war reparations is the same as handouts.

Thou with that said, with really heavy intervention can from multiple nations focusing on efforts for skill training and improving their infrastructures etc. basically a multi-generational improvement on education / nutrition / skill-training and the infrastructures, that if their population's average IQ (yes, i take inspiration from stefan molymeme), then MAYBE they can pull themselves out.

But again, rampaging poverty and the GIB mindset make them very susceptible to communist ideologies, that a functional contry such as S. Afria, whose growth rivaled that of Japan in the 60s-70s (?), is now an utter shithole, "ruled by blacks, for blacks".

At least that gives us Elon Musk, but i guess thats about it. Brain drain.

(oh wait we are now stuck with Trevor Noah...)

How they gonna learn when whitey keep keeps feeding em, removing any need to be self sufficient



Just yet another leftist psy-op.



Congratulations, by feeding them and "helping" them, you are the very cause of why they are that way. They cannot sustain their population like that without do-gooders such as yourself sweeping in there and patching up all of their problems. Let nature correct for your mistakes already.

their masters live in europe and in america not africa.

their masters are not even black.

>What can we do to stop such poverty?

Make everyone equally poor.

This desu my area already has to much ethnic groups places like Idaho and Wisconsin need to start picking up the slack.

You dont.
Leave them alone.
Whatever you give them they will waste and ruin ands still live in misery.

This. Thousands of wealthy middle class Saudis have gone to join ISIS. Osama bin Laden was Saudi and the son of a billionaire real estate tycoon. Poverty doesn't come into it.

Poverty is not the root problem, it's a symptom.

Therefore getting rid of poverty is only possible when you get rid of it's cause.

The cause of the poverty is the people, they cause their own poverty, it's literally in their genes.

That means, to solve the problem of their poverty, you have to either get rid of these people, or change them.

To change them, you'd have to make them less "black", which means instead of importing black people to white nations, you'd have to do the exact opposite, bringing white (or east asian) people to black nations to interbreed with them in big numbers.

Of course, it only works if these less black africans would have more children then the others, which is almost impossible right now, which means that you'd need to additionally restrict the amount of children by black-only-couples.

This plan seems pretty impossible right now, so a genocide in the next two centuries is much more realistic.

I am not my brothers keeper.
Shoemakers to your shoes.
The world needs ditch diggers.

Did those countries having famine zones export food in the same time or just before famine?

Plz name countries.

Breeding over carrying capacity is a fucking disaster waiting to happen. Trying to sustain it is lunacy.

> poverty where you are dying for food

Stop buying their food. Almost every "starving"country exports way more food than they get back.

Western countries want to be wanted so CIA make sure their neighbors are living in shit, otherwise we would stop shipping all the cartels's rifles (70% total arms) into Mexico, about as many people have been killed as in Iraq and millions displaced because USA likes to ship guns through their border.

I'm looking forward to a future ruled by China they've never done bullshit like that

Genius sperm banks stocked with imported sperm can raise the IQ of these people, and end poverty.

I'm worried about the native wildlife after niggers cross the threshold of not being feed-able.

gp merc.
solve the problem, massah.

>How do we solve extreme poverty in developing nations?
>solving it

we've only made the problem worse by trying to solve it

let nature deal with these shitskins

The same way we solved it - figuring shit out for ourselves. The moment we help them, the moment they grow reliant, and once we stop helping them would be the moment they totally fuck up because they never had any small mistakes to learn from.

Leave them to their own devices, they'll eventually sort themselves out. Europe was a total shithole at one point too, y'know.

sieg heil

Stop giving them food.
If food aid had never started, they would have naturally had less children, and wouldn't have quintupled in population in the last 50 years you fucking idiot.

Stop feeding them.

It is like me living on a tiny island and buying a huge house, a Ferrari and a collection of thoroughbred racing horses - and asking the bank for another loan.

>Stop buying their food. Almost every "starving"country exports way more food than they get back.

Shouldn't THEY stop selling it?

let them starve

Well the problem is they are getting into all European countries and will eventually overtake the native male population given that the vast majority of them are male. Eventually all the whites will become darker and their IQ will drop, the areas they inhabit will not be able to continue the welfare and will go under, violence and corruption will become rampant, and Europe will eventually become 3rd world with a few sporadic colonies of white people who are constantly protecting their borders from invasion. It's going to be a mess and it's already happening at an extremely fast rate. Muslim men outbreed white men 14 to 1, and when they are the majority they will straight up start taking the white women against their will, if they even need to because of Stockholm syndrome, pro-immigration and diversity propaganda, white guilt etc. The best we can do is slow the problem in countries that don't border these poorer countries and increasing our border security. Eventually though, these countries will fall to refugees.. They will become the majority, they will start getting into government, into power, and then who do you think will have access to their nuclear weapons? The doctrines they teach in school? Etc? Then we will be absolutely fucked. There are nukes spread all over countries that are being taken by extremists, low IQ refugees and people who hate the west. You don't think they won't sacrifice a couple of countries to take out major western infrastructure? Of course they will. They blow themselves up all the time, like they give a fuck. We need to fix this problem, and we need to fix it yesterday at the earliest.


Fuckup that should be undone/fixed. And you can not undo it by giving them more room to breed (the refugees).

fuck off we dont need your shit

who cares? let them starve out

Problem with poverty is just giving people shit doesn't fix it. Yea, it has it's place, like during disaster relief, but it doesn't provide rule of law, it doesn't fight corruption, it causes population growth, which exacberates the problem to begin with.

If you want to fix these countries, provide them jobs. You look at this as feeding people in need. Yea, that's great and all, but by doing so you are competing with farmers, and farmers can't compete with 'free'. You are actually hurting their economy by giving them free food, you are hurting their ability to produce food.

This doesn't mean foreign investment and trade helps either, that usually involves outright exploitation. Only way to help these country is rapid develop domestic industries, but that doesn't put money in the pockets of the rich or make the naive do-gooders feel good about themselves.

Also, your perspective on poverty is from the perspective of the other. They don't want or need your damn pity. All people want is value as a human being and the ability to protect and provide for their families. Giving them free shit doesn't give them that.

Poverty cannot be fought without increasing productivity, now matter how much free shit you give them. Increasing productivity is the only way to fight poverty, period.

there is a genocide now: muslim militants versus africa.

i think the muslims are dying out faster because they black and muslim and superstitious.

this is a demographic where it is legal to beat christian men and rape their women and kidnap their pastor.

this is why the arabs fucked over africa with their Islam. black Muslims are slaves to Arabs.

10,000 degree ambient air temperature.

Does anyone have a solid, but general figure on what percentage of food Africa consumes is foreign aid vs domestically produced?

For some reason, I'm thinking its a 60/40 split respectively, but I have no idea where that figure came from.

They can't. There are (((investments))) in their agriculture there. Notably Arabs and China are importing food from Africa.

and breed the blackness out of AFRICA TOO.

Yeah I guess the only way for developing nations to get any better is do what Vietnam Cuba and China did and stop trusting Europeans. It's sad all those countries are the best in their regions and they're all shitty communists.

It's either that or do what Japan did, win a bunch of resources by war and them be like south Korea and keep accepting money from USS even after your economy is raping theirs, to make an example of NK which has no food geographically anyway

Image not valid because 90% of filthy parasite polaks are currently living in rich, civilised countries and feeding off the benefits the host provides.

That's like saying Mexico's birthrate has gone down - while 30 million of them are in the US illegally.

We'd be better off with eugenics desu.

Stop all aid.

The West developed in kind with their agricultural abilities.

>population hits a natural limit
>population stagnates
>technological progress is made
>soft population cap is raised
>population increases

Every technological breakthrough also increased the standard of living for the people working, which means as the population increased, so, too, did the standard of living, so you have more people with better lives.


>population increases
>hits limit
>Western aid
>population decimated, food destroyed
>population increases
>Western aid

There is no progress, the locals are more worried about killing their neighbor for his UN brand MRE or because he is the wrong type of black than making anything of note.

Not to mention Western programs like the H1B mean that anyone that isn't a fuckup and manages to succeed despite all odds will flee to the west with his expertise anyway.

Stop feeding them, and they will figure it out.

Unfortunately you have tons of natural resources there so it is in national interests of many countries to keep giving aid to have enough soft power to exploit those resources. the Congo provided something like half of all raw copper for both the US and USSR for years.

Nah, quite an interesting read, though.

>How do we solve extreme poverty in developing nations?

one high velocity projectile at a time


they were ok when they still had there tribal culture
they knew how to live of the land, they were free compared to now.
Now they need on Weston culture to survive.

third post best post.
literally solving the first problem fixes everything else with little effort.

Reality not fantasy, Achmed Chong.