Study Shows Massive Global Permafrost Melt Underway

A new study has discovered that tens of thousands of miles of permafrost in northwest Canada are rapidly melting, adding weight to recent research that shows an accelerating decline in permafrost in Alaska, Siberia, and Scandinavia.

The disintegration of permafrost throughout the Arctic Circle portends a massive release of carbon, both into the surrounding environment in the form of sediment and into the atmosphere in the form of CO2. An unprecedented Arctic heat wave is accelerating its decay.

And while global warming speeds up, President Donald Trump and his climate change-denying administration continues to push for fossil fuels and massive deregulation. In his speech last night, Trump failed to mention climate change even once.

The study in northwest Canada mapped approximately half a million square miles of tundra and found that 52,000 square miles—an area the size of Alabama—is affected by the decay of permafrost, InsideClimate News's Bob Berwyn reported Tuesday. The collapse of permafrost is "intensifying," the researchers observed in the study published in Geology in early February, and it's sending enormous landslides into lakes and rivers that are capable of choking off life downstream.
"Similar signs are evident in coastal Arctic areas, where thawing permafrost and bigger waves are taking 60- to 70-foot bites of land each year," Berwyn wrote.

"Scientists estimate that the world's permafrost holds twice as much carbon as the atmosphere," Berwyn noted. Indeed, the swift decline of permafrost is poised to rapidly accelerate global warming, as Common Dreams has reported.

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Just build a wall around the permafrost.

I wonder if climate change deniers will ever admit they were when the climate starts drastically changing

*they were wrong


Jewish trickery, move along

What would it change? Global warming or climate change is inevitable. You can cry on the twitter all you want about how ebil the mankind is but it is still going to happend even if all nations would stop using fossil resources right now.

This is phase 2 of Jew plans. Screenshto this

Of course it's going to happen, but what matters is how fast it will happen.

That really doesn't matter. We're pretty much at the point where it can't be stopped no matter what we do. Permafrost is melting, oceans will start releasing CO2 as they warm up, glaciers will melt and coastal regions will be flooded.

no true, without anthropogenic forcing, models universally show that we would see a slight long-term cooling trend with natural forcing alone

Though naturally what we can affect is what happens afterwards. Do we keep heating up the atmosphere and using up fossil fuels, or come up with something better?

There's no such thing as permafrost, we know for fact that no ice sheet remained after previous ice ages and that previous interglacials were hotter than current one disregarding human influence.

maybe... this is good for the planet? have the scientists ever thought about that?

B-but the Koch Industries sponsored propaganda told me that global warming is a hoax!

>it's too late to stop now we're past the point of no return!
>stop using fusion fuels you filthy capitalists shitlords or we'll reach the point of no return!


Pick up a dictionary before you try to post on topics you have no idea about.

>There's no such thing as permafrost

Nobody cares about the planet, stupid. It's humans and the massive costs this shit is going to cause that are an issue. Every single harbor, every single coastal city and region is at risk of being put underwater.


I have a theory that the powers that be have deliberately made man made climate change look shady to throw off the right, kind of empowering them with the unconscious support of people calling it a hoax

History shows coastal cities tend to drift around with, well, the coast.

>B-but the Koch Industries sponsored propaganda told me that global warming is a hoax!
Actually people that went to high school during 90" are aware that scientists predictions on climate change failed at absurdly high levels, NYC is supposed to be underwater for decades already.

permafrost =/= ice sheet

funny you should mention the previous the previous interglacials. Take the Eemian (which was just about a degree warmer than today).
Geologists found evidence of large scale ice sheet disintegration, the eustatic sea level was between 6 to 9m higher than today with rapid fluctuations on a century time scale. There's also sediment core evidence for a slowdown of the AMOC by freshwater injection. The resulting increased temperature gradient drove cyclonal "superstorms" in the North Atlantic that lifted 1000t megaboulders on shores in the Carribean.

With more CO2 comes more air for the plants to breath. Meaning plants will grow faster better stronger and then in turn they will filter us some O2. Why are the most retarded in the sciences the ones always screaming about it and trying to make political policy about it?

Yeah, we'll just relocate 40% of the world's population and abandon most of the largest cities.

Clearly, the answer to our solution is that we should all become coal burners.

Can't wait for Mar-a-Lago to be Lago-sub-Mar.

lol florida is FUCKED

Yeah and with continuing deforestation and plants only benefitting from added CO2 to a certain point, with notable diminishing returns, it's not going to be enough.

>Do the opposite of what the jews say.

Well they located themselves there somehow so I'm sure they'll figure out how to re-locate themselves again.
Praying to Gaia or whatever, I'm not sure if that will change anything.

It's a bit more than that.

I was just curious

more farmland

>is permanently frozen soil
permanently frozen soil is not a thing as we know they melt during interglacial period just like current one.

>Permafrost is soil, rock or sediment that is frozen for more than two consecutive years
>it doesn't exist

Are you stupid or something?

So -that- is what the fly-over states are for! Gosh Gee Golly don't you guys feel silly!

well yeah but florida is just straight up NOPE

p funny to watch all those sunbirds drown after they brought us to this brink.

what they'd like to achieve could only be done by blockading third world countries from receiving oil tankers

Having less dry land on the planet is good

>So -that- is what the fly-over states are for
Refugee locations for all the civilized liberal peoples on the coast? Enjoy endless floods of liberals into your state.

> millions of refugees from the Netherlands

Too late.

Prove that CO2 is bad.

Nevada? Arizona?

That's one definition and not the one I was referring to

Permafrost is permanently frozen soil, and occurs mostly in high latitudes. Permafrost comprises 24% of the land in the Northern Hemisphere, and stores massive amounts of carbon.

Who cares? Man accelerated global warming ends when modern society, modern industry and globalization ends. There's no stopping this ride we are on and no saving ourselves either. Fuck off kike.

>science isnt about ever expanding knowledge and theories never change when new data becomes available

We're literally all going to die. There's nothing that we can do at this point. Everything that has happened from the mid-seventies onward is irrelevant. That's why the oil companies don't care. They know there's nothing we can do.

Jewish trickery to impose (((carbon tax)))

West Texas, a state in itself by all rights.

>Israel is on the coast.
>Making Global Warming will make Israel underwater.

It all makes sense now. We must embrace this and hasten the process! Take the Global Warming Redpill.

That's a shamefully underrated post.

Fucking hate snow thats why I live in the desert. Let all the fucking ice melt for all I care.

Good redpilled movie for you antifa fags to suck on.

I can't think of a better opportunity to come up with a new way of organizing communities.
Large cities obviously don't work. It's time to spread them out! Lots of little, planned villages everywhere.

>science isnt about ever expanding knowledge and theories never change when new data becomes available
That's why climate science is not science, exchanging theories that aren't able to predict anything within months with another with same performance is far from science as you can get.

You should kill yourself to keep from contributing nigger.
Global Hoaxing

>models vs observation
>computer models on hypothetical scenarios that do not match reality produce results different from reality
Oh wow.
>in the late 1990's the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more than a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
Jesus Christ, what a load of bullshit. Completely unsubstantiated claims, with no sources and no rational backing. A fucking computer model not matching reality falsifies the theory of AGW? That's completely goddamn retarded.
Nevermind the fact that climate is followed over periods of +30 years. A 10 year fluctuation is not evidence of anything, especially since global temperature is still rising, but is simply not limited to the atmosphere.
>no data to suggest a +H2O feedback
Warmer atmosphere means more evaporation and warmer water means less CO2 bound in the oceans.

Say that again when the Brazilian jew will have wiped out the Amazon

Why do you keep making all these ridiculous claims, monkey?
>permafrost doesn't exist
>science isn't science if it isn't clairvoyance
What's next, the Earth is flat?

Why do people use carbon and carbon dioxide interchangeably? Its fucking retarded.

tl;dr me kike

You do realize that Global Warming is actually positive ?
It will make winters less harsh, improve agriculture and make more freshwater available.

All theoretical models of what would happen have been utterly false.

If all our models are false, then there is a problem with the theory itself.

Like I said, prove CO2 is a bad thing. The Earth has already dealt with high CO2 levels in the past.

All of science fluctuates, you mongoloid. Do they teach you nothing in Brazil? Nothing in the realm of science is concrete.

they also refer to either as pollutants

And flood the coastlines, if it gets out of hand. I also like having winters instead of the slushy, dark shit we'd have with warmth.

>All theoretical models of what would happen have been utterly false.
[citation needed]
>Like I said, prove CO2 is a bad thing. The Earth has already dealt with high CO2 levels in the past.
>the Earth
Nobody is talking about the Earth, you retard. Nobody has claimed CO2 is a bad thing. Do you even know what the fucking greenhouse effect is? Stop being such a brainlet, holy shit.

>permafrost =/= ice sheet
Not the same definition but ok
That just means that while complete or near complete disintegration of ice is probably underway and its hardly due human influence also don't say that current climate shift is the fastest ever because is not, there's hard evidence o sudden global temperature change at beginning of previous ice age.

being this simple

So what definition are you using now? because here you say There is no such thing. You then go on to say that it is "24% of the northern hemisphere. 24% of the northern hemisphere doesn't exist?

>improve agriculture
where did you get that from? Virtually every expert who's looked at this concludes that crop yields will be negatively impacted by way of water stress, droughts and flooding

>more freshwater available
not in the tropics it wont. Places like India strongly depend on the meltwater runoff from Himalayan glaciers and the seasonal precipitation of the monsoons from the Gulf of Bengal and the Arabian sea.

More Ice melts, there will be more greenery, and that will absorb more CO2 and back to square one.

Oh look a liberal delusional thread!

Guess what? You ain't gonna stop China from polluting the air.

You can try but you'll never stop other 3rd world countries from polluting either.

You just wanna tax the American worker is all it really boils down to. Which will not offset shit.

Good luck being delusional!

This has always irked me as well. If you want to convince skeptics of your theory you probably shouldn't label a substance vital to life on earth a pollutant.

>tfw I literally exhale a pollutant that will end life on earth

Science is supposed to fluctuate on the direction of better theories butt not theories with same or worse performance wen confronted with reality.

>has 2 b b8, m8

Look up "The Medieval Warm Period".

Honestly that actually looks preferable for Australia. However we could always move to anglos southern territory if we need to.

I just, I...I really don't think you know what you're talking about, do you?

NEETs with no scientific knowledge or exp talk about things way above their head thread.

Carbon dioxide is about 0.4% of earth's atmosphere. Currently its about 400 ppm. The most draconian of Green house laws that will destroy economies will only cut about 20-25 ppm. Fucking not worth it.


Isn't permafrost frozen methane, that has several times the effects of C02 on the atmosphere? (in terms of being a greenhouse gas)

If so, we should be seeing levels of heat that, according to historical records, should lead to an almost absolute extinction of species on the earth, leaving only highly resilient algae, unicellular beings and such

Buckle up people, this could be the beginning of the end

ok so take what you said about rapid climate changes during the glacial-interglacial cycle. Don't you think it's at all concerning that these processes (sudden shifts in sea level, ocean circulation, cyclonal superstorms, ...) took place in response to a forcing that was much weaker than the one we have today?
All of this happened in response to a very weak orbital forcing (just a few watts per meter squared) and CO2 concentrations that didn't even come up to 300ppm. What do you think might be possible with a strong anthropogenic forcing of 400ppm+ CO2 and 1800ppb+ CH4?

>24% of the northern hemisphere. 24% of the northern hemisphere doesn't exist?
Yes, as you are aware that one definition is the one referring to permanently frozen soil witch we know to not be real due the existence of interglacial periods, but from human perception those may seen to exist.

I won't give shit, and will be happy to accelerate a worsening of the climate.

>HEY Everybody! look at this industry-sponsored 'documentary' I found on YOUTUBE
>Science BTFO

>when the climate starts drastically changing
it has to happen before anybody admits anything
If people who did "climate change" studies actually took in consideration sunspots instead of just disregarding them as not relevant I would be more inclined to believe studies. Not to mention them faking data and being funded by people who are making money with "green" energy.

>implying the dutch won't become the world's next dominant superpower by monopolising the dike-building and land-reclamation industry

You're going to have to post some sources for your claim that added plant growth would offset the H2O and CO2 leaking from warmed oceans.

Only about catastrophic rain and drought.
Biased shit article that makes erroneous claims. Pretty much fake news.
Climate cannot be determined from such a short timespan and as I posted in the oceans and atmosphere are still warming up.
>no sources
>strawmen and bullshit claims
>talking about Al Gore as a valid source for anything AGW
Not even going to bother reading through it.

>says we are beyond the point of reversing climate change
>wants us it kneecap our economies

choose one

Forget the planet. We will adapt.

As heat increases, plants absorb less C02, oceans heat up, meaning more defrosting of methane from deep depths (these fragile deposits available thanks to a stable low temperatures and high pressures) , which leads to more heat, while it absorbs less C02, and all of
won't happen rite away tho, but who tf knows, some say 50 years until the arthritis in uninhabitable, and in the meantime, obviously, the world shows the back of its hand with all these happenings

We're beyond stopping it, since it's already occured and occuring, but we can very well stop furthering it and worsening the situation.

>As heat increases, plants absorb less C02,
Pretty sure plants grow larger and thrive in greater CO2 amounts.

no you're wrong. The fact that it's irreversible on a century time scale means we should burn every drop of hydrocarbon and race over the cliff as fast as possible. Anything else would be Socialism

How are you going to stop China and India from polluting?

oh that's rich. would those be the same models that have drastically overstated the warming that would have occurred up until now? and that the arctic would be ice free, and new york underwater?

Maaybe the role that CO2 plays is being overestimated as atmosphere with more than 4000 ppm of CO2 can coexist with glaciation.