The threat of the mahdi of islam - Potentially greatest dictator in human history

So i watched this video. This is what the muslims seem to be waiting for, why is nobody concerned about this? Even if the mahdi (meaning guided one in arabic) was the nicest guy ever and these things, he would still be pretty much the largest dictator in human history. ruling as a singular supreme dictator over 1.6 billion muslims 1.6 billion, singular ruler/singular authority.

So i ask you, why are nobody concerned about this? And why the hell are we not discussing this. Seems like it's pretty important, if alarm bells don't "ring" in your ears with the idea of that, well it's pretty hard to say what would get alarm bells ringing.. Hitler? 80 million people, mao? few hundred million people, stalin, few hundred million people, mahdi 1.6 BILLION.. BILLION and that's if he were to be coronated right now.. Who knows how many he would rule as a supreme singular dictator later on?

>Hitler? 80 million people
That's right, people.

Is my number inaccurate, probably is then, i didn't mean to be but that's about the number i gathered, anyways, let's say 120 million or whatever that he was ruler over. Still makes him next to nothing in comparison to that threat lurking in the future if the muslims have their way.

You're acting as if all Muslims are united as one, they're constantly killing each other and one old man who gets 100 views on jew tube isn't going to bring together 1+ billion people

>You're acting as if all Muslims are united as one, they're constantly killing each other and one old man who gets 100 views on jew tube isn't going to bring together 1+ billion people

The whole point about him is that all the factions pretty much agree that he will unite all the factions of islam under him when he arrives and stop the infighting.. This is why they are waiting for him. That's the point of him in islamic doctrine. Again please watch the video.

In islam they have concept of the ummah meaning all muslims wherever the nation they are in, all of them will accept him as divine emperor/supreme caliph. They won't accept anyone else as this, is part of why they are infighting also they are infighting because they no longer have a caliphate with a caliph as in the past.

I'll worry about it when Obama escapes prison and flees to the middle east.

No the figure's right. But they weren't muslims. They were people.

Obama isn't the mahdi of islam, he has specific signs in his body, and several other things that is not mentioned in the video used to identify him. Also he's not black as far as i can ascertain from the hadiths about him. Probably an arab or middle easterner.

How do they know who it is tho

Maybe I should be worried but it seems Muslims have been infighting over their shitty religion since the day Mohammed died. They've never stopped since that day. I don't think any man could unite 1.6bil of them, but he could probably form a pan-arabic coalition or something.

he does specific things that is also mentioned in the video, one of the wouldbe caliphs (he arrives according to islam in the middle of a massive muslim civil war where there are 3 wouldbe caliphs fighting to rule the entire ummah) and one sends an army against the mahdi as he arrives in mecca at the cube, and just before the army arrives to slay him the entire army is swallowed up by the ground, aside from that there are hadiths where he has very specific physical signs in his body all kinds of things are mentioned, in combination with his acts and these identifying things is how the texts say they will identify him. And then after that they fall flat on their face and make him supreme emperor eventhough he doesn't want the responsibility. Whereafter he rules the ummah and the empire with justice for 7-8 years and makes it better and more powerful than any caliphate previously in existence. It's not my oppinion it's what their texts themselves say as the video also goes into.

As the video points out muhammad predicted him so he is considered the rightful successor of muhammad (which is what caliph means).

Oh I get that, but the infighting right now was started because of a dispute over the successors of Mohammed. It's been going on for like 1300 years straight. I'm just saying I don't know if Muslims can ever stop -with or without their hyper caliph

Whatever the case this kind of thing is definately something we should know about/be concerned about!!! is what i'm saying, there's so few even talking about this stuff, correct me if i'm wrong.

Meanwhile people are shitting themselves about some massively authoritarian tyrant arising in europe or something, quite ludicrous of a fear in comparison to what this kind of guy could do especially if he gets pissed off somehow with that many followers accepting him potentially as a divine emperor from allah.

Right but you see what they do if someone insults muhammad who lived 1300 years ago, imagine what happen/what they will do if someone insults this guy who muhammad essentially predicted would come and would be his rightful successor?

lol who cares? if jesus returns and the Rapture goes down not only is everyone going to die. most of us will die AND get tortured in hellfire for all eternity.

like idk what you even want us to do? hint down this mahdi guy? probably have better luck hunting down santa claus. there are much more legit threats from islam than the fact they, like a lot of religions, have a messiah figure.

>idk what you even want us to do
Be aware of it. As opposed to not being aware of it.
> there are much more legit threats from islam than the fact they, like a lot of religions, have a messiah figure.
Except if that sort of person ever comes do you think those threats would be less legit?

>idk what you want us to do
To want to stop any notion of a grand caliphate and groups like ISIS and others who would like that to occur to pave the way for that sort of thing. Might be a suggestion? It's not a call for action, i'm just pointing this thing out..

duly noted then. thx for the heads up lol

>he has very specific physical signs in his body
like what

Well, it does seem alarming until you realize just what is involved. The Muslim world is divided in its philosophies and its loyalties, and always has been.

Sure, the biggest thread: Wahhabist-salafists (like ISIS) want to build a new caliphate, and call all Muslims "home" etc. etc., the Muslim world doesn't agree with them, or each other.

Our own intelligence community is well aware of the desire of that particular vein of Islam and stopping them from creating a new caliphate is on the board -- much more so now than when Obama was in office, and the Muslim Brotherhood purged all negative language of Islam from the Pentagon.

But your concern is real, and legit. It just doesn't exist as an exigent matter at the moment. If Iran becomes the world capitol of Islam, and the princes of Saudi Arabia fall, then the world will sit up and take notice. Stay tuned.

For further hair-pulling, I might suggest Nostradamus fortelling of "the purple turban" etc.

>he has very specific physical signs in his body
>like what

Look up hadiths about mahdi, physical characteristics and signs you'll get many references. If you also search hazrat mahdi (in presence of guided one) hadiths you will also get many results, go knock yourself out.

Alright, thank you for the explanation, there just seems to be so little talk about it that i wrongly thought too few were concerned about it / were aware of this thing.

I don't consider it an exigent matter either to use that fine word. See here and here But if that ever happened that would certainly be probably one of the greatest threats to western civilization only eclipsed by general cataclysmic events. If it was 1.6 billion buddhists that would follow this guy/obey his every edict. Even that would be dangerous because of the amount of people, but this is islam which is not exactly entirely a timid teddybear to put it mildly. So i was just trying to spread awareness about this issue, since it does seem that many irrationally fear all kinds of dictators but somehow their attention have missed the potential of that particular one which seems to surpass them all in potential threat level. Because muslims have a tendency to let's say, if they were powerful enough militarily etc. they would perhaps be inclined not give a damn about your oppinion or other people in the world about how they would conduct themselves.

That's an impressive channel they've got over there on YT. Good production values, good narration, a whole host of people posting in support. It really is an online nationalist movement in connection with the Arab Spring.

But just like in the Arab Spring, we're seeing a nationalist movement that is like a hydra -- a hydra that doesn't follow any particular head. The muslim world is still completely fucked due to their own incompetence. It's Obama allowing Iran to build up its nuclear capability that is most onerous.

Most nationalist movements start clapping themselves on the back and believing in mysticism to justify their own violence and ease their pain. Prophecy (in this case) is part and parcel of the Muslim world. Let them flap their lips. There won't be any mahdi because they won't be able to agree on his identity.

What makes this idea so potentially dangerous is not simply the staggering amount of people that he potentially would rule over as supreme authority, but that they will stop fighting eachother and unite under him, and then you would have an entirely different situation than a fractured islam at war with itself. With regular dictators that take over somehow as we see in recent history, you have atleast a rather large quantity of the governed population that will not agree but have to trot along with it, with this guy or the idea of this guy and are sent to prison camps and whatnot, they ALL will want to serve him because it's religious not simply political authority. That is what makes it so much more dangerous. But i think i will rest easier knowing that people like you have a good idea about this issue.