Seriously. how is America so behind the progressive curve? Even a bunch of goat herding kikes are passing America

Seriously. how is America so behind the progressive curve? Even a bunch of goat herding kikes are passing America

states' rights

This just proves weed is the herbal Jew

It dumb that a plant is illegal, but call your fucking congressman, burgerbro. It's law. It has to be changed, which as a probability in the US is a limit approaching zero, usually.

>behind the progressive curve
Don't come at me with that stupid bullshit.
It should always have been legal. Legalization is just returning the law to where it always should have been.

There are no good arguments to keep it illegal.

Recreational marijuana use does not have a positive impact on society.

Then they'll do it four times.
Smoking weed is almost entirely about defying the law. Why do you think black people do it overwhelmingly?
If you make it legal people just quit caring about it. Ever been to Colorado?

I live in one of the states where they are pretty hard on marijuana users when caught. Marijuana doesn't even need to be fully legalized, I'd be content with just decriminalization like pic related for now.

That's not what decriminalization is

Now we just have to take care of that pesky age of consent law.

Understand that federal powers in america are not strong enough (and should not be strong enough) to enforce their will all across the states. States have their own rights to pass laws as they will, where they will, and when they will. As such, mary jay is legal in some states, but illegal in others. It's still federally illegal, but only California is cucked enough to let the federal government infringe on legitimate businesses in their "drug raids", when the DEA needs a headline or two.

Kikes are behind e and molly dealing in the west.

>That's not what decriminalization is
yes it is

you should check what decriminalisation means

t. didn't read the article
Yes that's exactly what it is by definition.The punishment has went down from jail time, to a simple fine.

weed culture is degenerate though

Well, not really at all, actually. It's a weird sort of slap-on-the-wrist system until you're caught doing it a fourth time. It's still a criminal act, put on your record.

its more legal in most of the us than zionistfagland

Cannabis has nothing to do with degeneracy.

The two have no correlation.

>Decriminalization or decriminalisation is the lessening of criminal penalties in relation to certain acts, perhaps retroactively, though perhaps regulated permits or fines might still apply (for contrast, see: legalization). The reverse process is criminalization.

>It's a weird sort of slap-on-the-wrist system until you're caught doing it a fourth time
I agree with you on the last part, it's not truly decriminalized if the fourth time you get jail time

Yes it does. Cannabis use has increased since the 1940s, degeneracy has increased since the 1940s. That's correlation.

Yeah, I mean, I definitely should be. I live in Georgia. They won't even let epileptic children take it medicinally here, southern hospitality. I don't know the legal code for the federal regulations and/or whether it is or isn't a possible Constitutional conflict. Enlighten me, user.

It's fucking degenerate and should absolutely be illegal.

Also this.

Not even close to a fucking argument.
You make my point for me fucking numbskull.

How does one measure degeneracy?
Hmm yeah.I live in that area too. It doesn't even need to be fully legalized, they just need to find the sweet spot between regulated use, and minimal crime. Right now I feel it's over regulated where Its excessively criminalized.

Shouldn't be illegal and I like smoking weed on occasion but people who smoke weed constantly as adults are fucking annoying as shit. Alcohol should remain legal but we have no problem saying that adults who do nothing but hang around bars and get trashed in their living rooms are degenerates so. idk. Chemical happiness is stupid.

I think it should be illegal to be a person with an IQ lower than 120, but here you are

It's a issue left to states.

Degenerate and hedonistic. Leave this place if that's too "grown up" for you.

marijuana rots your brains and makes you smell like a nigger. nobody likes a stoner.

> America so behind the progressive curve
lmao, you're so wrong, we're further along marijuana legalization/decriminalization than most countries, about half of all states have already done it and it will inevitably happen nationwide in 5-10 years desu.

It is a distraction to keep useful idiots tuned out and lethargic. It is also a gateway, and in today's society leads to heroin and meth use/addiction.

It doesn't need to be exactly measured. Everyone knows society is more degenerate than it was in the past. More Cannabis is used than was used in the past. That's all there needs to be for correlation. Unless you would like to try to make the argument that society is less degenerate now than it was in the past?

So is alcohol.
That's not an argument against legality.
If you're incapable of coming up with a real argument I'd suggest that maybe your thinking needs to grow up faggot.

dealers like stoners. fact.

what a stupid fucking post you just made

You know what else was increasing in the 40s? Welfare state, massive communist infiltration that involved shaping foreign policy and the slow mindfuck of normalizing degeneracy a the top virtue for people. Before the statists made it illegal the plant was used by many and there wasn't a culture around it. Prohibition was a result of liberal degenerate "do it for the greater good" policies and the far left took advantage of that. The communists started pushing for marijuana because it was just another tool for them to get the hippie brah youths believing their lies. Marijuana itself isnt degenerate, the weed culture is, and they should be deported.

Not an argument.

>no fun allowed.jpg.exe

Another reason to love Israel and sexy Jews.

neither does Sup Forums, and yet here you are.

>It is also a gateway
sauce or gtfo

Public discourse is clearly valuable.

>behind the curve
>in le weed of all things

you're no netherlands but you're pretty damn close, some of your states make it completely legal for recreational use and most others make it legal for medical use

I get what you're saying with the correlation thing, but there is just wayto many factors to pin the blame singularly on cannabis. The argument could also be made that weed didn't cause degeneracy, but rather that degenerate people seek out degenerate things such as weed. If there wasn't weed then it would be alcohol, over the counter drugs. etc.

i agree, but what percentage of what we do is valuable? Also, I have heard/read that there is medicinal value in there is some clear value there as well i guess.

Oi vey, it's anuddah smokah!


If you want to boil a frog alive you throw him in while the water is still cold.

Is ALD-52 legal in Israel?
How about 4-AcO-DMT?

That's why medical is going out the door. More states will legalize itso fuck the gun laws

>It is a distraction to keep useful idiots tuned out and lethargic

So is Sup Forums

That's why you legalize it fully.
Also, buying your guns from an FFL holder is retarded anyway.
Buy guns under the table so no one knows you're packing heat. Surprise is the greatest weapon.

It's better to have someone else buy it for you and "gift" it to you. That's how people under 21 can legally own pistols.