Where were you the day that Red Letter Media turned into just another left-wing faggot YouTube channel?

Where were you the day that Red Letter Media turned into just another left-wing faggot YouTube channel?


You lost a subscriber of five years over this. Nice work

Ya. It's disgusting.

Really loved their videos, but it gets to me knowing they're just another batch of Hillary loving libfags.

Was Logan actually shit or something? SAD

Without giving them views, what did they say?

You seriously can't detect sarcasm?

They even said that Get out is laughing at liberals instead of agreeing with them

A movie about preteen girl power. You tell me.

their videos are shit outside of the star wars trilogy series, big deal

Yeah isnt it about rich whitte liberals who are so progressive that they want to be black and so steal black peoples bodies?


Either the fact that they liked a horror film about a blacks being killed by rich liberal whites in new england or the fact that plinket "was assaulted for wearing his maga hat".

pedophilia subplot?

Holy shit really? That's actually kind of funny, still stupid as fuck though.

Isnt that making fun of liberals and their virtue signaling

When did satire become so hard for (((americans))) to understand
Is all that corn syrup numbing your brains or something?

It was pretty obvious from how Mike looked at Starship Troopers.


>anything that makes fun of what I like is a liberal faggot SJW

Jesus fucking Christ you idiots are 100% just as bad as the people you hate.
Fucking hell.

Donald Trump is a bumbling clown of a man. That's what makes it funny when he destroys leftist media and commie shits.
Haven't you figured that out by now?

Thats what I mean, plus a joke about getting beaten up for wearing a maga hat hardly seems a jab a trump and his supportors given whats currently being spammed on Sup Forums

>being this asshurt over someone elses beleifs

That extra corn syrup feeds into our brains and makes us the superhumans that we are.

You don't honestly think Starship Troopers shows an ideal society?
In theory maybe but cmon that film was dystopian as fuck

then how come basic shit like this goes over your heads, this is the same as that dear white people shit

do you even watch the crap you criticize?

What are you talking about? They were making fun of liberals for the most part, just like the movie. White liberals virtue signal to blacks, that's a fact. Nothing they said was really anti-trump either.

Yeah the starship troopers film was written with the idea of their system being bad, I get the book isnt like that but the liberal director of the film decided to take it in another direction.

>Liberals hate free speech! They're a hivemind of degenerates that will turn on anyone who doesn't agree with them!

This is why so many people hate you fags.

Yep. Long time lurker here. These people are far worse then the SJWs they hate so much, they are even less willing to hold an actual conversation without jumping to name calling because they know less.

>bumbling clown
Yeah what a stupid moron idiot who systematically defeated 17 other opponents in the primaries, and debated and defeated a presidential hopeful being groomed for a position since the 90s. What a dope!

they're just manchildren who don't care about anything. they don't even really care about movies, it's not like their reviews are ever super insightful or anything. they're funnymen.

autists on pol gets triggered when normal people dont go full 1488 at the mere sight of black people

if you respond to this you're an autist

lmao not even close to beilevable

And it's amazing the bullets they'll take to defend a man whose administration is crumbling less than three months in.

Hope abandoning all your LIB friends and being seen as unfuckable by most women was worth supporting a billionaire who doesn't give a fuck about you.

theres been talks of a remake (because of course there fucking is)
a good idea would be to do a version more respectful towards the book

>the plinkett character has always been old and disabled
>they need a reason for him to be beat up and disoriented to work in the marriage subplot

Even if it was meant to be political the situation is literally that Mexicans are willing to assault an elderly disabled person over a hat.

Oh look it's fucking nothing

>implying that you aren't allowed to react to someone doing something
>using asshurt or some variation of the word to avoid having to input actual valuable opinion
>being so useless that you just go from thread to thread using assmad as an argument, even though it isn't

>Yeah what a stupid moron idiot who systematically defeated 17 other opponents in the primaries

He did it by being a stupid clown who the average joe could identify with and who treated the average joe like he still meant something in the world, whereas the other republicans came off as spineless, Bernout was an obvious commie, and Hillary was so dirty even flies wouldn't touch her.
Trump won by being a populist. Not by being smarter than the rest.

He is a dope. He's not a king among men. He's a motivated dope who knows how to play his cards right in a game of political(or business)poker.

What is:

>right time and right place
>idiot base who actually enjoys his reality TV WWE style
>Extremely unpopular opponent who lost to a no name black senator with a terrorist name
>Russia hacking and backing still to this day
>Hillary autism

He is not smart, he won, but he is most definitely a bumbling clown. His twitter is proof enough.

>being THIS asshurt
cry harder faggot

I literally am an autist though and I'm here to tell you that you have no idea what you're talking about and to stick to what you're good at: prepping the bull.

It is pitiful to read these kinds of posts that are so clearly from Ribbit
>long time lurker here
Introducing your credentials at the beginning of a post is not something anyone whose been here for more than five days would do.
>they call people names because they're too dumb to debate haha!
Or it could be that you make arguments like:
>they're worse than SJWs
Which has been bludgeoned into the ground as a criticism, and is so old and retarded that it defies explanation for how people still believe it.

same, unsubbed right after they started sucking disneys dick with ep7

I dont think modern audiences would like that, to slow and to much talk, obviously a remake would be muh aliens, muh guns and muh explosions (probably less fascism).




Its honestly cake watching these morons follow an administration that is so fucked up.

Yeah I guess you're right, only a complete fucking dumbass could build a multi billion dollar empire and become president

Why would you watch them in the first place? I see pictures of these fat slobs and I don't get why they're popular. Is it an autism thing?

i wonder if this shit really has an effect on anyone here lmao.

Further evidenced by the fact that he can't get anything done and he keeps surrounding himself with whatever desperate, scandal-prone career politician will kiss his ass, not anyone properly vetted or suited for the jobs.

The GOP has enough people turning on him now to where the house majority means nothing. He's going to hopelessly stagnate these 4 years.

Stay mad butt boy, days like these where we get closer to the Trump Russia conspiracy must be hard for someone as sensitive as you.

I didnt enjoy it, but ive been disappointed by every film since the lobster, so it probably says more about me than anything else desu

They used to be funny and were smart enough to leave their shitbag politics out of it. Not any more

>still doesn't have an argument so tries to assume how I'm feeling to control the conversation
Start arguing any time kiddo.
Your tears are priceless.


lmao what? There was nothing libtarded about this episode.

Wow, you really have the 'tism don't you?

I bet you thought the Nerd Crew episodes were totally genuine and honest as well.

You sound like the faggot sjw who got angry when jontron said stuff they disagreed with, just fuck off, some people have differing views to you

We will drag you into a better America kicking and screaming, and as much as I disagree with you and find your dishonesty unbecoming, I am glad we get to live in this time of United States history, friend.

Same recycled argument showing hypocrisy:
>bitch about snowflakes
>bitch and scream when people make fun of your boy

collective raugh

>Not by being smarter than the rest.

He outsmarted Hillary and the DNC at *every* turn.

The sooner Democrats like yourself admit this, the sooner you can rebuild your Party.

But you don't admit it, and you wouldn't admit. You'd rather be dead than admit that Trump outsmarted the Democrat "best and brightest."

Good. Keep failing. Fail harder.

Your failure, ironically, is a significant contribution to Making America Great Again.

For that, I thank you. Keep it up, please. Obama left this country such a mess, we need all the help we can get!

Anyone morally bankrupt to hold leftist views deserves nothing but scorn, but I guess I shouldn't expect a fish'n'chipsnigger to understand that.

They are red-pilled as fuck, stop drinking hateraid faghole. Rich evans is best waifu

>still can't argue for shit
>implies that revealing your inability to argue is a bad thing
Another common core cuck struggling to get out a valid point. T-t-t-today junior!

Stop being such an easily offended faggot.
That's tumblr shit.

The time period in which your boys administration is in deep with Russia connections? Kek, if your administration lasts till 2019 ill blow a dog.

i would let Rich face fuck me desu

>started fulfilling campaign promises day one
>manufactured scandals shrivel up days after they appear
>claiming he will stagnate, the same goal post moving that the left tried during his campaign and failed

I'm sorry man but it's over. Accept the change and come join the winning side

Not really. They aren't doing it because they are progressive, they are doing it because they want immortality and they see it as a smart trend to get ahead of, akin to a good business decision. Their motive for doing so varies from person to person.

t. autist
I like how libshits are allowed to take a dump all over white people whenever they want, but whenever you get any pushback you sperg in the streets. Luckily those times are coming to an end, Achmed... or is it Pheng? It's so hard to tell with you syrupniggers.

You might have to cross the northern border to do that.

Plinkett has always been Mike's comic alter ego. In particular, Plinkett's view of Star Wars = Mike's view of Star Wars.

So if Plinkett wears a MAGA hat, what kind of hat does Mike wear? If not in real life, then in his deep dark basement?

Nice one

Also you didnt address my point, which was that the way the OP is acting is no different to the sjw left who we are all so critical for doing exactly the same thing

Black are the most privileged people in America is why they want to be black. Blacks can shoot at cops and be seen as victims of police violence.

I'd become black if I could just to get whitey to take care of me


>Has no real response to common occurrence and happening among this board.
>Ad ad ad hominem

Doesn't get better then this timeline

Replied to wrong one

He's right though, your doing pretty badly at this argument amigo.

Has no one noticed that it actually echoes when he shouts "Get Out"

>Arguing with comics

What if both sides are easily offended faggots and the person who drew that comic is one of the most.

Are they progressive because they say things like "I'd vote for a third term of Obama"? I don't see how this is any better than "I have black friends" or "I don't see color", things liberals think racists say to cover their racism.

I don't think the evil white people in this film were being portrayed as progressives, I think they were portrayed as racists who said things racists say to cover their racism, and like all racist they secretly are jealous of blacks and their superior bodies.

How's it going Sargon? How's that claiming-to-hate-SJWs-even-though-you-support-everything-they-stand-for thing working out for you?

Here's a joke: Great Britain. You're full of sheep-fuckers and mudslimes, and all you eat is boiled herring heads, over-cooked cabbage, and grease. You're also all inbred and your teeth have convenient gaps in them so your Muslim lovers can slide their microdicks into your gaping maws without any interference. If you disagree with any of these statements, you just can't take a joke, you SJW.

I'm not the same guy as the original argument, I only pointed out what argument the guy was leaning on, learn to 4chin.

>45 minute movie review

do people actually watch these?

Pretty poorly written joke desu, not even one kekle.

get triggered harder OH NO my feel feels hurt cuz they reviewed a movie i didnt like
cant handle any opinion that isnt your own you are just as bad rofl

t. Bernie-voting redditor

At least come up with something original to say.

centrists are the most insufferable of all though.

Jesus Christ, it took you 5 years to discover that? I just saw that video and knew within 5 seconds they are liberals fags. His facial expressions and eye movements are exactly like those of Cenk from TYT.

Liberalism IS a genetic defect, learn to recognize the signs.

Yeah, but I am a movie freak and enjoy their comedy..

If anyone want's a youtbe recommendation for based movie pages check out Every Frame a Painting.

"I'm fiscally conservative but socially liberal. Ha! Bet you've never debated anyone like me before!"

My bad, didn't check i.d's. You are right.

that is literally not what they are saying at all you dipshit

You don't have to be centrist to realize that SJW and Pol fag are just two extremes to our current left right system, both sides are equally retarded know nothings who spend their days shitting up echo chambers on the interwebzz

How is 8th grade working out for you?

>reddit spaces
>calls people redditors
>uses same exact format of an insult as everyone else
Are you a self loathing secret redditor? Voting for the best out of two piles of shit is still voting for shit. How does it feel to be a brainless shill? Must be nice for you to finally fit in C:

I don't support anything they do, im just pointing out hypocrisy, which is in abundance here

is that really the plot of that film?

Mike has been an obvious leftie for years, where have you been? He never misses a chance to bring up Star Trek and how great it is with multiculturalism and shit

>movie reviewers review a movie instead of listing all the reasons people who post on Sup Forums could get mad about it

Mike really needs to shut the fuck up about star trek though

Did that make you mad because you are a Sup Forums fag and the bad man called you retarded?

Get some fresh air kid.

They're obvious lefties but not the sjw type.

Bretty much, if yoh can look past that, its actually a good film