Daily reminder that this is the swedish "nationalistsic" party aka (((Sweden democrats)))

Daily reminder that this is the swedish "nationalistsic" party aka (((Sweden democrats)))
How fucked are we?

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And the nordic resitance movement barely has any influence on society as a whole.

And most swedish nationalists are fucking useless.

I'm voting for Socialdemokraterna so I don't care

Nice bait

>Again those religious fagts
Liberals and religious dumdums are just so perfect together

I have a burning hatred for kikes.

That's one extreme wing of the party.

There are two sides of SD.

>young red pilled jew and arab hating side
>older arab hating side

SD is good enough now. Long term NRM etc. are good options although the younger side of SD will eventually take over and we can...

... Establish national socialism!

You kikes really are subhumans. Taking in you guys during WW2 was one of the biggest mistakes Sweden made.

Everyone hates you and you deserve all of it. Eventually you're going to get ovened for real.

Yeah you are fucked

I wouldn't call them subhumn thoughm considering how inteligent they actually are.
But they truely are evil beings and the spawn of loki himself.

They should be exiled for the better good of the rest of us

Though, we would probably be in more trouble if we had an anti semitic party.
Since America are licking israels boot like it's a popcicle. We would probably be at war with America.

So is the plan to keep voting SD until the youth starts to take over and then switch to NRM? Is there any benefit to just voting NRM now or is it still not big enough? Are there any other viable alternatives?

>t. someone who doesn't know enough about Swedish elections

>Getting baited by rich fox(yes 90% are jews)
>Blaming israeli jews
Being stupid is the norm sven?

There is no benefit to voting NRM.
Considering their masterplan is a revolution.

i love how people constantly post barbara lerner spectre, insinuating that she's so influential in the immigration process of europe. fucking autists.

Make sense, hook-for-nosestein

It's not that she is the mastermind behind it all.
Just that she proves fairly well what the jews think about the situation in europe.

>Making sense to a cuck baboon.
At least i tried i guess

The plan is to keep voting SD until A) the political correctness bubble is popped and B) the borders are closed. Then we can start restructuring society for real.

Cheers lads, please burn down Malmö FF for me too.

Sounds good, boys

Israel isn't SJW and cucked. Now Jews have a homeland they've seen why nationalism is important. My guess is this is why they're behind people like Geert Wilders because nationalist, anti-Islam nations will look the other way when Israel treats their Muslims a bit shitty.

Who said Israel is SJW or cucked?

They're straight up ethno nationalists, but for some reason they don't want other people to have ethno states, those jews.

I think chemical weapons might be the best idea here. There are still buildings and areas of cultural importance left.

Anyway, what you can get away with saying in public, at the workplace or whatever has been changing the last few years. Not saying it won't a slow, painful and arduous process bringing the country back on track but I'm confident we will in the end.

France seems to have the privilege of having the only Far-Right party that aren't shills for Israel. Although, in the case of Sweden, I'd take what I can get.

That's not my experience. Geert Wilders has links to Israel.

Im gonna have to vote for SD whether I like it or not.

Not a big fan of the Molymeme but essential viewing


I seen that the NRM's website editor was convicted of "hatespeech" for having something that wasn't very halal on their front page, fucking ludicrous.

SD's support of Israel is ironically another reason the leftist establishment hates them.

>I seen that the NRM's website editor was convicted of "hatespeech"

It's not uncommon that NRM-supporters get their hunting lisences/weapons confiscated for having the non-kosher opinions

why every nationalistic party in Europe habe to suck jewish cock

Hahahaha fucking goys


>In 2010, an editor of pro-SMR website Patriot.nu was convicted for hate speech after publishing an image with heading "Håll Sverige rent" ("Keep Sweden clean") and depicting a Star of David thrown in the trash. Similar convictions for hate speech were handed down on editors of Patriot.nu in 2011 and 2012 and an editor of SMR's new site Nordfront.se in 2013.

You are fucked. May as well head into the bush, and revert to vikingish behaviors. Build long boats, ply the coasts of Eurocuck, and North Africa, raping and pillaging till they sue for peace, and give you your own land, where upon the slow decay into liberalism can begin anew.

Honesly been considering this. Not even kidding.

Thanks. I thought it was more recent.

Not that the conviction wasn't ludicrous.

I don't vote


only by voting right wing parties will you get better right wing parties

But I understnd. Cause you need to be 18 or older to vote.

Seen this on Wikipedia so I'd imagine there's probably something more recent that's just as crazy

>tfw your country willingly gives up its free speech


"will" doesn't matter much in a country where the state has nearly absolute control over all media and can make changes to the constitution without the people getting to vote on it.

That's the thing though, I live in Scotland which is governed by the SNP, a supposed nationalist party that doesn't give a fuck about any of our nationals but cares about the 40 year old refugees on our tiny islands who are depressed "cuz its cold". Our electorate only admits that the media is lying to them during the independence debate and then never brings it up again. My own football team says they hate the media but hold up fucking "REFUGEES WELCOME" signs.

Scotland is being tricked into thinking it's nationalist despite not caring about nationals or the nation at all. It's all based around this cult of personality around STIRRgeon and spouting progressive, pro LGBTQ nonsense but no one wants to talk about our education system going massively into decline or even child literacy rates dropping or how about food banks actually increasing under the SNP and the NHS being the worst it's ever been? Fuck talking about that when you can talk about Scottish independence and cucking back into the EU, and be dumb enough to honestly think this is nationalism.

It's okey enjoy 4 years with SD and ZERO imegration after that vote afs and free sweden.

Israel is not a Borg cube, no matter what polandball tells you.

Death to all kikes soon you fucking zilch

>state controll of the media

Choose one, thouget evryone knowed (((bonnier))) ownes all the media even the key supplier of school books. Social demokraterna only controlls their extertion ring expo.

Also (((bonnier))) has people inside of the SVT editorial, hiting evrything down they don't like.

Yes sweden is controlled by jews.

That's honestly quite bizarre if true. Calling the opposite of nationalism just that to manipulate people I mean.

The left here have made nationalism a dirty word.

Top fucking stuff mate , now chimp out a little ya cunt.


Everybody who doesn't want independence is just a tory cunt but everyone who wants to leave the EU is also a tory cunt.

This is the political reality in Scotland right now we have to deal with. Nationalism is only bad if you want out the EU is the thought process. Essentially doublethink right? This nationalism is good but that other nationalism? ABSOLUTELY NOT.








the women the jew and the cuck. perfect team for cucking your country.


>Showing me crap i already know
What do you want me to do? Rape the jews responsible?
Do something in your own country rather then point fingers about something that everyone knows and screech when you an israeli flag.

How to undo the jewpill??

I thought I'd nearly heard every variation of political doublethink possible as a Swede but apparently not. What's the plan for fixing Scotland?

simple, sell all of our gold reserves.
Gold attracts jews, like moths to light.

>far right party supports israel

am i supposed to be shocked?

>far right party

Only communists say that. They're centrist nationalists.

Removing the SNP is a start and we already had the death of labour here but apart from that I just don't know

>pic related

Daily reminder. These are the faces of objective good.

>lgbt flag

Fi is a meme
They literally want a gulag for CIS men

>They literally want a gulag for CIS men
>Implying this is a bad thing


Jews need to die you are a threat

No, you'll have to fight. Political solutions are so far off for Sweden now

Vote AFS. SD is a good bait for the normies though.

>While typing jews with hes cum dipped hands and hearing hes gf getting her daily dose of Muhammad's cock he understood that by killing all the jews the brown cock from hes ass will lift from hes ass, what he didnt understood is that cock will be shifted from hes ass to hes mouth moments later.

You're pretty much fucked. If you think there's a chance you can still save it, gas them before all is lost.



>I wouldn't call them subhuman though considering how inteligent they actually are.

Sorry to tell you, but when you've been following a fucking mytho for literally thousand upon thousand of years, and STILL FUCK UP at the bits that has been WARNED AGAINST TIMES AND TIMES AGAIN, it implies they are everything but intelligent.

Clever, maybe. Cunning, its a fact. But truly intelligent? Nope. They don't even have the wisdom to follow their own mytho properly yet have the arrogance to claim authority over things by calling upon it. I mean for fuck sake, they as a nation are still ruled by shame to the point that they eagerly lies to their own populations about their true origin (+95% of modern jews are Ashkenazi, whom are of dubious origin) and have eagerly returned to the worship of the golden calf, worse even they couldn't bother to respect her physical shape and instead melted her into bar as to maximize her profitability. They even went as far as to make golems of the Arabian goyim.

Anyone truly intelligent and in possession of something akin the Torah would have already changed the world over countless times in the lapse of time the Hebrews existed as a nation. Hence why the entire world around them changed for the better when only fraction of their entire wisdom was thought to the goyims, like with Christianity and the likes. They are literally stuck in the previous era of humanity mentally speaking.

>implying trump isn't pro-israel

Sverigedemokraterna is far from a perfect party but if you vote for any other right-wing party in the 2018 election you're a retard and might as well not vote at all

Not implying anything. Merely pointing out the hypocrisy. Trump is pro Isral, so what? They all are. Hillary was worse. Gotta start some where..

The Jews of different countries tend to think differently, think of it like that:

They all comes from more or less the same ancestral clan, but they couldn't deal with one another so they spread out to others countries. I'm ready to bet most Jews refer to themselves via their clan or an ancestry of sort, well except the truly uninformed ones. Also that is the reason why not every jews of the world want or even support the state of Israel, even if they can instantly get the Israeli citizenship by birth right.

Of course they tend to act similarly no matter where they are because they are still the same bunch of cheap ass cunt at heart. The fruit never fall too far away from the tree.