France is going to elect Marine Le Pen?

I think is true.

Other urls found in this thread:!-video-555254

godspeed frogs

you need a macron scandal

Kek wills it

It's going to fucking happen, praise qek

I think is false.

elect her
leave EU
save Europe

Let's show those british fucks we're not degenerate surrender froggies. We need to show them our superiority!

The bogdanoffs backed Macron. It's already decided.!-video-555254

Take the bogpill, it's hard but it is worth it.

Tu te mets le doigt dans l'oeil jusqu'aux couilles.

>tfw two sworn enemies unite three times in the last century to take down the evil Kraut

It's like we're Gimli and you're Legolas

GO France !!!!


On n'a pas le choix. Si Macron est élu et fait passer ses réformes avec l'UE, la France est finie définitivement.

She's a cuck and women shouldn't be leaders, but I suppose it's a step in the right direction. Sacrificing France may still be a better option though

Vive la France! Remove kebab!

>implying the will of Kek isn't more powerful
Die heretic

Can't wait to do my part in taking down the eternal Kraut.
It just saddens me that, knowing if they go down, they will just try to destroy Europe again in the future - many such cases!


I support marine le pen

Don't fuck this up, frogs.

Support marine Lepen, Fillon is a real nazi

look at that, OMG !!!!!

It is your reward for your faithfulness to Him.

When do we know if she's won?

It's already been decided, Macron wins.

Literally no alternative

Based Geert will rule the world!

Kek please help the French be great again

Hollande two, same shit another year. The EU docent like opposition.

I was on my way the Fillon rally today. Got out of the Metro and a group of men jumped out of a black Humvee. They blocked my path.

One big French guy glowered at me. He asked where I was going. "To the Fillon rally..." in my best, but broken, French.

His eyes went big and he motioned for his two friends to come over. They quickly spoke the native tongue to each other. I strained to listen, getting scared, and just wanting to see Mrs. Fillon rouse the crowd.

I started hearing the three men say things about "le Union European," glance at me, and then the big guy started to get agitated. I just wanted to go but they kept closing in.

Finally the big guy came back. He wore a look of complete disgust mixed with indifference that only a Gallic fellow can do. He looked right through me and then - WAM - dropped me to the street with a sucker punch.

"This is Le Pen's France now!" he shouted at me as I fell. He and his cohorts just laughed and laughed. I distinctly remember being more concerned that the baguette I was carrying would be ruined though. Trauma. How odd.

Their hon-hon-hons died down as they got in the Humvee and left. I laid for a bit before standing up. A small crowd of refugees - great people, so kind, so soulful - helped me right myself before I left. I caught a furtive glance from a few, and in that shared eyespace, we both knew what was coming for France....

Reminder that assange promised info about that guy. I'm still waiting.

Pourquoi est-ce qu'ils se rassemblent toujours au Trocadéro ces cons?

Fillon était une erreur stratégique dès le départ. Les sympathisants de droite auraient du choisir Sarko.

Assange is dead

Nothing wrong here. Welcome to Nu-France 2.0 (Reborn).

In two times : first round on 23rd April and second round on 7th May.

I agree.

it'll be all april 22nd 2002 again imho

Not currently.

it's in the Bogdanov's interest to say that they are backing Macron. the consequences of this election and whether or not Macron is elected are mere trifles to the true Volk of the Bog. do not be deceived. this is the true bogpill.

seems so when you watch at all the medias propaganda

France: Second round of Presidential election, ELABE poll:

Macron: 62% (+3)
Le Pen: 38% (-3)

This must really activate your almonds m8.

The jews will decide. And they have already decided.

Like 2002 who Jospin was supposed to win...

Marine Le Pen for the Win!!!

Only woman I'd vote for, currently.

Merkel is done.
The EU is sooo ovr.

but in the end it's the one who'll be on the second round with her who'll win


tho a massive terror attack in late april might push her over

Your move froggies.

Praise Kek

you hate democracy that much?

i like fillon
i would prefer le pen but that's never going to happen
it's a shame fillon has been demolished and macron, the midget gay globalist, will be the next french prez

Don't just think it, meme it!

We're waiting...

Pray to KEK she wins...

Let the EU die!

Vive le France!

pray for muzzies to attack the intellectuals

Fillon is a trap. He is pretending to be against the bankers but actually him and his party weekly eat with the pseudo-elite parasites.

I think she has a good chance.

Elle se fera détruire au deuxième tour. Comme en 2002. Tout est pipé d'avance. Les autres partis feront barrage comme d'hab.

Digits be with you

KEK wants Le Pen elected, don't doubt it!


Thank's !


I know, but polls were mistaken.


You are all fucking literal retarded cucks.

I seriously hope you're not thinking that Marine Le Pen will "save" France when she did'nt state anywhere or in any form that she wanted to leave EU. Since you support FN you are at least one step above Melancucks or Cuckillons but you should'nt be rooting for Marine. Give your vote to the only one politician who isn't literally lying to you everyday with false hope about leaving EU : François Asselineau from UPR. I warned you. LePen will literally do nothing in order to save the country from Islam, and is more than ready to sell her ass to kikes. Don't tell that I did'nt try to warn you all. For a better France, vote UPR.

>Retrouver notre liberté et la maîtrise de notre destin
en restituant au peuple
français sa souveraineté
(monétaire, législative, territoriale, économique). Pour cela,
une négociation sera engagée avec nos partenaires européens suivie d’un référendum
sur notre appartenance à l’Union européenne. L’objectif est de parvenir à un projet européen respectueux de l’indépendance de la France, des souverainetés nationales et
qui serve les intérêts des peuples.
first paragraphe of her "144 engagements"

Do you support Asselineau ?

Say, Frenchbros, I was gonna ask
France still has an active nuclear program with like 350 of their own missiles, right?

Yet the krauts are pushing to start their own nuclear weapons program,
A "European Nuclear detterant"
Are they expecting a Frexit too?

Absolument aucune mention de l'article 50. Elle ne dit même pas à ses électeurs comment elle compte sortir de l'UE et tu vas me faire croire qu'elle compte le faire ? De plus, dis moi comment tu veux renégocier des traités européens puisque il est impossible d'avoir l'accord unanime de tous les autres états étant donné le nombre d'intérêts qui divergent entre tous les pays d'Europe? Tant qu'on ne quitte pas l'UE via l'article 50 rien ne pourra être fait en France. Elle se fout de votre gueule. Après c'est comme vous voulez, mais moi perso j'en ai plus que marre de l'islam et des kebabs

wrong, faggot. and worst part is, you KNOW you're wrong. you're just resorting to the same tactics groups like CTR & ShareBlue use: say the opposite of the truth...


Oui. J'estime que c'est un des seuls politiques français avec De Lesquen qui mérite d'avoir un poste à la présidence. Même si on peut reprocher à Asselineau de ne pas se pencher notamment sur des sujets qu'il considère clivants ,(comme l'immigration) il ne faut pas oublier qu'il cherche à restaurer une vraie démocratie et à unir le peuple. Pour comprendre sa démarche faut vraiment le suivre et regarder ses conférences bien détaillées et sourcées, il explique à ses électeurs ce qu'il fait et compte faire. Honnêtement si il ne passe pas je prend les armes, à un moment donné il faut arrêter quoi...

You probably know nothing about her program or policies so I'll clue you in on how I'm sure why she does'nt want to leave EU : she NEVER EVER said a word about article 50.

>tu vas me faire croire qu'elle compte le faire ?
elle est la seule à qui on a pas encore donné la chance d'essayer de tenir ses promesses
ça m'enchante pas plus , je suis pas un gros fan du fn mais je tente le coup pour les prochaines élections, meme si je connais deja leur résultat
j pense qu'elle fera le référendum à la brexit; après c'est à nous de pas etre trop cons
d'ailleurs si tu as mieux qu'elle avec des chances de gagner équivalentes, je sui spreneur

>she NEVER EVER said a word about article 50
she said she'll do a referundum to get out of the UE tho
which implies art 50

Sur ce point je te rejoins : malheureusement l'UPR et Asselineau sont bien trop peu connus à cause de la censure de son parti depuis beaucoup trop longtemps... Personnellement je doute fortement que le référendum donnera quelque chose, imagine juste le matraquage médiatique si elle passe, tout le monde voudra rester dans l'UE pour faire barrage au FN lol hihi

Si l'UPR n'existait pas, clairement mon vote aurait été pour Marine mais je suis pas dupe quant à sa nature de politicienne carriériste.

This is the essence of the problem here : only implications. She does'nt even explain to the people who support her the situation or how to leave EU

Kek wills it brothers

At least she WANTS to do it.
What's the alternative? Staying in the EU to have more brown imports and shit leaders?

She will win

She does'nt and she probably won't. Even if she passes by any chance, the referendum won't occur and she knows this as our population is cucked and will be influenced by the media. I don't want any more shitskins as every sane person living in France but FN is not the right choice. She is pro USA and pro kike

Vas falloir ouvrir les yeux et réaliser que Le Pen est une génie incomprise. Son programme est cohérent en profondeur contrairement à vos raisonnement superficiels.

Continue de rêver Gustave, les français sont des cocus, aussitôt arrivée au 2e tour que le front républicain magique va encore opérer. Macron ou Fillon c'est la même merde mondialiste au pouvoir et 5 ans de galère pour la France, grand pays autrefois.
Putain reveillez-vous et boutez les bougnouls hors de France bordel!

pretty good political ad desu

Rollin' for Le Pen victory!

Explicite moi en quoi son programme vaut quoi que ce soit si elle ne sort pas de l'UE pour pouvoir appliquer 1% des mesures ?



Praise Kek.

bon chance'

They will elect another kike- and refugee-loving, muslim- and niggerdick-craving, europe-hating socialist. Fuck these french faggots. I wouldn't care nearly as much if it wasn't for them infecting all of western europe with their kike-approved policies like flooding the continent with subhumans.

>bet 1.5k on le penn with 5/1 odds
>considering dropping something crazy like another 3k on her

big if true bro

On vas sortir de l'UE dans tous les cas. Que ça soit par la force ou non. Sinon le programme de Le Pen est similaire à celui de Asselineau donc qu'est ce que cela change ?

Fillon is pro-eu and pro-austerity, there is no way he is going to reduce immigration or do something about it. That's what neo-liberals do.
However I agree that Macron is way way worse..


together we must destroy the eternal kraut