Universal Basic Income (UBI)

If your energy, food, water, health, and entertainment needs were all produced at your home by similar automation to what's going to kill your job then what do you need UBI for?

You're living in a sci-fi post scarcity society.

>I would play videogames all day and all night, while occasionally taking a break to watch society crumble - how about you?

On another note, I will guarantee you will find Jewish connections to whoever had that painted.

i would fight for the glorious communist nation i live in

spend more time trying to remove niggers from society t b h f a m

I'd jerk off and shitpost all day instead of most of the day.

To buy/maintain those robots that do all that shit

>give me free shit for just being alive

why is this a meme.

Most people already spend all their free time doing nothing of value and barely contributing to the community. Are people really so naive to think that humans would be "better" people if they didn't have to work?

Triple digits confirm

I'd probably still get a job because basic income would cause currency to devalue and wouldn't be worth much.

I'm basing my post on the technology that already exists just made modular and what is expected to roll out between now and the 2030s. Scarcity will still exist for seeds in an autonomous garden, live entertainment desires, and raw material costs for what you put in your 3D printer but the costs would be as negligible as what you spend on vending machines that you wouldn't really think of it much.

>what would you do if DUDE FREE SHIT

fame, renown, and legacy would be the new currency.
i'd be an artist

professions that deal with people would still be vital, some people are naturally inclined to want to help others though, so financial incentive wouldn't be necessary

I'd probably be a lazy piece of shit.

To compensate for the inevitable price hike on goods and services IMMEDIATELY after it comes online.

Retailers will raise prices because they will look at it as though everyobe has UBI PLUS their income from work.

UBI will never be successful without price control, which is unlikely in the US as it is too socialist to get passed.

Lol that's where I am at now and I am an unproductive piece of shit and I think most other people would be too.

t-that's what I'm doing right now!

t. NEET RSI cuck

Every discussion of UBI always follows the same pattern.

Take your governments annual income, divided by your total population - that's the maximum possible amount you could get from UBI.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but look at the real numbers rather than just thinking about how cool it would be.

I would work on my music 12-14 hours a day.

As is, I work 3 hours on weekdays and maybe 20 hours on most weekends... so not much difference but I would get more done, faster.

Until control of the money supply is out of the hands of the globalists, you can forget about your UBI.


>hurr lets just pull money out of thin fucking air noone needs jobs

Why would anyone work a shitty construction job if they have a free wage? There are no robots to replace laborers, janitors, maids, sanitation workers, ditch diggers, dishwasher, or any other of the shit jobs we have pedro doing for minimum wage.

with the exception that society isn't crumbling because USI hasn't been instituted

I'd grow a garden to sell exotic food to create extra income, then with that extra income I would graduate to a higher standard of living by moving to the most free market country available, where I can then watch the destruction of my home nation as thousands of people stop breeding and participate in moral and societal decay.

For example:-

Gov spending, £700 billion
Pop 65 million
= 10,769 per person

This also means cutting every government service (healthcare, police, military) though.

dude, if you work in construction you're probably making a lot more than minimum wage. Manual labor is difficult and pays well.

>governments annual income

I assume you mean "revenue."

If you're in a good trade, I'm talking about the manual laborers, the drywallers, the insulators, the shitjobs that pay almost nothing that only the mexicans and the desperate take.

I'd play video games, watch shit like Trailer Park Boys, jack off and occasionally go for a hike. More or less what I do now only to a greater extent.

Probably get a bunch of people together to do shit for the community. Make a co-op or some shit.

Alternatively, go back to uni

Those jobs pay more than minimum wage because they are difficult and sometimes dangerously. thats why the people you listed take those jobs instead of a cushier fast food gig

>jobs are what keeps society from decaying

This is the same type of reasoning liberals use to defend blacks when their cities go up in flames as if employment strongly correlates with safety. Crime is headed downward overall and workforce participation is at its worst since the 1970s.

UBI is just a new engineered brand of communism conveniently disguised as a utopian post scarcity sci-fi scenario

Hell, it's reckless competition on the grounds of capitalism that has brought automation on the table in the first place, the elites are really upping their poisoned chalice game and people are falling hook, line and sinker

UBI is the next step in pacifying society so it can be totally ruled by the globalist elites

>Create a huge underclass with no purpose on earth besides consuming and reproducing, fuelling the pyramid scheme that is the modern monetary system
>Keep them stupid and content with increasingly stimulating yet decreasingly challenging forms of entertainment
>Force the more intelligent/useful half of society to do the jobs the machines can't do, tax them heavily, but let them keep just enough so they feel superior to the underclass


Those jobs used to pay well, until mass illegal immigration

>And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
>When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
>As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
>The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

THis is a prime example of how much of a sham social science really is.
They have a replicability of like 6%, meaning that 94 times out of a 100 if they were to just repeat the experiment/study they would get contradicting results to the results they got the first time..

They use "experiments" where they give people UBI for a year and then those people keep working and somehow this proves UBI as a viable system. That kind of an experiment is a sham because:

>that person knows for a fact that it isn't universal or forever
>thus that person knows for a fact that it will end in a year
>thus that person has two choices: a) quit their job and lounge for a year on that UBI, or b) continue working while pocketing the UBI

now lets look at those choices more closely

>a) quit their job

If a person quits their job their employer of course won't wait a year for them to come back and instead will just hire a new person to do the job. Therefore that job is lost forever. Therefore the person would after a year need to go back into a job market and find a new job but this time they have a year gap in their resume and their skills are rusty because they haven't worked for a year. So a) is a terrible choice in every single way

b) they continue working, they keep their job, they pocket the money and after the stupid social scientists have left they use the money from UBI to buy something nice for them like a new car(that's a year's salary so)

So the obvious choice is b)

But no consider a situation where a person lives in a town where all people receive UBI for life, and they all know they will receive it for life for a fact. Sure they might keep working by inertia for a year or two but after a while that stops. You're an animal. Evolution is a game of economics. You will always do something(survive and reproduce) by wasting as little energy and time as possible. So after a while no one would do shit.

This, 100%.
It makes gibs for the entire population, most people will not take time to develop skills and make themselves sustainable in one way or another. This means the government has infinitely more control since the people now LITERALLY rely on the government for EVERYTHING they need to survive.

The "what would you do" and "freedom" arguments are put forth only by useful idiots.

I would get a job, tvh with u

It already is taken care of. I am on SSI for being a crazy person.

I'm still poor and do everything to make it last through the month.


>tfw got a regular job to fund my ever growing music studio since I didn't make quite enough money from music to pay all of my bills and buy stuff
>tfw bought a fuckton of equipment
>tfw no motivation to do anything music related nowadays

I look at my studio room and get depressed now, I just use the computer in there to play games on and don't even touch any instruments.

I'd shitpost on Sup Forums, just like 60% of the population.
UBI will mean a massive influx of normies

I'm already collecting NEET bucks so the same thing I'm doing now, shit posting on the internet, playing video games and jerking off to internet porn

except fuck. Our evolutionary programming once we've secured our survival is to find a mate.
Everyone gets UBI, population and rape rate explodes.

I would escape to Alaska and pull a Dick Proenneke with a tonne of books and masturbate by candlelight to my omniscience

I am fucking content with 7-15k yearly for enjoying my life then ever-decreasing when I get established and become beyond self-sustaining
chasing after plastic paper forever in excess is a symptom of not being SORTED

>tfw this pic was right outside your window

How is this idea economically feasible? Where will the money for the UBI come from? I'm legitimately curious.