Should we be pushing for a universal birth control and teen pregnancy prevention program like Colorado since it's...

Should we be pushing for a universal birth control and teen pregnancy prevention program like Colorado since it's drastically reduced teen pregnancy rates?

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We need it in the south that's for sure. Anywhere numerous mexicans and blacks we exist

ban abortion for anyone above 120 iq.

no what we should be pushing for is chambers built solely for women to live in and to never see the light of day. they would be used for one reason only - SEX FOR MEN i mean if we could be honest for one second women are inferior and only exist for men's pleasure, this way everything in the world would be fine and all the problems in the world would be contained in chambers around the world.

No, teen pregnancy isn't bad. Bad parenting is

>not posting the webm or gif


1. Are you freaking kidding me?
2. I will guarantee you that the two are extremely highly correlated

we need to reduce teen sexuality.

Get rid of birth control and pregnancy prevention programs. Let nature punish thots.

capitalism has no place in the family. family is for socialism. a mutual relationship with the capitalist society that socialist families raise their young to be capitalist producers and the capitalist producers defend the socialist families because they need them to continue capitalism.

It's like how man and women complement eachother.

Only if both parents share this IQ. Also, if the father is a nigger, kill it. I feel that if both parents are of high intellect but can not afford the child they should end up getting some government help to raise them or have the children taken away and raised in a caring family.

Perharps among niggers, but not on whites

You convince teen women to marry young. Like in the old times

Indeed. Blacks are one of the biggest contributors to overpopulation. We'd be doing the Earth a great favor by reducing their birthrate!

> we need to reduce teen sexuality
That will never happen, they're horny as shit, always have been, and always will be, they will always fuck a lot.

Or we could just sterilize any male or female who is not white, as a start

>Massive crusade against teen pregnancy in the 90's
>Birth rates fall through the floor
>oy vey better import more muds to get your birth rates back up
>Now people pushing for universale birth control

You guys realize this is a Eugenics program right?

Birth control medication = main enabler and potent catalyst for female degeneracy

No, stop having the state fill the role of a parent with gimmie dats.

When people see what happens when don't accept personal responsibility, they will maybe fucking stop acting like animals.

It'll only punish degenerate young men, thots will get off Scot free as usual.

We know from experience that when implemented well it works extraordinarily well, stops pregnancies among the people we want to have them the least, and drastically reduces state costs since the mothers then don't draw on state funds to pay for their kids and their healthcare, etc. but actually get jobs.


>“The median number of partners was one for those born in the 1910–20s, two for the 1930s cohort, three for (those born in the) 1940s, four for (those born in) the 1950s and ’60s, and three for those born in the 1970s, ’80s, and ‘90s.”

Source: Changes in American Adults' Sexual Behavior and Attitudes, 1972-2012.

It also increases degeneracy.


Teen pregnancy is bad because teen aren't ready to be parents. However, if teens are prepare to be good people and good parents instead of slaves, then being a parent as a teenager won't cause any harm to raising a child.

Yes, teen pregnancy is correlated to bad parenting but that's because the system want it to be like that. I can't remember where but I once saw a nickelodeon serie where highschool teens were learning to take care a baby. I don't know if this is a thing in the US but it sure will help anyone who don't have family support.

Instead of teaching how to have sex, teach them how to raise a child and form a family and you will stop degeneracy.

But I'd assume that that's almost certainly more likely a result of increased urbanization than anything else, people didn't used to be around as many people. An urban environment changes it all and probably makes it inevitable that most people will be much more promiscuous.

what is it?

damn is she legal

As a fiscal conservative, I support colorado's birth control initiative 100%, for exactly these reasons.

Typical theocrat response. Anytime they're confronted with facts that demonstrate how reality completely flies in the face of their twisted-ass superstitious worldview, they go
"but degeneracy"

Post it

Unlikely to be the case. The changes were in morals.

Increasing promiscuity is degeneracy.

need it for research

Poor people won't do it, because the more they have the more money they get.

I'm sure that Christians thought the Rapture didn't happen when they predicted because of "degeneracy".

In fact, before the failed Raptures, the Christains were calling people who didn't believe that the Rapture was imminent.. (wait for it)... "degenerates".

post it

>Increasing promiscuity is degeneracy.
Trying to enforce your superstitions as laws is degeneracy.

I know this girl. She has a black boyfriend. Will post proof.

Such unbridled degeneracy, is it even possible ?

its crazy how degenerate our culture is becoming, its getting worse every day.

Kids these days have their priorities fucked up so all they do is pursue sex instead of success.

Fuck you, nobody cares, kys.

>universal birth control
I've got your birth control right here girl: keep your legs closed.

germanics arent aryan, pigskin

There is always a 1% chance that anytime you have sex there is conception even with all the layers of contraception. I wish more people would realize this every time they have casual sex.

Allow teen whites to get pregnant, Serlize shitskin teen girls.

All done, We can have a high white birth rate and no shitskin babies.

it wont happend, kid
dont you have school tomorrow¿

Covert sterilization methods that can be used on large populations is actually accessible to the public if they study biology. I'm in no way advocating this but the option is still out there.

Teen parents aren't failing to be good parents because they don't know how, they're failing because they don't want to be good parents.

It takes work and they're too lazy and irresponsible. If they weren't irresponsible, they wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place.

Teaching them something they're not going to use will change nothing.

White teens who get pregnant are trash, and will raise horrible trash children.
I think IUDs are provided in Colorado and there far more reliable than that.

Yes goy, give teens contraceptives and tell them to be even more promiscuous!

the point is that you should be thinking of being a parent every time you have sex.

contraceptives only makes people irresponsible.

Why be covert? Offer a payout to anyone who gets sterilized.

Anyone who's willing to accept free money in exchange for throwing away the possibility of a family wouldn't be a good parent anyway. Their children would end up costing taxpayers far, far more than a quick $10,000 check.

It's called responsability.
Promiscuity and drugs are for hedonists.
Laying around stoned and fucking everything that moves will not help us conquer the stars,

Holy fucking shit, bro.

Are you telling me OPs picture is actually A VIDEO? IS IT PORNOGRAPHY?


>offer sterilization to teens, renowned for poor decisions that ensure the survival of the species
typical Amerilard, centuries with a high percentage of the population being black has turned you all into witless Jamals.

Holy fucking shit, bro.

Are you telling me OPs picture is actually A VIDEO? IS IT PORNOGRAPHY?


Why are you people cruel link this?

Please post link to video in OPs image

Don't be dense. MUCH more blacks than whites would take the offer. This should be obvious.

there's no webm you fucking idiots

People have been having sex and will continue to do so no matter what. Pushing the sex is bad for you meme only makes the situation worse. Areas with poorer sex education have higher rates of teen pregnancies.

They aren't good parents because they don't know how to. It is harder when you haven't knowledge about something and then gave up because you know that you are doing it wrong and don't pay attention anymore, or don't care enough.

They could teach the responsability about being a good parent. That's something they can use when they have a baby.

Having a child isn't something bad. It's not they don't want to be good parents but instead they fear about being a bad parent because they know they will fail at being a good one because they don't have enough knowledge. People usually asumes the child will be taught naturally, experimenting, and then they procede to let the kids learn stuff that they aren't suppose to learn through media, etc.

>In 2009, half of all first births to women in the poorest areas of the state happened before they turned 21. By 2014, half of first births did not occur until the women had turned 24, a difference that advocates say gives young women time to finish their educations and to gain a foothold in an increasingly competitive job market.

So in an economy with endemic unemployment, and endemic problems with low birth rates, we're sacrificing women having kids for the sake of them getting jobs.

Makes sense.

>Birth control reduces welfare spending! Taking away free birth control increases welfare spending by far more than the birth control costs!

I don't mind though because it also reduces immigration.

>Birth control is needed for non-BC reasons

Given I've known women who I am sure were using birth control for reasons that had nothing to do with birth control, I actually buy this. Still, at most, I would prefer partial coverage to full coverage that incentivized people to seek out cheaper medications.

I find the idea that birth control is more moral than abortion funny, I've heard conservatives push that logic even more than liberals.

It's not a compelling argument for me, when both birth control and abortions have health risks to the woman, and both ultimately result in no child.

Well the blacks and hispanics here are insanely religious compared to whites and that didn't stop them so we're pretty short on options.


The pill needs to die. IUD or condom. Otherwise you don't get shit.

Really the problem with the entire birth control arguments is the liberal arguments in favor of it are quite strong if you play by the liberals politically correct rules, and fill your head with liberal arguments.

Notably, that Immigration makes us stronger, whereas welfare for unwanted kids makes us weaker. Women having careers instead of children is great.

It's just, if you really realise we're pushing these ideas with no regard to if women are reproducing at replacement, and you care that women reproduce at replacement, it all falls apart. When you know that how we cover up birthrate problems with immigration, the logic all falls apart. When you realise that when people talk about how technology is going to make labor less valuable, that means that mothers are only going to get only more important in the future, and the logic the best way for them to deal with the future is skipping motherhood to have longer careers is bullshit.

At this point, I believe a woman that gets knocked up at 19 and lives off welfare is more valuable to society than a careerwoman. People literally celebrate the death of mothers, and their transformation into careerwoman as a victory. We have a society that believes the key to ending shortages in STEM is more careerwoman.

When what society lacks most desperately is not women in STEM, but mothers. Motherhood has been rendered unimportant, if people do advocate becoming a mother, they advocate you become independently wealthy first, pop out a kid, and then use your wealth to send them to daycare, and not be one of those bad ol' mothers living off government assistance.

The idea that society should have to make sacrifices so somebody can be a mother is a concept looked upon with disgust, yet that has been the natural order of things for almost all of human history. We're just fucked in the head now, thinking we're progressing.

IUDs are safer, but birth control is extremely safe, and the complications from it are very, very mild and easy to handle and stopping the pill stops virtually all of them very shortly, abortions are more prone to complications but almost all women who have them stay healthy, there are healthy (well, physically) women who have had 2-5+ abortions.

Hell yeah we need to start wracking our young girls' brains with hormones ASAP. The younger the better! The worry-free promiscuity is just a bonus.

The reason we've lost all touch with the importance of mothers is immigration. Immigration lets us hide the importance of starting families, by importing families.

However, what we're actually doing is not getting rid of mothers, we're basically using foreigners as specialists in being mothers. We're saying, no western women shouldn't be mothers, women in africa living in huts should be mothers, and then we should import their families.

We're basically giving the poorest least educated women in the world the job of being mothers.

When we have kids in the first world, the mother goes off and has a career, while an overworked woman looking after a ton of kids that aren't her own acts as a surrogate mother.

We just don't have any respect for the importance of mothers anymore. However, in the end, it's those poor societies that value the mother, and thus create plentiful children, some of which make the journey into the first world, its these societies which will grow and become more dominant, as our society wanes because we've forgotten the importance of supporting our own mothers.

We will forever remember the outsourcing of motherhood, so women in the west could be career-women, as one of the greatest mistakes we've ever made.

We will remember us deciding to cut corners on parenting the kids born in the west, so more people could have careers in a world where there just aren't the jobs for people to land in, as a mistake.

That's why I'm saying both of them are about equivalently risky, birth control is lower risk generally but taken for longer, abortions are somewhat higher risk but infrequent, both are fairly low risk when you look at the big picture.

>Should we be pushing for a universal birth control and teen pregnancy prevention program
Absolutely! That way our population growth will decline and we can bring in the helpful refugees to fix the problem here too! They're so kind and peaceful and all they want to do is help us keep our population in check. Why even wait, bring them in now!

You do know which demographics are overwhelmingly affected by this, right?


It doesn't matter. Bring in the refugees! We need their help!

Not suprising that the NYtimes is running an anti-white birth rate piece

Better bring in those uneducated browns, whose religion is against birth control to fix the population issue that you literally created out of nowhere.

What if... females were supposed to get pregnant and its completely normal?

Makes you think.

sauce for fucking pic

who the fuck is this girl

Hispanics and blacks were disproportionately affected, their birth rates decreased much, much more.

>Stop mexicans and blacks from breeding with birth control, while stopping whites from breeding at the same time
>We did it, blacks and hispanics are finished!
>Meanwhile the birthrate of Hispanics and Blacks explodes because of muh Jesus and muh Allah
>Government deals with declining birthrates by importing them
>Now there are less whites, more hispanics, and more blacks

You're retarded and your approach murders the families of everybody in the country, including the whites, for the benefit of Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians outside the country.

The fact that people think birth control is the way to stop blacks and hispanics from reproducing, when since its introduction, the population of whites compared to blacks/hispanics has dropped sharply, is absolutely retarded. How can you STILL believe this? Birth Control is killing off whites far faster than it's killing off anybody else, and Asians are going to be the next victims, not Hispanics or Blacks.

I don't know who, she was posted to a FaceBook page called Nordic Beauty a while back.

Also relevant to what you're saying
Stop pretending birth control BTFOs blacks and Hispanics. It doesn't. You only think it does because you're only paying attention to the natives of your own country, and are ignoring immigration, and birthrates in the rest of the world. This is the exact same logical flaw the left uses to claim that immigration is making us more multicultural, as they continue to grow the extent of majority groups like Han Chinese, and shrink the minority of whites, they just focus on the national picture to make you ignore the grim international picture.

Every time you drop hispanics and blacks below replacement birthrates, the government can ship over just as many that died off, but they sure as fuck can't do that with whites, because whites don't reproduce, because they're too busy trying to BTFO other races with eugenics programs like planned parenthood and inadvertently targeting themselves.

Calm your autism bud

you are a good man

Australia with the world shattering revelations.... I need to be alone for a while

Basically, in an attempt to genocide literally the most high IQ blacks and hispanics in the world, whites are wiping themselves out. They replace the blacks and hispanics with the best of foreign countries, which deprives the foreign countries of the best members of their population, overall hurting the gene pool of the population, as the wealthiest people in the world with the best genetics don't fucking breed, and replace their own population with people from poorer countries with worse genetics that do breed.

Which I guess, in a sense, means they don't have the best genetics, because they're too stupid to figure this out.

A eugenicist would encourage people in the first world to breed. They wouldn't be so obsessed about ensuring only the best members of the first world bred, that the first world collectively just got outbred by the third world.

There's nothing wrong with the teen pregnancy rates. It's the teen marriage rate that's the problem.

Go back to plebbit

Is the program reducing childbirth among the poor and shitty people?

Fine, I'm fine with that. Better for society as a whole. The only problem is that the government will later complain about low birthrates and start lobbying to bring in even shittier third world peasants with no history or capacity for civilization.

Do you guys know what year the pill was released? 1960.

This triggered the "sexual revolution" and enabled us to have sex without consequences. It fundamentally altered human relationships. Ironically, serial monogamy destroyed the value of relationships and increased the rate of single mothers, which is probably the most dangerous sociological trend of our time. Statistically, no worse thing can happen to a child than to be born to a single mom. Ann Coulter wrote a book on this subject, and I highly suggest it.

Birth control was a mistake.