/Polder/ Early morning Wie nog Wakker edition

>Coalition tier
>Useful idiots
50 plus
>Commie tier
Nieuwe Wegen
Ondernemers partij
Libertarische Partij

>Rape victims

FvD meme folder

FvD website: Fvd.nl

Other urls found in this thread:


I've added some miem parties. Btw some people said in another thread that they will be voting for PVV Bosma (nothing wrong with that btw) because of the Afrikaner issiue. I just want to remind everyone FvD is in favour of it.
I've asked Baudet this and he agrees, he told me a few weeks later (this week bijeenkomst in Hengelo) that he has read about the Plasmoorde.

>pic related

How can there be any doubt that Thierry is /Onze Jongen/ ?

Maybe I'm too late/early with this thread but I saw a thread from 02:00-04:00 so I asumed this could work. Please spread these pics to inform unconvinced floating voters for FvD.

I'm still awake.

Should I vote PVV or FvD?



Both are fine desu.
My logic is that I would rather help Baudet and Hiddema in the Kamer than a letterlijke wie nr 25 en 26 from the PVV.

I guess you are right.

FvD it is.

I've seen you in a few threads today. Are you actually Brazilian? It's good to see some foreigners interested in our politics other than that British guy who likes almost everything about us.

Anyone here /Lid/ van FvD? I will probably go to the 15 maart election party in Amsterdam if things go well.

Do you guys realize how cancer funny it is that an (established) party VNL who can get money from the government to campaign has LESS zetels than FvD, a completely new party? Kek

I've been polling plenty of elections so far, here are the first results

And yes, I'm following most relevant elections this year as closely as I can.

Nice. I hope we can catch the early morning people with this thread. It's 05:54 right now so we will have to see.
Tbh the only thing I know about your country's politics is that corruption scandal from a few months ago when that bitch didn't resign.

I honestly hope PVV will become the largest and FVD can get 2 seats at least.

we impeached her

Hope we get more people soon, shills destroyed my last poll with over 158 bot-votes for Rutte in 30s

Yeah I read and noticed that. Very weird desu. Even before you typed that the amount of VVD votes were alarming. VVD are probably more hated on Sup Forums than any leftwing / islamic party like GroenLinks or Denk.

Btw can anyone give me a snelle renbeneden geven van de Duinerel Tempel?

I've read the pasta about children becoming unconscious when they go down a certain slide (RIBBIT hole). And that the area was owned by our Royal family.

Fucking creepy when you keep thinking about it for too long. Could be the alcohol in my case though.

Zijn er mensen hier geweest naar de FvD evenementen die ze organiseren, hoe is de sfeer er? Is het waard om erheen te gaan?

Lees deze draden wat meer man. Ik ben bij twee bijeenkomsten geweest en het was echt fantastisch ondanks dat Hiddema bij beide niet was. Thierry is echt kanker goed in speechen naar mijn mening en kan het hele publiek aan zich binden.

Als je de eerdere plaatjes in deze draad bekijkt zie je dat hij overigens van ons bestaan af weet (alleen nooit bezocht) en de Afrikaners steunt.

Jezus Kanker Christus voordat ik ga slapen moet ik toch even deze cijfers controleren voor het geval dat conciërges deze draad weer verkankeren.

Sorry, guys, I didn't get a chance to work on any news memes this weekend. I was overtaken by other events, so I only have pic related to offer up.

Until then, can I get a few translation suggestions for the following text (which will be the gender-specific text for women using the layout and image from pic related)

>In public I may say one thing
>But I keep my true feelings to myself.

I also need a plural version translation for pic related:

can I get a few translation suggestions for the following text (which will be the gender-specific text for women using the layout and image from pic related)

>In public we may say one thing
>But we keep our true feelings to ourselves

Glad to see you're back

>Wij hebben twee gezichten
>In het openbaar zeggen we wat er van ons verwacht wordt
>Maar privé volgen we ons geweten

I really appreciate your efforts. I remember you've been at this since we started in early february, maybe before that. But I doubt this is going to be used much besides the occasional Twitter account. Still, good job.


Een libertarische journalist die zichzelf heeft omgedoopt tot politicus, was bij een praatprogramma om te vertellen over de politiek correcte zendtijd, en zijn verafgoding van Pim Fortuyn, een bekende homofiel.

”Dit is politiek correcte praat, en het volk weglachen gebeurt standaard.”

Op dit moment reageerde een dappere, blonde, geïmmigreerde journalist op, die volledig zonder agenda al jarenlang het land van het nieuws voorziet, en die de noodzakelijkheid van staatsnieuws begreep en volledig achter alle beslissingen van de NPO staat.

”Wij gaan toch ook niet politiek incorrect zeggen als u wat zegt?”

De arrogante politicus glimlachte vrij libertarisch, en reageerde vrij zelfingenomen: “Meneer Pechtold kijkt weg, en daarom is het nu een puinhoop in de multikul. Westerse normen en waarden moeten gevolgd worden door iedereen in dit land”

”Fout, de multiculturele samenleving werkt, en als u zo, zoals u zegt, voor homorechten bent... Waarom pestte u Mark Rutte dan voor zijn homofilie? Doet u niet dan hetzelfde? Waarom beledigde u zo vaak mensen op tv? Zijn dit uw waarden en normen?”

De politicus was zichtbaar van streek, en liet zijn roze microfoon en kopie van 'Atlas shrugged' vallen. Hij mompelde iets over een rol in een satirisch programma, en stormde uit de studio terwijl hij de portier een fooi gaf, terwijl dit niet nodig zou zijn in een correcte sociale samenleving waar iedereen een normaal loon krijgt. Op dit moment wilde hij dat hij meer was geworden dan een gefaalde journalist die nu politicus is. Hij had graag beschermd geweest tegen kritiek, terwijl hij juist zo vol was van het vrije woord!
Het publiek applaudisseerde en allen stemde ze een paar weker later Jesse Klaver, voor een rechtvaardigere samenleving tegen het economisme.
De politicus verloor al zijn zetels in de peilingen, en werd niet verkozen. Hij werd ontslagen, omdat hij niet meer winstgevend was, en stierf in armoede, omdat hij weigerde hulp te accepteren van de overheid.

Ik stem op DENK, maar alleen zodat ik een stemfie kan maken voor een bloedmooie Turkse.
Ze heeft al gezegd met me uit te gaan als ik dat doe.
Onze date staat vast op 17 maart.

En ik hou van trollen, dus je zult mijn pic wel zien op de 15e.
Ik hou meer van Bosma btw.

inb4 Croatie; ik ben gebanned.

who will be geert's vice-PM if he wins?

Geert will never be PM.
He will be cucked by a coalition of other parties.

Ik zag deze post eerder. Waarom rasmix je man? Keertje neuken kan, heb ik ook eens gedaan voordat ik de rode pil slikte, maar waarom zou je een poephuid daten met die schoonfamilie problemen erbij?

Als Denk zetels haalt is juist goed. Neemt zetels weg van PvdA en dit roodpilt veel Nederlanders over de loyalteit van alochtonen.

Thanks, mane. Can I also get a translation for the singular verion?
>In public I may say one thing
>But I keep my true feelings to myself

I'm trying to assemble a small, virtual team of anons to help with digital distribution of the memes of been making, and have making some traction. In the meantime, however, I'll just keep making what I can, content with the knowledge that without a meme to begin with, there's NOTHING to distribute.

We each do what we can, in our own unique way.

Even if he becomes the biggest party he probably won't become PM since no big established party wants to work together with him.

Vice PM could be someone from another party like it is right now. Best man of PVV is Martin Bosma btw

Your singular version is already correct John. If you want to create more memes join our discord. Just make sure you disable your notifications because we talk 99% Dutch.

Others are welcome too: discord.gg/JEb6t

Works for 30 min

Ze is hardstikke blank.
En schoonfamilie? Meh, valt mee.

Een moslima waar de schoonfamilie meevalt?? Geroodpilde Koerdische meid die ik sprak zei dat meiden die Nederlandse jongens daten echt absoluut taboe is.

Nu ben ik wel benieuwd naar een foto als je haar Blank acht. Ik snap dat je alleen een date doet maar ben je echt van plan er eventueel kinderen mee te krijgen? Wat is er mis met een leuke blonde meid?

That's a horrifying copy pasta. Bullying against invaders, degenerates and muslims... and as an afterthought "anyone else".
Straight white people literally in last place.

What's the source of this?

Party progamme of PvdA unsuprisingly.

t. Ein Rent

Seriously, what a deliciosu copy pasta. I have probably read it 6 times now. Begin je dag met een lach.

Ja dat dacht ik ook haha. Respect voor degene die dat bedacht heeft, paste ook precies binnen het maximum aantal woorden.

He will do everything in his power not to become PM without losing face completely.

He's init for the sheckels and tying up the anti-islamvote so Soros can continue the replacement of ethnic Dutch in the Netherlands

>/polder/ wil der Linksmensch laten winnen met een klusterkut coalitie omdat ze niet op PVV stemmen maar op een splinterpartij stemmen omdat ze gay zijn voor Thierry

Ik hoop dat jullie snappen dat je kanker dom bent

>/Polder/ is misschien 100 menseb
>liever Baudet + Hiddema de Kamer in dan letterlijk wie 26 + 27 PVV
>Als Links een regering vormt met 4/5+ partijen dan wordt het kanker instabiel en hebben we toch snel nieuwe verkiezingen

>hij denkt nog dat PVV kan winnen
Hoe zou dat ooit moeten lukken? Wilders zelf doet zn uiterste best zn eigen campagne te saboteren. Zelfs mocht hij perongeluk MP worden heeft hij nog geen uitvoerbare plannen. In 15 jaar pvv heeft die vent niets bereikt. Dan liever een partij met echte plannen.

His party is really unstable. He basically regulates everything himself. I think the biggest challenge for him would be to deliver proficient people for minister posts. The most he can hope for, I think is being part of the coalition, or maybe resort to only supporting their proposals.

>Dan liever een partij met echte plannen.

maar geen zetels lul

>Als Links een regering vormt met 4/5+ partijen dan wordt het kanker instabiel en hebben we toch snel nieuwe verkiezingen

En dan? Stem je dan weer op wie de mooiste piemel heeft?

zo kanker dom

Ik heb vorige keer op de PVV gestemd als minst slechte optie. Toen was Geert ook al vlak voor de verkiezingen zijn eigen ruiten aan het ingooien.
Ik zal de 15e op de FvD stemmen omdat het de beste optie is.
Beste > Minst slechte

>maar geen zetels lul
Met die mentaliteit komt er nooit verandering. Als we ze nu 2 zetels kunnen bezorgen komt de groei vanzelf.

I have heard that the major Dutch politicians(Mark Rutte being one) alongside the royal family and business owners have an annual event, very exclusive, where they sacrifice a "unwanted kid" , orphan and such, that they get from orphanages and then put them on a train to Zwolle where they are picked up and drugged before the sacrifice. Happens once a year.

Well if it brings us a good harvest, whats the problem?

Good morning /polder/ wie ochtend tripje naar het stadhuis voor stempas hier? Fucking incompetente haagse bestuur heeft het weer eens verpest.

Gotta agree with our Asian brethren here, we would to worse for KEK desu


What you people didn't even sleep? Am I the only one here that has to get up normal work hours?

> In de bekende "doe dit voor mij, dan krijg je dit'' trap vallen

Wat een fucking BETA ben jij

Maybe they're just all Kazaam.
VNL is a pathetic failure. They had years of preparation and still it looks like they'll ruin their chance.

Wierd Duk pls stahp

Ah man vul DENK in, maak je stemfie, zeg tegen die knakker achter de balie:Kanker, verkeerde ingevuld, en stem alsnog PVV en maak Nederland weer groots

>Ze heeft al gezegd met me uit te gaan als ik dat doe.

Dit riekt naar Loverboy-praktijken van Kuzu.

We hebben goeie memes, maar zetten we die ook genoeg in?
Er zijn veel zieltjes te winnen op twitter

I don't have twitter unfortunately, making an account now would make me seem like an obvious shill.

Vers van de pers

Pic related.
I should add that it does seem like there's a lot of ground to win on twitter. Many people there still seem to think like many did a couple of weeks ago here before Greet handed over the seats.

Nothing wrong with supporting your party with memes and arguments

I don't have the details on Duinrel, but my research has been focused on a background check on some of the main political players as well as how we got into a ship that is racing at high speed towards the cliffs where we'll slam into and destroy everything that has been handed to us by our ancestors.not our fathers, mind you, because the last few generations really fucked up bad.

It's up to our generation to turn this ship around or face the most hellish future imaginable. It won't be easy and it may already be too late to reverse. Certainly people in the past have discovered and met unfortunate ends, either by being killed like Pim Fortuyn, or being character assassinated like janmaat. I haven't gotten to researching him, but so far it seems he predicted many of the problems we're currently in.

I was just taught that he's a laughable racist. Now we're being taught you're the laughable racist if you so much as post a pepe. Seems familiar?

Anyways save this post so that when I share my research, you can check the trip code. I am not in any privileged position, but I have been researching the ways in which our culture demoralizes young people from staking a claim in the world, in politics, in starting families and perhaps most importantly for upholding virtues.

You generally can not win a war where you're more virtuous than your enemy. In fact the only way to win against a stronger enemy is to be more devious.

To get to the point: I plunged into research and will create a 3-6 post on the current state of politics, why FvD is an important piece of the revolution that might take place within the next 5 years and which conflicts we are currently facing.

>voting for the controkked opposition jew that is left in every respect except immigration and EU stance
>leftist argument empty rhetoric
>leftist economic gibsmedat policy
>leftist authoritarian party
>paid by Israel that wants itself to be right and shills leftism for all other statss
>Paid by holocaust organizations in US that shill leftism in US
>Shilled socialist leftism in his youth

Please wake up and smell the controlled opposition.

Good work. It's easy to underestimate the importance of spreading these things, but they work like commercials. Even if people don't agree, it'll start to dominate their thoughts. Be sure to share them far and wide.

We prime minister white boi

Who should I vote for?

Forum voor democratie


Intellectual, PhD in Law and BA in both History and Law
>Wrote books, his most important one is Oikosfobie (Literally, in greek: fear of the house meaning the opposite of xenophobia, we have become afraid of our own home, our own identity, standing up for our values, etc. This is what Baudet addresses in his book, that we should have a Renaissance in Europe to rekindle our pride in everything what made Europe great (the classics)

>Thus, Baudet also wants to invest in aesthetics, meaning that our architecture and our 'house' so to speak, is not merely constructed out of sheer practicality, but should also resemble an aesthetic and an identity from which we can feel a shared identity, history but also meaning

>He worked extensively with Roger Scruton which, if you haven't seen it already Iwould highly advice you to do so, made the documentary Why Beauty Matters which elaborates on the point I made above.

>Is realistic about the failure of multiculturalism and particularly immigration, he has mentioned time and time again that the biggest problem Europe faces today is immigration and the refugee problem (which I absolutely agree with, global warming being a close second)

>His more general stances include
>Out of the EU (great, we want to be the leaders in our own country, and the EU as an institution has, unfortunately failed, dictating what we can and cannot do in our own country. The demagogues of the EU, perpetuating the idea that the disintegration of the EU would lead to the rise of toxic nationalism and the resurgence of war within Europe is just absolute fucking stupid
>Referendum based on Swiss model
>Immigration based on Australian model
>education based on Finnish model
>visa based on US green-card model.


That's Thierry Baudet.

Our best chance for defeating globalists. Geert is controlled opposition.

Love for you too. Good luck defeating them. US media has gone off the rails.

This guy wants gun rights for the Netherlands. It's a good time to be alive.

But Ancila told me he wants people to die ;_;

Pas op confrères, Flevoland is in de draad gearriveerd. Zou je aub je Randstadtaal thuis willen houden ventje?

Why Flevoland? Most of it is potato farms.

neuk het hbo, was ik maar lasser of schilder geworden


Shut your mouth and get back to work on your persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan and reflectieverslag.

Ik heb programmeur mbo gedaan maar kan nergens werken omdat ze overal hbo vragen maar hbo is kut.

Wie heeft het over Baudet?

Het is Hiddema waar ik echt kk-geil van word.

'morgen m'n nikkers.
Gaat heet Wilders lukken een succesvolle coalitie te vormen of wordt het weer een partijkartel

Will anyone be there tonight to stream the whole thing?

With high energy from America! What's the media saying about PVV and FVD since you guys are so close to election day?

The party cartel is ignoring FVD and giving PVV the usual 'yuo r nadsi' treatment.

*media cartel

PVV basically excluded itself from the election. Doesn't participate in debates, shitty online presence... It doesn't bode well. FVD doing very reasonable for their first election. Polls show 2-6 seats

standard procedure I guess. What do the people around you guys say about this election?

Why though? That seems self defeating if your party wants to lead the country

The usual, they're undecided between parties that will obviously end up working together.

>Why though? That seems self defeating if your party wants to lead the country
>implying PVV isn't controlled opposition
It seems pretty obvious by just how hard he's been fucking his own campaign the last few weeks.

PVV will not be able to form a coalition so it really doesn't matter at this point.

Every debate is just the party cartel picking on PVV and using everything he tells against him

Het maakt echt niet uit of de zetels naar de PVV of naar FvD gaan.

They're giving FvD media blackout. Even a debate where they invited the most meaningless parties that won't get a single seat are invited on state media NPO, but not FvD. They depend on an army of volunteers and social media.

One of the prime topics, the loss of our cultural identity is something that Thierry has been importantly responsible of to get on the agenda and you see soft mealymouthed debates about this between establishment candidates.

They talk about tougher immigration sometimes, but none of them have an interest in border controls so that is a meaningless topic, when so many millions have flooded europe and can just walk in whenever they want. (it's even a business for romanians to travel to netherlands go through hoops to get welfare, then go back and collect checks for a long time)

Us Dutchies sure are stupid during elections.

>PVV has a real chance of being the biggest party.
>FvD will most likely get 1~4 seats tops.
>Still shill for FvD and not vote PVV strategically.

Oh boy! Rutte-III here we come!

I can't wait forever Greet.

Damn, and people aren't upset about this sort of blackout? Is Europe really that bad when it comes to state controlled media?

Pvv Geert is a jew with connections to Israel. His #4 is probably mossad agent or at the very least leaked state secrets to mossad.

Geert is possibly trained by Mossad in his youth when he lived in Israel.

He has the least transparent party. Anyone that discloses anything what has been discussed at headquarters, even years later faces a €25000 lawsuit as per NDA agreements.

People here are retarded after 70 years of leftist indoctrination. Im just waiting for the economic collapse

>Finally have a chance to win an election
>14 days before election /polder/ goes full retard and starts shilling a totally different party that has an even smaller chance at government participation
Time to accelerate my plans to emigrate from this shithole, you people just don't want to win.

I'm still surprised by how little has changed after the 2008 banks crash