What do you think Anons?


Even the lefty faggots deep down know Obama did this shit.

Everyone knows it. He's a petty nigger.

>Be first black president
>Go to prison
If this actually happens every other timeline can fuck itself.

Can we see the warrants too? Feel like that's a little important to make the entire comment believable

This person is someone commenting on a Styx video. Could be anyone. I'll wait until I read it on huff post.


we need to keep the pressure on both the obama illegai jail worthy actions and pizza gate being serious and more provable than russian ties.

if digits its Kek's will.


Rollin for this to happen!

The audible chuckles will not cease.

If digits, Obama flees country this week.

He can't flee.
That will just close his cage faster.

I'm sure Saudi Arabia will welcome him.

It will make those eight years so worth it.

You know he didnt

You are naive if you think anything will happen to Obama. Presidents, aside from Trump, are above the law.

Please, God. Let there be justice

Nothing will happen to Obama, he will have a million little people take the fall for him. Obama literally stayed out of everything for this very reason. Loyalty is a one way street with the Democrats.

MFW Obama flees to the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK...

>What do you think Anons?

I think nothing is happening and nothing will happen.

He'll flee to his native land of Kenya.

Dammit, Satan! Why?

who is this random person claiming to have seen the warrants? going to the account it just looks like some kid.

Try saying negro on youtube and report back, kiddo

>comments from styxhexenhammer666 youtube channel

wew lad that's some breaking news right there

>the warrents were denied

I thought the NSA were given blank warrents to do with as they pleased.

This is all a big fat nothing burger

This is what we're doing now? Making threads based off screenshots of youtube comments from random nobodies?

The fuck happened to Sup Forums?

what about the timeline where he was never president in the first place?

This would be far more satisfying; a happy ending if you will.

If it wasn't for king nigger being president Trump would have never won the election. So, I like the timeline where Obama is president.


It was bound to happen. 8/10 threads are twitter screenshots so why not

wow i'm totally convinced now

>youtube commenter
>styx channel

totally not a LARPer guys

Since Hillary Clinton was the dem runner up, i don't know if i want to live in that universe

The cool thing is that he doesn't need conjugal visits from his wife. Since she's obviously a man, she can be imprisoned, too. I'm sure she's done some illegal shit while married to King Nigger.

Lock her up, too. Then, these men can have sex with each other in prison. We can convert their section of the prison into a zoo. Call it the King Nigger Gorilla Habitat.


They normally are a rubber-stamp court, but it shocks a lot of people (myself included) that there was a rejection for the first request. This has been a refresher since I've studied it in courses, but after catching up with the timeline we're stuck clueless until Trump (or someone else) releases more information. It's a shame that he has to put future projects on hold because of past shenanigans.

That's cool and all but I'd rather he be executed