How do we stop today's degeneracy from passing over towards the next generation?

How do we stop today's degeneracy from passing over towards the next generation?



Posting what is essentially porn doesn't help

By being a good example and not posting this kind of shit to a politcal board you Portuguese faggot

wtf I love papa johns now

We all know that only a war that exceeds the kill count of ww2 can save us.

>homosexuals are not interested in this in the slightest
And they claim faggotry isn't a mental disorder or unnatural.


what a tasty looking ass

if you unironically think that the previous generations weren't degenerate, you're delusional

Perverse sights and images like this weren't a normal thing up until 50 or so years ago.

Television is probably less than 100 years old actually.

This too

your point being?



Wow...I could really eat the shit out of that pizza right now...



the teachings of basic morales

Really makes me wank...


you faggots have nothing to offer the left offer degeneracy you offer guilt and shame what do u offer faggot


It must first begin with the parents

I'm so glad this retardation is a bannable offense.

>eating MY goddamn pizza on MY goddamn bed
>lying there in her underwear like she fucking lives there or something
>that smarmy shit-eating grin on her face, like "what you gonna do about it, faggot?

I would toss that bitch out the window, fuck. I'm as mad as I've ever been. She's not even using napkins either, look at her.

Don't forget to report all these posts folks.

It's an auto ban now. Do it for the lulz.

Papa bless

It... it's gonna be ok, user.

>Hasn't taken the BRAAPill



Don't forget these two. This is the lowest form of retarded autism.