Why is the German anthem worse than a song about ISIS and terrorism in France?

Why is the German anthem worse than a song about ISIS and terrorism in France?

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Why the fuck is this unavailable in this country when there's nothing illegal about the first two strophes?

Autoimmune diseases are worse than infections

>there's nothing illegal about the first two strophes

Because the German national anthem is banned in Germany.

There literally isn't? It's not banned and you will have a hard time finding a law about that. Only the third strophe will be played on official events - thanks to a letter an old Bundespräsident wrote. A formal law is still missing. The "Lied der Deutschen" is still our protected hymn in its full state.

It's not about the first two being legal, it's about having banned parts in your own national anthem

It's Germany you know. The most cucked country on earth. Nothing surprsing about that

at this point I'm conflicted whether we should put an end to their misery or leave them there as an example
we never really liked them but this is hard to watch

There isn't.

It's not banned, dumbo. That's a myth and common misbelief by stupid people like you.

It's not.

the way it was worded would imply otherwise, please enlighten me why the third strophe gets a different treatment from the other two

We are the liberal/jewish shithole of the world.
Not even a shadow of its former self, a destroyed nation of brainwashed idiots.
Who will hate their own country and countrymen just to be PC.

You're finished HANS.

>implying the anglo isn't trying to steadily push along white genocide

>we never really liked them but this is hard to watch

why should we care what shitty literally who countries wish they could do with us?
I can see Americans and Anglos taking the piss, hell even France or Russia. But Italy?
Besides food and tourism your country has no relevance to anything at all.
It just sad really.

do you want to be GREATEST ALLIED again?
cause that't how you get GREATEST ALLIED

Germans aren't allowed to listen to their anthem.

Aryan Blood
>White genocide
After you destroyed their original goal

You saying that actually makes me sad.
>also arn't you meant to espouse multiculturalism why are you hating on another country thats racist. :^) Besides Greece and Italy and everyone has full rights to everything germany possesses or are you racist nazi ?

