Do Atheists really believe the Universe happened by chance?

Strong nuclear force constant
Weak nuclear force constant
Gravitational force constant
Electromagnetic force constant
Ratio of electromagnetic force constant to gravitational force constant
Ratio of proton to electron mass
Ratio of number of protons to number of electrons
Ratio of proton to electron charge
Expansion rate of the universe
Mass density of the universe
Baryon (proton and neutron) density of the universe
Space energy or dark energy density of the universe
Ratio of space energy density to mass density
Entropy level of the universe
Velocity of light
Age of the universe
Uniformity of radiation
Homogeneity of the universe
Average distance between galaxies
Average distance between galaxy clusters
Average distance between stars
Average size and distribution of galaxy clusters
Numbers, sizes, and locations of cosmic voids
Electromagnetic fine structure constant
Gravitational fine-structure constant
Decay rate of protons
Ground state energy level for helium-4
Carbon-12 to oxygen-16 nuclear energy level ratio
Decay rate for beryllium-8
Ratio of neutron mass to proton mass
Initial excess of nucleons over antinucleons
Polarity of the water molecule
Epoch for hypernova eruptions
Number and type of hypernova eruptions
Epoch for supernova eruptions
Number and types of supernova eruptions
Epoch for white dwarf binaries
Density of white dwarf binaries
Ratio of exotic matter to ordinary matter
Number of effective dimensions in the early universe
Number of effective dimensions in the present universe
Mass values for the active neutrinos
Number of different species of active neutrinos
Number of active neutrinos in the universe
Mass value for the sterile neutrino
Number of sterile neutrinos in the universe
Decay rates of exotic mass particles
Magnitude of the temperature ripples in cosmic background radiation

Other urls found in this thread:

Size of the relativistic dilation factor
Magnitude of the Heisenberg uncertainty
Quantity of gas deposited into the deep intergalactic medium by the first supernovae
Positive nature of cosmic pressures
agnitude of the Heisenberg uncertainty
Quantity of gas deposited into the deep intergalactic medium by the first supernovae
Positive nature of cosmic pressures

Positive nature of cosmic energy densities
Density of quasars
Decay rate of cold dark matter particles
Relative abundances of different exotic mass particles
Degree to which exotic matter self interacts
Epoch at which the first stars (metal-free pop III stars) begin to form
Epoch at which the first stars (metal-free pop III stars cease to form

Number density of metal-free pop III stars
Average mass of metal-free pop III stars
Epoch for the formation of the first galaxies
Epoch for the formation of the first quasars
Amount, rate, and epoch of decay of embedded defects
Ratio of warm exotic matter density to cold exotic matter density
Ratio of hot exotic matter density to cold exotic matter density
Level of quantization of the cosmic spacetime fabric
Flatness of universe's geometry
Average rate of increase in galaxy sizes
Change in average rate of increase in galaxy sizes throughout cosmic history
Constancy of dark energy factors
Epoch for star formation peak
Location of exotic matter relative to ordinary matter
Strength of primordial cosmic magnetic field
Level of primordial magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Level of charge-parity violation
Number of galaxies in the observable universe
Polarization level of the cosmic background radiation
Date for completion of second reionization event of the universe
Date of subsidence of gamma-ray burst production
Relative density of intermediate mass stars in the early history of the universe
Water's temperature of maximum density

Water's heat of fusion
Water's heat of vaporization
Number density of clumpuscules (dense clouds of cold molecular hydrogen gas) in the universe
Average mass of clumpuscules in the universe
Location of clumpuscules in the universe
Dioxygen's kinetic oxidation rate of organic molecules
Level of paramagnetic behavior in dioxygen
Density of ultra-dwarf galaxies (or supermassive globular clusters) in the middle-aged universe
Degree of space-time warping and twisting by general relativistic factors
Percentage of the initial mass function of the universe made up of intermediate mass stars
Strength of the cosmic primordial magnetic field

For physical life to be possible in the universe, several characteristics must take on specific values. In the case of several of these characteristics, and given the intricacy of their interrelationships, the indication of divine "fine tuning" seems incontrovertible.

Your keys are always in the last place you look for them.


This is the most retarded argument ever. The chance of something happening that has happened is 1/1.

For physical life to be possible in the universe, several characteristics must take on specific values. Thus, every form of life capable of understanding the laws of nature will discover laws of nature hospitable to life.

No creator needed.

Everything develops and adapts in relation to each factor

What's the probability that you would have done every single thing in your life the way you did down to the minute details of exactly when and what you ate?

Very small, no one could have predicted it yet it happened. Yet for some reason you think posterior probabilities are evidence, as if that's the only way things could have turned out?

You won a race with thousands of other spermcells.
You are here, right now. Where the world makes a conciousness shift and the removal of the old world order.

still siting at my PC f5'in Sup Forums whole day

omg I hope God won't be too angry for messing this up kek

but every day is a new day, and if we decide to make good choices instead of bad from now on. Things will get better.


I don't know how the universe started. I'd have to be there to have a worthwhile opinion about it.

>I personally can not explain these things therefore my specific abstract concept of a creator is real

adopting christian morals while remaining agnostic is the true redpill


>muh God

I dunno, but there's too much wrong with religion for me to believe in it either.

Either there is no god, or he does not care. In the end, it does not matter to me. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong, I'd prefer to be wrong, but I just can't believe in something that makes so little sense and offends my morals so thoroughly.

i can't read all that, but from looking through it and reading the title, I can see that atheists are soo dumb
>equations in math and physics are discovered NOT created
(like gravity for example)
these equations represent the patterns that are happening in the universe, if a tiny measurement is out of place we would simply not exist
>there is a creator who put all this patterns together in a sequence that couldn't just happen by chance

The problem is your understaning of perfection.

Do theists and atheists waste their time quibbling over trivial nonsense? Yes.

One true undeniable fact: our time here is finite. Live it.

>Do Atheists really believe the Universe happened by chance?
What is the alternative ? Magic ?

multiverse, bitch

One of many universes, each with different constants.

Our constants just happen to be these constants. Like a goldilocks zone for universal physics.

Git gud.

If the Universe exists, that means that the probability of it coming to existence by chance has already happened. We don't know how much time went by before it happened (if the notion of 'time' before things exist makes sense). With enough time, the probability of things happening by chance comes to 1.

This argument is like seeing a face in a tree and assuming someone must have carved it in there when it's completely possible that it just grew that way on its own.

>assuming there is randomness
>comes to 1
Wrong. Chance simply means that we don't know how the DETERMINISTIC laws work or can't control them.

There is no chance.

First Post Best Post

This is also true.


Hmmm. Sounds like you don't know a damn about chaos theory or the actual study of "randomness".

What I said is basics. We are talking non linear systems with RULES. Just because you don't know the rules doesn't make it actually random.


Please explain.

I'm usually the science autist here but this is too much

cosmos is beginningless and endless, only goes through cycles. the only reason people believe in muh big bang is literally jewish scientists seeking to defend genesis in the bible.

hindus and buddhists are laughin at ya'll

randomness doesn't have rules, this is total bs
if things where random there won't be any physics or math that explains the universe
>gravity would fluctuate
>seasons won't have a certain pattern
>your heart won't beat a specific number of times in a second
you better leave this sedo-science of randomness

Required reading for curious people, not those fishing for (you)s

There is no such thing as randomness, only things we can't compute yet.

"Randomness exists" doesn't mean "Everything is random"

>Muslim Intellectuals

No afaik most of them believe we don't know how it happened yet but we will someday. Some probably don't even care about that tbqh

you don't exist, hence you're not conscious as the "universe" keeps moving for an infinite amount of time until the stars align so to speak and you come into existence just because of probability, you die and become unconscious again but things are still moving forever

agreed, which will then help us understand the intricate design of the universe

I don't believe in randomness at all, everything has a purpose
i'm a christian, just born and lived my whole live in this country

atheists are all nerd virigns. You can tell because they think monkeys just pop out of human vaginas like it was a barrell. They are all retarded, degenerate and cucks.

do Christians really believe some dude with a beard created it all?
it's bullshit. why would a god give us this ability to question things? how could we possibly than know of him or even consider him if we can question his non existence? nothing about religion makes sense, it's all about 'faith" and his "will" you can't prove he exist except with a book and some dreams, and even than that's not enough. this god allows people to create different gods, competeing with him but I'm supposed to know one of them is the right one because I just have to believe? I, and i don't think anyone knows for sure what exactly happened because no one was there, but I know for damn sure it wasn't a god or any gods. science at least tries

Excuse me, why would you believe (((science))) if it supports the Bible and the Quran? You put your trust in Jewish intellectuals like Lawrence Krauss? I feel sorry for you all...

Don't you realize le Big Bang is just a scientific mumbo jumbo way of saying "In the beginning, Jehovallah created the heavens and the earth..."?

Come home aryan man.