Trump is destroying the very fabric this country was found upon


Y-you mean, that people who break the law didn't think there would be consequences? Whoda' thunkit?

Send this pussy back with them if it cares so much. What the fuck kinda name is Xeni

I don't think this country was founded in LA, OP. Suck a cock

Is that even english? Fuck...

This nation was founded on white nationalism. Moving away from white nationalism is destroying our society.

why are there so many cucks in la? can any american explain this phenomenon to me?

>Trump is destroying the very fabric this country was found upon

fabric sounds like a shitty material for a foundation

No it wasnt. This country was founded upon immigration, not just for whites. We're a melting pot country

LA and NYC deserve to be nuked

>Trump is destroying the very fabric this country was found upon
It's *founded* upon

Deport all kids of illegals too. Children or illegal aliens are not citizens and forfeit the chance of ever becoming one.


>implying LA wouldn't be significantly better without all the illegals and welfare mooches

Trump is a cuck kike controlled opposition who's also a cosmopolitan faggot who wants masses of white women in STEM.

*Only since Kennedy fucked that up in '65

This country was literally founded on getting rid of people we don't want.

>falling for obvious bait

They swear to god they are the reason California exists.
Could you imagine taking a fucking carriage, have they not played Oregon trail?
People died getting to California.
Now they take a $100 plane ticket and claim it as their own.


Don't separate the children from their parents. Send them with their parents to whatever country the parent came from. It is the parent's responsibility to raise their children

Bump faggot

Oyyy veyyy

>literally a cancerous cunt

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>doesn't even know American History

must be a shitskin

no, i do think the left is trying hard to destroy america. for 300 years this English colony accepted south americans, africans, italians, germans, irish and asians. They all agreed to work, contribute and not subvert the nation. Now due to the lefts narratives, authority, productivity, self reliance, christianity, personal rights to speech & weaponry, & whites are demonized.

These SJW's want this country to be a third world shit hole just so they may have power.....

They are like locusts, they move to one place (California) and destroy it. Now they are all moving to Texas to flee the shithole they created.

They are a plague upon this world.

t Seattlefag

I'm been reading for more than a decade and way back when you could have a rational somewhat logical discussion on the forums....

Now. Now the vast majority of regular commenters are leftist bleeding heart types who berate, talk down, flag, and push out anyone with a differing opinion.

I still hang around cause I like some of the articles, but I tend to only lurk anything politically charged. Cause let's be realistic here Xeni, there's a right way and a wrong way of doing things.
>right way immigrate legally
>sort of right way, cross illegally and still immigrate and become a citizen
>wrong way, come here illegally
>far fucking left way, come here illegally, start a family, stay being illegal, and then bitch and whine when Trump or anyone else threatens to deport you.

No. Frankly if Trump wants your head to explode he'll recommend dropping the anchor baby bullshit and require at least one parent (and if only one of the fuck well) to be a citizen - or else you and the rest of your illegal family are going back.

I don't care how shit Mexico is - not my problem. If the Mexican citizens are tired of the corruption and drug lords then why aren't they standing up to them, why not ask for help. Why abandon your home when things get hard. Americans didn't flee when the British were putting the screws to us, fuck no we revolted.

But I guess that's what separates the right and left in the US. Most, if not all, Conservatives I know value home and traditions. Most leftists value "people", well at least the very idea of providing help to someone (no matter how misguided that might be.)

>This country was literally founded on getting rid of people we don't want.

You know the left and right both can solve problems like homelessness.
>Left - We'll just keep throwing resources until every poor ass motherfucker that can't afford or doesn't want to pay for a home has one.
>Right - We'll eliminate homelessness at the source of the problem, we'll kill all the homeless people.

See the difference? The will waste shit tons or resources to try and solve/patch a problem. Sure it's humanitarian our the ass, while the right's solution is pretty much as un-humanitarian as you can get. But on the pro side the right is super frugal on resources.

Realistically I think we need to push more solid centerist view points. If we do nothing about X how much does it actually cost us as a society. If we do Y or throw $Z at it how much benefit do we get per dollar spent. That's a reasonable solution to both sides at least.

I never trust anyone with an X in their name

>Beauty and the Beetus

Break the law, you get in trouble. Don't break the law.

She is not using real words to describe people and that is really annoying. Illegal criminals broke the law willfully and are now being punished for it. No matter how many words you make up to obfuscate this, it circles back to criminals being arrested. And the reality is that the public prefers criminals being kept away from the rest of us.